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Irie's Journey to 30 days...

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    Irie's Journey to 30 days...

    Good Morning everyone - Ishy - I am so proud of you for getting through day 2 !! Even more so as you were out - but it was really interesting to hear of others there saying about going AF for 30 days...maybe they are here on this site too??? I also remember a girl at work a few years ago saying that she was going 30 days AF (that was before I decided I had a problem!!). So yes, I agree with UW - I think there are so many more than we know of that DO have a problem! It is indeed a sticky slope.

    Irie - DOUBLE digits today - go you. SO well done! you must be feeling really good about yourself. I am really pleased to have been a part of this with you - it is SO hard!

    SL - I had forgotten that you had 60 odd days before - and yes, we do learn from our slips. I know I have for sure !! It is just so frustrating to have to start again at day 1, but each time we learn and we will eventually get there and stay there. hang in there - you CAN do it - I keep saying it and I will keep on saying it - I know you can do it!!

    Shu - how did you do yesterday? Did you give in to that little monster in your head? It is hard not to I know, but try and think it through to the end....and then to the next day....

    Where are all the others who joined in here - I wish they would come back - it doesn't matter if you slipped - come back anyway.......join in again.....

    Have a great day everyone,

    Hugs, Sun X
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      Irie's Journey to 30 days...

      Hey sunshine,

      I had my very first sober Valentine day and enjoyed every minute without feeling deprived. Hubby was intent on a fancy bottle of Italian - I told him I am not drinking ( was ready with my little speech that I had been cooking for the last 2 days) - he put his finger to my lips and said " No need to explain, you know better". Sweeeeet.

      Last night I was the last one out of the office - I opened the office fridge and told the monster in my head " see that lovely chilled half bottle of chardonnay ? you're not getting any". Having said that I'll tell my staff they need to finish it off on Friday.

      Ha ... the joys of living in Europe ...
      workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


        Irie's Journey to 30 days...

        Day 10!

        Hooray! I'm turning into that person I was afraid I would never become. I couldn't be happier. I'm finally feeling hopeful about my future and my ability to be the person I want to be. Unwasted and Sunny, I can't tell you how much it helps to have had you join this thread. You are ahead of me on the very same road I'm taking, so I see you, and others who are breaking free as my role models. And Scottish Lass, I too had forgotten that you had over two months AF under your belt, so you are also a mentor for me. I've never been farther than I am now, so it's all uncharted waters.

        Thanks to all of you who post on this thread and the board. It's so aptly named, because I really do see it as my way out.
        ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
        Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


          Irie's Journey to 30 days...

          Cross post, Shue. I had to chuckle over your post. Not long ago I had to discipline two employees who drank on their lunch hour and returned to work. It's funny to think of a bottle of wine in the office fridge!
          ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
          Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


            Irie's Journey to 30 days...

            Irie, yay! Could it be that this will be your time to remain AF? It sure sounds like it to me! I think we know when it's going to stick.......I felt different this time, and I think you do too. Now, it will be a matter of not being blindsided when you least expect it. Vacation is the one thing that can undermine me, so I'm determined to be ready for it on the next one.......of course having a lot of time under my belt will help. I think when I fell before I was very newly sober and just said F it! Not this time. So happy that you're feeling positive.........really pulling for you!

            Shue - your first sober Valentine's too! Another milestone notch!! It's great that your hubs is getting it. That's going to help you tremendously, or at least it did me.

            Sun, you're sounding great and like you're very firm in staying sober..........doesn't sound like you've had temptations at all. Good for you!

            SL, I think hormones are a bitch....have had to deal with all of that too. It's difficult at times, but doable. I didn't take anything but quitting alcohol helped a lot........I'm 100% sure it exacerbated my hot flashes.

            Ishy, hope you're crusing along and adding some days. Let us know how it's going.

            Sending everyone peace and strength..........let's make it another AF day and be good to ourselves. We deserve a life without the torment of alcohol! :lilheart:


              Irie's Journey to 30 days...

