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feeling so down

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    feeling so down

    called into work today. i can't stop crying. i barely got myself out of bed to call all the people to deal with the DUI. i have no idea how i am going to face everyone at work. no one knows but they will question why the boss is taking me and my daughter to work until i can get my licence back. not sure if i should tell anyone or not. i am just so embarassed and ashamed. if it werent for my kids i would not even leave the house. i am so sad. i wish i could talk to my husband but he is still processing this all too and i am not his favorite person right now. i am a firm believer in everything happens for a reason but my fog is way to thick to see to the light right now...
    I must suppress the beast within so I can find my way out of the darkness.
    sober since 2/4/12

    feeling so down


    I am so sorry you are feeling so down today. But, I do think it is a good thing.

    I have had a DUI, but prior to that I had many, many very embarrassing episodes. They never got me down or embarrassed me.

    The DUI didn't make me quit drinking, either. I won't go into what has helped because there are many things.

    Hang on to the feelings you are experiencing. Remember that drinking alcohol is the reason you are so down.

    I am sorry you are going through this but I hope, like me, you are grateful that no one was hurt because of your drinking and driving.

    Do whatever is required by law for you to get through this. You can tell your coworkers you lost your license. You do not have to tell them why if it really upsets you. In my case, everyone knows I am an alcoholic so a DUI was completely expected.

    Take this horrible occurrence and use it to your advantage.

    Today, I am very glad I got the DUI. It was a turning point for me. It took me a while to get to a place where I accepted that sobriety is my only path but the DUI set the wheels in motion for me.

    AF April 9, 2016


      feeling so down

      Star, just remember that at some point your sorrow will be vastly diminished, so just hold on. There is probably not one person you know who couldn't have gotten a DUI. Virtually EVERYONE has driven with enough alcohol in their system to fail a breathalizer. So, don't beat yourself up too terribly. It will pass. Just try to hold your head up and carry on. And, like Cindi says, maybe this will be what turns your life around.

      Sending you mammoth hugs :lilheart:


        feeling so down

        Biggest hugs Star! I'm sorry life is a bit complicated for you right now. Been there, done that - had to walk 4 hrs home in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night!!! Got myself arrested, taken back to the lock up, then let go to find my own way home.... Mmmmmmm. It shocked me to the core but it wasn't my lowest, which tells a story in itself huh? Be kind to yourself, and remember this too shall pass and be glad that no one was injured. I'm certain people were Hirt but no collateral damage to speak of ..... I believe every experience teaches us something - if we let it. Love and peace, Amanda.
        It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
        Mother Theresa


          feeling so down

          Yes, DUI is the lowest moment for all of us who have experienced it. I just told people I got caught in a spot check and everyone knew they could have been caught just like me. Of course I didn't tell them that I fell out of the car when the cop opened my door!!! I kept all the really nasty stuff to myself....

          Let's face it, you have to live through all of this. But you do have the choice to live through it drunk or sober. And honey, it's so much better to live through it sober. Your husband will see you taking a deep breath and getting on with it. He will see you sucking up the embarrassment and the humiliation like the big girl you are, and he will respect you for that.

          Time moves on, and time heals all wounds. So let him be disappointed for now. That's only fair. What we do really does have consequences and we have to live through that too. Boo hoo for us eh? But it's all good on the other side :h:h:h

          We're all here for you so please come in often so we can support you.
          Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
          (quote from Bean )

          Goal: Survival


            feeling so down

            Starfairy, I know exactly how you feel, and it's as if you can't think of anything else.

            It's humiliating and expensive, but it would be so much worse if a personal injury was involved. You will get thru it. Honesty will make you stronger because you won't have to remember lies.

            Recovery can only work in your best interest personally and legally.

            Good luck!
            Enlightened by MWO


              feeling so down

              Dang Star,

              My heart is heavy for you......

              Its not something Im proud of but Ive had more than my fair share of times that had a cop been behind me, I most certainly would have been cited for DUI/DWI. Especially with the way the police have been cracking down on it.

              I "think" I can empathize with you, totally understand how you say you feel as if you are in a fog, its a pretty life jarring event. I dont know the exact stats on it, but I imagine the number or people with DUI's is a fairly high number.

              I personally dont think the stigma is quite the same as it was years ago for such an offense. Im from the school that believes honesty is the best way. If your co workers dont know why the boss is taking you, they may form their own ideas.

              Although its not good, its certainly not the end of the world. Probably wont be fun to have to muddle through the legal hassles, and the logistic hassles of getting around, but it cant last forever.

              Wishing you strength in your time of need, and I hope you can turn this around and use it maybe for some inspiration the next time you need it. Hang in there
              Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



                feeling so down

                You are going to be OK, Starfairy. I hate the feeling of that utter despair, but it's not forever. I second the suggestion that you should try being good yourself right now. Nobody wants to be an alcoholic. It's a lousy, terrible condition. You are not that condition. It is something that you are afflicted with. You can get better, and you will. Hang in there.

                You are here:


                  feeling so down

                  Star -

                  I feel for you, and completely understand. I've had 2 DUI's, the 2nd within the first year of the 1st (statistics say that will happen..but I thought "Not me!!!"). Somehow I muddled through and did everything required to get out of the "system". Although they still haunt me from time to time, they are OVER. Yours will soon be over too. I know it's hard right now, but just hang in there and do what you need to do to get it done. Like others have said, MOST people have driven legally's just a matter of getting caught.

                  You can get through this!

                  Sending you strength :h

                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                    feeling so down

                    Hey Star

                    Hang in there! I know it's bad, but things will get better. THis is a problem many people face (and some have it and DON"T face it) and it is not your fault. You are not a bad person!
                    It's a lesson. THat's it. It's a struggle; life is full of them.
                    You have a lot of reasons to be sober, including your kids. First you have to do it for you, so you can look yourself in the eye and feel good about YOU.
                    I'm sure it seems dismal right now, and I would bet that, at least to some degree, there is an alcohol withdrawal issue. It can be slight, but it can make your brain feel scrambled and your heart feel hopeless.
                    Stay strong. Keep your head up. Just say "I messed up. I will do what I have to do to get better."
                    Stick around here and PM any one of us for support if you like.


                      feeling so down

                      Hi Starfairy

                      I am so sorry that you feel so bad. The DUI is a terrible thing to have happened but it seems that it might just be your saviour. Anyone who does drive after drinking is asking for trouble - I'm not pointing the finger, truly, but by having your licence revoked means it's taking you and others out of danger.

                      It could have been a lot worse you could have ended up killing yourself or someone else and that is worse than having to face your work colleagues/family and friends and admit you've got a DUI

                      Love no one needs to know you've got a drink problem a lot of people not considered to have a problem get behind the wheel after drinking more than they should, not that I'm saying this is okay, I'm just saying that those people who do risk drinking and driving would just say you were unlucky to get caught.

                      So don't feel that you've got to tell anyone about your drinking habits if they ask just say you'd had too many that particular night and got caught. As for your hubby being angry he's probably angry but also worried that it could have been so much worse, he'll come round.

                      Just take the DUI as a severe warning that it's not acceptable to drink and drive and that it's taught you a lesson. The shame and embarrassment with subside and when it does try to get help with your drinking if you think you need it... this forum is a wealth of information, with lovely supportive people who are here 24/7 - they won't judge and will listen and advise wherever they can.

                      Take care and good luck with it all:h

