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    new here

    im not sure if im doing this right!!! :new: Mother of 3 , drank every eveming for the last 2 and a half years!! sometimes only 3 beers, sometimes 8 and looking for vodka , functioning , i think! nobody thinks otherwise, id like to have an alchohol free day! but am afraid , i panic if there is no beer for the night in the fridge!! i forget what my life was like without drinking on a weeknight!

    new here

    There is no right way or wrong way around here. Just lots of people sharing their stories and experiences.

    If you are ready to take the step, I know, its a really really big one, then you have come to the right place for some advice/support. The best way is to come here as much as you can, read, learn, and ask questions.

    Many ways to quit....cold turkey, meds, meditation, AA.........the list goes on. Im sure there is one of those, or a combo of those that will help you get where you wish to be.

    You CAN do this, wont be easy, but, if you REALLY want it, you can indeed live(and by live, I mean enjoy) life again. With no worries, guilt, or shame, just like you did before you ever let AL into your life.

    It will be worth it, wishing you strength, wisdom, and support to kick the beast to the curb
    Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



      new here

      thank you! Nelz, i dont no where im at!!! im on these forums so i must have a problem right? because im still in denial that i do! but yet i still ask myself.. why haven't i not had one alcohol free day in nearly 3 years? wake up thinking never again, by afternoon feel better, and then drink to relax when kids are asleep! sometimes i over do it! and have to feign sickness to my other half to bring kids to school!! sometimes even collecting them, im trying to conceal hangover!! do i try to stop completely or just try and control it? im at a loss and feel so down! i look like shit!! and my family keep asking me if i am depressed! I could never tell them i drink every night!!


        new here

        Hi Suzie,
        I am new here too and am on day 1. I went to my Dr, got meds and am getting councelling. I agree with Nelz, read read read this forum. I thought I was all alone in this, but I am not. There are amazing people here, full of encouragement.

        The 'wake up hungover - never again', 'feel better by 3pm', 'stop at bottle shop on way home' cycle is very real to me. I have, on countless times, thrown the remaining AL away in the morning, only to pick up some more in the evening! Also, if I decided to drink (which was most days anyway), I would make sure I had more than enough stock, so would not risk running out.

        ((hugs)) to you, I know what it feels like to be lost. I thought I could control my drinking...yeah right..some can, I cannot, hence the decision to stop all together.

        Have you thought about seeing your Dr at all?

        It is scary admitting you have a problem



          new here

          Hello & welcome suzie & joseph too!

          It is said that if you think you have a drinking problem then you probably do. If you find it difficult to stop, then you probably do have a problem with AL controlling your life. You can change all that, lots of us have

          I started by downloading the MWO book from the Health store here on the site.
          Then you need to make a good plan for yourselves. Take a look in the for some great ideas!

          A strong commitment to improve your lives, a good plan & staying close to MWO for support helped me tremendously. Please drop in the Newbies Nest thread for more support.

          Wishing you the best!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            new here

            yes i agree, read read and read some more. it was being here and reading others stories that gave me that push in the begining. I was amazed at the similarity between me and everyones posts. I remember reading the thread... "where do you hide Your liqour bottles" ... OMG i was shocked, i hid them in all those same places. i laughed and cried and thought, OK i belong here. and so many other posts, i spent hours reading and crying and laughing.. it was very healing. and showed me that YES i am an alcoholic. its true i can't deny it any longer.

            AF since Sept 2013...


              new here

              suziewon;1256740 wrote: thank you! Nelz, i dont no where im at!!! im on these forums so i must have a problem right? because im still in denial that i do! but yet i still ask myself.. why haven't i not had one alcohol free day in nearly 3 years? wake up thinking never again, by afternoon feel better, and then drink to relax when kids are asleep! sometimes i over do it! and have to feign sickness to my other half to bring kids to school!! sometimes even collecting them, im trying to conceal hangover!! do i try to stop completely or just try and control it? im at a loss and feel so down! i look like shit!! and my family keep asking me if i am depressed! I could never tell them i drink every night!!
              You pretty much described my story exactly, the only difference is it took me almost 20 years to quit, and you have quite the jump on that!

              With some willpower, research, and coming on here a lot, Ive managed to rack up some AF time, and you can bout making today the first one.

              Set ya some some goals, 1 day, 7 days, 30 days....and please try to do whatever you can to make it to 30. You should see some very positive results fairly quickly.

              As far as moderation, that is a 10 letter word around my was a struggle to stop, it gets easier with time, and I do NOT want to go through that again.
              Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



                new here

                nelz, thank you again, but i only ever log onto this site when im dunk!!! and everything makes perfect sense!! and tomorrow i will cringe and try to delete it from the history!!! how do i bring drunken awareness into sober awareness!!!last night i had my other half give out about how much i spent on drink!! and smoking!! all i could do was go on the defensive and cry ! how does he not know i am depressed and drinking for a way out!!! and need help!! just makes me want a drink more!!!


                  new here

                  suziewon;1260333 wrote: nelz, thank you again, but i only ever log onto this site when im dunk!!! and everything makes perfect sense!! and tomorrow i will cringe and try to delete it from the history!!! how do i bring drunken awareness into sober awareness!!!last night i had my other half give out about how much i spent on drink!! and smoking!! all i could do was go on the defensive and cry ! how does he not know i am depressed and drinking for a way out!!! and need help!! just makes me want a drink more!!!
                  I can assure you I have gone through most all of the emotions and feelings that you have or will endure.

                  Why dont you start out by coming on here when you are sober, instead of under the influence. Do some reading, you will surely pick up one or two ways to deal with whatever issues you have. This board has a LOT of people in the same boat very willing to share what has helped them out.

                  Each one of us has used a different technique(cold turkey, white knuckle, AA, supplements) there IS a way to do wont be easy, ESPECIALLY in the beginning. But, if you can just manage to string together a few days things start to slowly change for the better.

                  You just feel better, more clear, and then, it gets a little easier. Its a slow process and we all go through at different speeds, but dear Lord is it worth it. Then your body starts to heal as well as your mental well being. Drinking AL is only contributing to being depressed, such a terrible pattern, and yet we continue to fuel it.

                  Ill end my novel, here:
                  Set some very small attainable goals....1 day 7 days 14 days 30....yada yada. Once you start "hitting" goals, you will feel successful and it will snowball for you.

                  Oh, and do go ahead and add up just how much you will save going AF and NF, I know back in my hayday, one meeeelion dollars would not have been enough to make me stop, but it is staggering just how much money we "drink" away. I estimate as of today Ive spent real close to 3k dollars on something better than AL.

                  Wishing you all the strength, wisdom, and support needed to win the battle
                  Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



                    new here

                    Your idea of setting goals is a good one. I am on day 36 and am starting to find it harder than at the beginning. I know that if I give in and have a drink I will be more disgusted with myself than I already am so I am fighting it very hard. I think your third goal of 100 days is a big jump for me so I will contend myself with fifty first. Thanks for your help!