              Of, Irie .... if you'd only known the full extent of AL tolerance here ...

              enjoy your natural, legal, sober high, sweetie ... I loved the previous post.
              workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                Irie's Journey to 30 days...

                Hello everyone,
                Congratulations on 2 digits Irie, that's a huge accomplishment!
                Shue, being able to say no to your husband and have his support is magnificent! My husband is supportive but hard to say no to.
                SL, I am in CA too, so lets get through the witching hours together! Last year around this time I had 47 days. I reread some of my journal entries from over the years and it really is amazing how long I've been drinking and how long I've been hating myself for it. Yuck.
                UW and Sun, you two are very motivating, so thank you!
                Day 3 down onto 4. I will check in later....thanks all, i really luv this thread.


                  Irie's Journey to 30 days...

                  good on all of you!!
                  you did it Irie--keep on movin' along!!
                  and shue, ishy--
                  thinking of you all.


                    Irie's Journey to 30 days...

                    Irie, Ishy, Sunshine, Shue, SL and UW..Hi

                    Is there room for one more on this thread?

                    Like you Irie, I am AF free from the 6 Feb 2012 after drinking a lot daily (2 bottle of wine) for almost 3 years. This forum has been a live saver for me over the past month or so. Day 11 for me today (I am in Australia) this is a major milestone for me, having not ever achieved that in the last 3 years!

                    I decided to take meds to help me on my journey and am taking Antabuse (it is the only thing I cannot drink on), and it is helping heaps.

                    I understand the internal agrument that goes on in your head all too well...drink/dont drink, 100% of the time, I gave into the drink argument!.

                    Looking foward to getting to know you all
                    xx Jo


                      Irie's Journey to 30 days...

                      Hey Mumof 2 - welcome and of course you can join in - the more the merrrier and it is awesome that you want to join in!!! Wonderful that you are AF already - day 11 is just wonderful - like Irie, you have made double digits!! It is such a wonderful feeling isn't it to wake up feeling clear headed? I am proud of you for making it this far - those first few days are just so hard - of course there are other hard ones too, but I think if you can do those first few then you have broken the back of it. Jolly well done !!

                      Lifechange - lovely of you to pop in and cheer the others along - just jump in when you feel you are ready - eh?? :l

                      Irie - you are sounding so positive and happy - and you have no idea how happy it makes me to be able to BE here on this thread cheering you along - no idea at all!! Re the booze in the fridge in Europe - you also have no idea what it is like there regarding drinking!! It is way more accepted and way more folk drink - unfortunately, which is why it often IS in the fridge at work - LOL. Not always - and not all countries but when I worked in Germany, it was often the norm.

                      Ishy - nearly into day 4 - you go Girl!!!! Those days are just mounting up aren't they?? And with each one, it will get a tad easier and you will feel a tad better. Why is it hard to say no to your hubs - if he is supportive, why is he offering you AL? he needs to understand that you are trying NOT to drink! I can hardly believe that mine still hasn't had a drink - I thought he would have started long ago, but he is still AF - I have never known him go this long ever without AL - EVER!

                      Shue - that sounded so sweet of your hubs - yes, it is wonderful when they are supportive. Mine was supportive and it really amazed me when he said he was quitting too. He didn't last time I quit but then he didn't drink 'my' drink so it didn't bother me. I laughed at you talking to the monster and telling it it wasn't getting any of the wine! good for you! Such discipline!

                      UW - I am totally sure that the AL made my Hot flushes worse. They were bad enough as it was, but it seemed that the nights I drank more, they were really bad. Because I had BC, I couldn't take anything for them either - so tried to cut down on the AL, but didn't do a very good job, but yes, for those of you going through it - I do think that the AL makes those hot flushes worse. UW - I am so pleased that you are here with us on this thread!!! You are a blessing for all of us here!!

                      Hugs to all,

                      love, Sun X
                      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                        Irie's Journey to 30 days...

                        MumOfTwo;1262947 wrote: Is there room for one more on this thread?

