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    well it finally happened...i got a DUI on friday night. i even rode in taxis and the bus all night but decided to drive home at the end of the night. i am so upset and mad at myself. my husband and daughters had to get me from jail. that hurts my heart so bad. i cant even wrap my head around the problems i have caused. i am just thankkful no one was hurt. i have a slight love for pills and weed as well but will stay clean to go through all of this. i am 37 years old. i have a good life but need to get my shit together. this is a real humbling wake up call. i really hate myself right now.
    I must suppress the beast within so I can find my way out of the darkness.
    sober since 2/4/12


    Oh Starfairy, I feel for you. Don't be hard on yourself, the consequences are punishment enough! Just learn from it and pick yourself up. I hope things turn a corner for you soon. :l
    You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi




      Hey Star

      So sorry to hear about your trouble. Maybe this will be your "bottom". I'm wondering what part of NC you are in. I'm near Raleigh, and I got stopped a few years ago, driving drunk,
      and by some miracle I was allowed to park my car and call someone. I still don't know why.
      I can say I am 20 years older than you are, and I WISH I had stopped at 37! I knew way before then that I was addicted to alcohol but kept it up. I hope you get a grip now and don't do any more damage. It's not worth it at all.



        Star, I just PMd you. I am deeply sorry that you're having to go through this. Maybe it can be the beginning of a new life for you. I really hope you can get sober, because there's absolutely nothing alcohol makes better. We're just addicted and brainwashed.

        Do you have a plan? We're here for you as you've been active on the site before. Let us know how we can help.




          Hey Star. Sorry for your pain. But, you were just doing what we all (most) of us have done & that is driving while under the influence. All you did was get caught & that sucks. At least right now I'm sure it seems that way. But maybe as they say this could be a blessing in disguise. In all the years I have been out on the roads toasted for some reason or another I never got a DUI. I won't drone on to you but this definitely has the possibility of turning a big negative experience in your life into a positive life changing event. I truly am sorry and I hope you get through this rough time the best you can. Please do me one favor though & don't hate yourself even for a second! You made a mistake & as was mentioned you will pay the consequences. Be strong and be there for your family. Think of them and do the right thing. I wish you the best and also wish I could take away the pain that this freakin' booze has caused for so many of us. Please post again and take advantage of the support offered here.
          ~~~~Take care and be kind to yourself.



            Hiya Star - I know a DUI might be an embarrasment at the moment but it is a good wake up call for you, without things being much worse. I can't talk - I drove around under the influence all the time before becoming sober and thankfully never hurt anyone. Last year a guy who was on drugs with a revoked licence went into my lane of traffic on a bridge and ran straight into me, totalling my car and puncturing my lung - I was four months sober at the time - I am furious at him but it could have easily been me crashing into someone a few years before.

            Use this as a lesson to start getting your life back on track.

            good luck
            It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.



              i am really sorry to hear of your pain, Star. i, too, am one of those who was never caught--but it pains me deeply to know that i drove UTI--even with my kids in the car. when i was a young girl i had to go with my dad to pick up my mom in jail after getting a DUI. i can also remember how she suffered--but it became a possibility for her to change her direction. it took time for us to work through it all--but it was like a new chance at life for her--
              i wish you all the best--lots of strength and honesty.



                Hi, Star.

                Well, I can relate, as I got my first DUI last May in a neighboring state. The day I had posted on this site about going or being AF. Won't go into all the nasty details, you can find them if you search my posts. Thought it was my "bottom." I'm going to be 59 yrs old at the end of the month, and had never even had a speeding ticket. Fast forward to Nov. Got an aggravated DUI as I turned the corner to my road. Wasn't even driving funny--had decided to give a "backyeard" breeder a piece of my mind and he called the police. I live in a small town, and neighbors saw me being put in the poilce cruiser with handcuffs on. And my husband was just coming down the road, too. Had to stay in jail for six hours. I was defeated at that point and a friend helped me get into a wonderful rehab in FL. I'd gone to a 10 day place in July--still didn't get it. Anyway, I finally got it in rehab and have been going to AA almost every day. Not for everybody, but I have a supportive group, much like the people on this forum. I have to go to court in a week, and then my name will be in the local newspaper again, for all to see and wonder how such a law abiding professional woman could come to this! But that isn't important any longer. My sobriety is. I wallowed in misery and self loathing last summer and could not face a day without drinking. I cannot go back there.
                You are young, have a family, and so much to live for. Get all the help you can. You can stop this from going any further. Please feel free to PM me any time. I am her to help if I can.

                "One day at a time."



                  hi Star, I feel for you I really do. i got goosebumps reading your post. I too have driven drunk, semi drunk, bought wine and opened in the van and poured it into coffee cups.. cracked open a beer while driving.. you know the coffee holders are the perfect sized for a bottle of wine and can of beer.. go figure. yes i have done it with my kids... not sure what i was thinking, probably nothing. always made sure i was driving the speed limit.
                  its like shoplifting, or stealing, you only get away with things for so long and the WHAM you get caught. My DUI time was fast approaching, i could feel it, sense it. I could very easily be the one typing your post. Sorry i know this isn't helping but its very eye opening for me, your post has helped me and solidified why I quit.

                  thank you, thank you for posting this,
                  AF since Sept 2013...

