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Irie's Journey to 30 days...

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    Irie's Journey to 30 days...

    Hey everyone - just a quick drop by and show of support. Stay strong - you're doing great. ML, again, so happy that you're moving forward.



      Irie's Journey to 30 days...

      Good morning!
      Irie,Tim can't believe you're a grandmother 5 times. Your avitar and attitude are of college age to me. I mean that in a good way of course! it looks like we're all taking a page out of your book. I like the way that sounds and I like the way it feels.
      Sunshine, your husband is a rock. And you are a rock for us.
      Shue, there are times I feel like there is an elephant in the room and no one acknowledges it even when you spell it out. It's simply crazy or life's condition.
      Life change, you are so right, I thought I was going to crawl out of my skin with craving last night but amazingly it passed and I feel a stronger resolve today.
      Nelz you have to keep posting, testosterone is good for this girlie group.
      Mylife, let's do it!
      SL let's get thru the witching hour together.
      Have a great day. Day 6 for me.


        Irie's Journey to 30 days...

        Hi mumof2!


          Irie's Journey to 30 days...

          Quick check in as it if Friday, I am not on call this weekend, girls on their way home and it is a three day weekend - we all know what that means - AND the sun is shining, so witching hour starts early! Hang on for the ride Ishy - we will do it! End of tomorrow it will be a week.....
          Will checkin later and post more...
          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


            Irie's Journey to 30 days...

            Hi MyLife! I'm so glad you are joining us. I have my guard up too, because this is about the time I also get complacent. I'll be really interested to hear how the Antabuse goes for you. I've had thoughts off and on about trying it.

            Tonight was actually the first night that was a bit of a struggle. As luck would have it though, I spent the witching hour, plus the next three driving through a mountain pass in a blizzard! I had lots of time to think it through and let the urge pass. I'm safely home, so I'll be waking up to lucky day 13 AF!

            Well, we still have the rest of the weekend to get through! I don't know about the rest of you, but those are definitely the hardest days for me, so I'll be sticking close to the board. Let's all get through it together, shall we?
            ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
            Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


              Irie's Journey to 30 days...

              Ishybit;1264038 wrote:
              Irie,Tim can't believe you're a grandmother 5 times.
              Just one question, Ishy.... who's Tim? LOL (I'm cracking myself up!)
              ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
              Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


                Irie's Journey to 30 days...

                Hi Irie,
                Ha, ha. If there is a Tim out there, I'm sure he'd be impressed too! My iPad has a mind of it's own.
                Getting thru day 6. It's not always pretty. I've kept myself busy with my girls this afternoon and evening.
                Check everyone later.


                  Irie's Journey to 30 days...

                  Thanks for starting the thread Irie - not selfish, given some of us a place to cal home :H
                  Got thru a Friday night, watching a disney movie with my girls and actually planning what to do tomorrow - love it, though I still hate witching hour!
                  Hi ML, glad to have you join us.
                  So looking forward to waking without a hangover tomorrow, NOT like last weekend - thank you for all the help, this has been a big support this week! Ishy and I are going to make it (aren't we!)
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    Irie's Journey to 30 days...

                    Good HFM (hangover free morning)!!!

                    I practiced surfing the urge last night ?several times. I am getting the hang of it. It is easier with the cravings associated with food / cooking ? I can easily distract from those thoughts. Anxiety is my worst trigger.

                    SL & Ishy ? well done, holding hands like that. I am ever so slightly envious (given that I am in the time zone waste land in between Australia and US). Nevertheless, I have made quite a few special friends on MWO and always looking for more.

                    Lifechange ? you mentioned you live in Germany ???? that?s the closest to me yet.

                    Irie ? we have a very heavy winter here too ? also one of the reasons I am extra careful about staying AF, especially when driving. I am ashamed to say that I have driven half toasted many many many times. Thank God nothing ever happened ( well ? forgot my car keys in ignition one night ? searched the whole house in the morning, forgot my phone in the trunk ? as I lifted groceries bought while drunk, locked one of the cats in the car all night ?)

                    Mylife, Mom of Two , Sunshine ? sorry but I have to run ? Footbal game for my son.

