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Forgot to drink the wine!!!

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    Forgot to drink the wine!!!

    Hi Violet & :welcome:

    Well done with the method that you have already found, I'm sure that you will find this site helpful as well. The people here are so supportive.

    All the best, Paula xx:h :l :h


      Forgot to drink the wine!!!

      :welcome: Violet,
      This is truly a wonderful place to be. You are doing great way to go.

      :l :h
      "What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it."
      Catherine Pulsifer


        Forgot to drink the wine!!!

        Okay, I live in Illinois. Not just a couple of hours drive from Chi town. Where do you find Kudzu supplements. Online only or GNC or Where? I would love to give those a whirl also. I'm doing Evening Primose Oil a whirl after reading:

        I'm a full blood Native American. If there are any of you(native americans) out there on the boards who have been able to get to a good place let me know. From what I have learned us full bloods or Half bloods (maybe even less.........) have to really battle the alcohol. Any advice would be wonderful. I do get advice from a full blood Lakota who has done AA completely that so that she is a sponsor these days(even after having to turn down drugs after a hysterectomy). I listen to her only because she is one of my best friends who has stuck by me through all my darkest days..........

        So, I think Kudzu may help me out. So any reputable websites or stores to get it from would be a major help in my War.............


          Forgot to drink the wine!!!

          Just h, you can get Kudzu rescue from the health store on the MY Way Out site. Let us know how it works for you.

          I am so glad you mentioned the link to the article about the primrose oil etc. I was hesitating spending the money on the supplements until I read that. The portion A family affair: essential Fatty Acidsreally hit home. I am not Native American but my grandparents were Scandinavian, I have had depression since childhood, alot of suicide in the family tree etc. So primrose oil sounds definitly worth trying.

          Also I was diagnosed as hypoglycemic before I began drinking so that is an interesting connection as well.

          Are you doing the hypno CD's,(I just ordered mine) any other supplements or medications.?

          Wishing you the best of luck
          Living well is the best revenge