                        Like you Irie, I am AF free from the 6 Feb 2012 after drinking a lot daily (2 bottle of wine) for almost 3 years. This forum has been a live saver for me over the past month or so. Day 11 for me today (I am in Australia) this is a major milestone for me, having not ever achieved that in the last 3 years!
                        Hi, Mum! Yes, of course there's tons of room! How fun that we have the same start date. I was actually born in Australia... can I be on day 11, too? :H

                        On second thought, I'm more than happy with day 10, and can wait until morning to celebrate day 11.

                        Good to see everyone here tonight! Let's just keep putting one foot in front of the other,it gets easier and easier!
                        ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
                        Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


                          Irie's Journey to 30 days...

                          Hi Ishy - almost 7pm and the fight is on again, hanging in thou, loving the mornings - hating the fight just now, keep thinking about the morning tomorrow. Is it only end of day 4 - good grief, feels like a lot longer than that! This seems to be taking forever to get to the one week mark!! Got home, signed in to post, now off to cook some supper....and then will check back again.
                          rereading entires is eye opening and a really good thing to do - great reminder.
                          Good evening to Irie, Sunshine, UW, LC, Shue - and welcome to Momof2!
                          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                            Irie's Journey to 30 days...

                            Hi SL et al....
                            I'm hanging in.....I'm eating everything that is not nailed down and I can't wait to go to bed. I've been really really tired. Hello mumof2, I'm a mom of 2 too. 10 and 8 year old girls. Irie, I love the morning although I have not been very energetic .
                            Check y'all later.


                              Irie's Journey to 30 days...

                              Similarities!!! I am mom of two as well, I have two girls 11 and 13 - and I am doing this so verymuch for them and all the time I have missed with them. Ang the ice cream drawer is getting really low!!!
                              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                                Irie's Journey to 30 days...

                                thanks for the warm welcome everyone..the support here is amazing

                                BTW - I like multi quoting

                                sunshinedaisies;1262964 wrote: Hey Mumof 2 - welcome and of course you can join in - the more the merrrier and it is awesome that you want to join in!!! Wonderful that you are AF already - day 11 is just wonderful - like Irie, you have made double digits!! It is such a wonderful feeling isn't it to wake up feeling clear headed? I am proud of you for making it this far - those first few days are just so hard - of course there are other hard ones too, but I think if you can do those first few then you have broken the back of it. Jolly well done !!

                                Hi Sun - the clear heads are amazing and the sleep is even better! I must be a high functioning alcoholic, cause I still managed to work well, run a household etc after a night on the drink (every night mind you..) Life is so much better now

                                Irie;1262986 wrote: Hi, Mum! Yes, of course there's tons of room! How fun that we have the same start date. I was actually born in Australia... can I be on day 11, too? :H

                                Hi Irie - I was not actually born here, we immigrated in 2000. But love it, great place to bring up kids. a few more hours until your day 11 - well done We can celebrate milestones together.

                                scottish lass;1263027 wrote: Hi Ishy - almost 7pm and the fight is on again, hanging in thou, loving the mornings - hating the fight just now
                                scottish lass;1263049 wrote:
                                Similarities!!! I am mom of two as well, I have two girls 11 and 13 - and I am doing this so verymuch for them and all the time I have missed with them. Ang the ice cream drawer is getting really low!!!
                                Hang in there SL :l Hopefully the cravings and inner arguments will pass soon. My girls are 9 and 13, it is soo good to kiss them good night and have chats with them without wondering in the morning what we were talking about :blush

                                Ishybit;1263042 wrote:
                                Hi SL et al....
                                I'm hanging in.....I'm eating everything that is not nailed down and I can't wait to go to bed. I've been really really tired. Hello mumof2, I'm a mom of 2 too. 10 and 8 year old girls. Irie, I love the morning although I have not been very energetic .
                                Check y'all later.
                                Hi Ishy, glad to see you are hanging in there. I found eating helped the cravings a bit for me..I am a mum of two girls as well 8 and 13

                                Wishing you all a safe and uneventfull evening..hugs to you all