                    OMG .. I AM a soccer mom.

                    Nelz ? pls pls pls stay ? I promise I?ll behave and not bore you with talk of shoes
                    workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                      Irie's Journey to 30 days...

                      Good Morning everyone - can't believe that - first time ever for me - was typing and hit a wrong key and my post disappeared! tried going back and forward but it was GONE. Oh well! Back to the drawing board......

                      Shu - PLEASE take off that bit at the bottom of your post where it says under AF days - Not enough to make a difference - even ONE day makes a difference!! It really does!!! I don't count days but that is just me - it is enough to know I am AF. But you sound so sad that your brilliant AF days don't make a difference. THEY DO. It is awesome if you even have ONE !!! Well done on surfing the urge last night too. That is really great!!

                      SL - so wonderful that you got through last night - and yes, even though the weekend is coming and last night was Friday, they are really just like any other day (even more so for those us of working in retail - LOL). You know that you can do this - you are doing so well. Just hang in here and come back and read your posts and you will do it !! I have every faith in you!!

                      Hi Irie - or should we call you Tim - LOL So happy you too are still doing well.

                      hells bells - seeing as I lost my previous post - I don't have time this morning - I have to leave for work - know that I am so proud of ALL of us here - Mumof two, Ishy - how are doing? Mylife - how are you today? I am hanging in here with you all - just rooting for you - I know if I can do this, you all can too!!

                      I am off to work - hugs to you,

                      Sun XX
                      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                        Irie's Journey to 30 days...

                        good morning everyone!!
                        way to rock on making it through another day AF!! YEA!!!
                        isn't it nice, SL, to be able to plan for tomorrow.
                        every evening i make it without drinking i am so damned thankful!!!!!
                        a big sigh of relief and another day won.
                        where are you, Shue??
                        hugs to you all and lots of strength this wonderful weekend.


                          Irie's Journey to 30 days...

                          Day 13!

                          Good morning... or afternoon, or evening! It's hard to wrap my brain around time zones. One of my daughters lives out of the country and my days are her nights. It really makes it hard to keep in touch!

                          I hate losing posts, Sun. It's happened to me a few times, too! I use an iPad just like you do, Ishy, and I agree, they take autocorrect to a new level! I just love mine, though. I don't go anywhere without it.

                          I'm so glad it's Saturday. I have lots of fun plans today before I knuckle down and head back to the office tomorrow. I love to make jewelry, so I think I'll be doing that with a big chunk of my time today. An "old" Saturday would have started to wind down at noon or 1 pm when I opened that ever present bottle of wine. I'm realizing that another great thing about not drinking is that I now have bonus hours added onto my weekend. What a gift! As if I wasn't happy enough about this new lifestyle already!

                          I'm looking forward to checking in over the weekend to see how everyone is faring. I hope you all just sail through!
                          ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
                          Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


                            Irie's Journey to 30 days...

                            Hello..morning..evening..afternoon wherever you are in the world, hope you are all doing ok and keeping the monster off your back.

                            Sorry for not posting yesterday (Sat), my day was full of kids stuff.

                            Mylife - welcome, this is a great thread with wonderfull ladies (and gents Nelz . I am on Antabuse and it has made a huge difference to me. It has completely changed my way of thinking. I am on day 14, same as Irie. Although I must admit that I still have moments when I convince myself that I will be 'just fine having a couple' ha ha ha, like that would ever happen (more like a couple of bottles). Good thing with 14 days antabuse under my belt @200mg per day, I would have to be off it for 2 weeks before I would be able to have AL, so it kind of takes to accidental slip ability away.

                            Irie - I know that you mean about having more time on your hands, I also feel more moitivated to do simple stuff (like tidy up, clean etc etc) rather than just sit on the couch and drink.

                            LC, Sun, Ishy, Shu and SL - Hi - good to hear that you are all making it though day by day

                            Shu - I agree with Sun, any AF days are a biggie, even one makes a diffence, so dont be so hard on yourself ya hear (hugs). The other thing, I remember (I think it was you who posted) about the AL at work. Here in AU, for my company anyway, we are not allowed to have AL at all. No friday night drinks etc. However I remember when I was working in the UK, friday lunchtime meant down at the pub having a few, I never partook as I didn;t think it would be a good idea to be passed out by 5pm lol. Amazing the cultrual difference.

                            Another warm day here, 35C and tomorrow is 37C (air con will be working over time). However I am jealous of those with snow, I have never seen real snow, neither have my kids.- maybe one day

                            Today is 'doing stuff around the house' day. If anyone would like to send the cleaning fairy my way, it will be greatly appreciated as I would rather be in relaxing and readin a book LOL

                            I just want to say that this board/thread is amazing and not only do you all offer great support, it is a great grounding for me, esp when I get into the 'oh I can drink a few' mind set. I remind myself of what I have read and what I have posted, Mega {{HUGZ}} to you all.

                            With regards to DH and AL, I also left mine alone, did not say anything to him (just told him I was stopping) and he joined me a few days later (like Sun's dh, bloody iron will they have !!). Like you Irie, we drank together, heavily for a long time, new chapter is unfolding in this household. Hopefully your hubbie will come around all on his own.

                            Well I have rambled enough for today enjoy the rest of the weekend, hope everyone has an AF one, and those with a long weekend, have fun


                              Irie's Journey to 30 days...

                              Well, Saturday night is AF!! Last night and tonight were a little hard, but I think that's normal for the weekend. I'm also on a diet, so I've had a little bit of the "Poor me, is there anything I can do?" thing going on. It's only momentary though, and in no way is going to derail me. When I think of the number of times every day I literally feel a thrill of excitement about how I'm finally, finally beating this thing, there's no comparison.

                              Mum, I am so excited about what's going on with my husband! He didn't drink at all this week, and tonight is just having a couple of beers. He's a big rum drinker, so this is huge! It feels wonderful to both of us to be having sober evening conversation, and going to bed sober! Life is good! I never, never saw this coming when I stopped drinking.

                              I sure wish I could send you all our snow! It would be a win win for both of us! I love it at the start of winter, but by this point in the year I'm just itching to get out in the garden.

                              How is everyone else doing this weekend? Hopefully great, but if anyone struggles or falters, come back! I almost stopped logging in to this site a couple of times when I couldn't face admitting one more time that I had slipped. I just thank God I kept coming back, because it was all part of getting where I am this minute, and that's a very happy place!
                              ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
                              Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


                                Irie's Journey to 30 days...

                                Irie;1264665 wrote: Well, Saturday night is AF!! Last night and tonight were a little hard, but I think that's normal for the weekend. I'm also on a diet, so I've had a little bit of the "Poor me, is there anything I can do?" thing going on. It's only momentary though, and in no way is going to derail me. When I think of the number of times every day I literally feel a thrill of excitement about how I'm finally, finally beating this thing, there's no comparison.

                                Mum, I am so excited about what's going on with my husband! He didn't drink at all this week, and tonight is just having a couple of beers. He's a big rum drinker, so this is huge! It feels wonderful to both of us to be having sober evening conversation, and going to bed sober! Life is good! I never, never saw this coming when I stopped drinking.

                                I sure wish I could send you all our snow! It would be a win win for both of us! I love it at the start of winter, but by this point in the year I'm just itching to get out in the garden.

                                How is everyone else doing this weekend? Hopefully great, but if anyone struggles or falters, come back! I almost stopped logging in to this site a couple of times when I couldn't face admitting one more time that I had slipped. I just thank God I kept coming back, because it was all part of getting where I am this minute, and that's a very happy place!
                                Hi Irie,

                                Great to hear you going well, you have an amazing mind set and so positive. Even more fab news on your hubbie. My husband told me that the only reason he drank was because I drank WT??? Anyway I let it slip, did not say anything, and now he is along with me.

                                I do believe we used each other as drinking enablers, well at least I did anyway. If he did not feel like drinking, i was always the one to push him to drink, so that I did not feel bad about drinking without him (had no probelm drinking on my own, it just felt weird drinking on my own with him) - glad those days are over

                                Enjoy your sat evening


