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Irie's Journey to 30 days...

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    Irie's Journey to 30 days...

    Good glorious morning troops,

    Just want to share with you 2 things that enforced my AF weekend:

    1. Turnagain recommended this video ? I have watched it on Friday and cannot stop thinking about it. Since joining MWO I have been looking for the elusive answer to my ever haunting question: ? why do intelligent, educated people keep on drinking despite knowing full well the medical, emotional, social and financial consequences of their action ?? (I am including here a few doctors I know and my humble self). I have been lying awake at night many a time during the last 6 months wondering WHY oh WHY oh WHY do I do this to myself? And others around me?[/video]]Pleasure Unwoven: A Personal Journey About Addiction - YouTube

    2. My ex neighbor?s 14 y old daughter (whom I love as my own) came to my house on Sunday and spent half the day crying ? her parents split up because her dad is a big time Alco ? and she is going through a very bad case of ?teenage-hood? - cutting herself repeatedly, throwing up (2 times in my house) ? when pushed - she admitted to bulimia episodes . Guys, you have bigger kids - Is there such a thing as MWO for teenage issues ? I am so concerned about her , especially the bulimia part.

    Sunshine ? good point, I am changing my ? bumper sticker? ? I was down when I wrote that. Having been 1 week AF ? I can see that it does make a change.

    Lifechange ? I am based in Bulgaria but travel around quite a bit.

    Irie ? your posts are so fantastic, I just bask in your positive energy ? I too had a few ? bonus hours in the weekend?

    Mum of Two ? good job staying AF ?sending you a snowflake star!!! As for drinking at work - that half bottle of wine was still there this morning in my office fridge ( it said ? Good morning, lovely, wouldn?t you like a sip for ole?s time sake?? I told it to FFFF off and had green tea)

    Ishy ? telling carefully chosen close friends helped me in the beginning. My very good Dutch friend did not bat an eye lid when I told her I am off the sauce for a while. The following weekend ?at a party she was hosting she showed me the 6 pack of AF beer she bought just for me. True friend.

    S/L ? I am on day 8 too ? wonderful!!!

    Today ? yes, I really really like this thread too ? such good energy!

    My Life , UnW ? thanks for looking over us

    Have a great AF week everybody:h:h:h
    workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


      Irie's Journey to 30 days...

      i love this thread and find it should definately carry on!
      am going to watch pleasure unwoven right now--have been meaning to do that.
      i've been drinking WAY too much coffee. need to find some other yummy drinks to take its place.
      when i was drinking al i gave up coffee for the most part 'cause i was sooo dehydrated --so now i'm loving it. a wonderful day to you all.


        Irie's Journey to 30 days...

        Good Morning - just popping in to say that I think you are all doing SO well - you all sound so positive - even though you have your moments. I think it was very creative to wash hair and shower 'cos you knew you wouldn't go out Irie - well done ! Welcome Today - yes, this thread is wonderful isn't it - so much positive stuff and so motivating for anyone !!

        I am off to work again - last day of my 6 day run. off tomorrow - YEAH !!

        You are all doing really well - so proud of you as you should all be of yourselves!!

        Hugs, Sun XX
        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


          Irie's Journey to 30 days...

          Day 15!

          I am so glad I didn't give up last night. It took like what seemed like forever, but eventually I got my mind off wine. Boy, I was cranky though! I did give myself an out. I told myself that if I couldn't stand it another minute and something just had to give, I would give myself permission to go off my diet to protect my sobriety. I told myself if I needed to I could eat anything in the world I wanted to, I just couldn't drink. That seemed to help because I didn't have to end up doing it. But just knowing I could break the stress and tension I was feeling with a treat was enough to get me over the hump. I'm glad I stuck to my diet, but I'm 1,000 times happier that I didn't drink!

          Shue, you live in Bulgaria?!? I had to look it up on a map! I've been to France and Italy, and to Thailand where my daughter lives, but all the countries inbetween are really unknown to me. I'll bet it's beautiful. Do you speak Bulgarian? Thank you for the link. I'm going to watch it this morning.

          Ishy, how did you do last night? Did you make it? I hope so. I was thinking about you as we struggled together.

          Sunshine, Lifechange, Mum, ScottishLass, Today, MyLife, Unwasted ... Here we go! It's Monday again, hopefully the routine that most of us have during the workweek will propel us through the next few days.
          ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
          Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


            Irie's Journey to 30 days...

            Irie;1265294 wrote: Day 15!

            I am so glad I didn't give up last night. It took like what seemed like forever, but eventually I got my mind off wine. Boy, I was cranky though! I did give myself an out. I told myself that if I couldn't stand it another minute and something just had to give, I would give myself permission to go off my diet to protect my sobriety. I told myself if I needed to I could eat anything in the world I wanted to, I just couldn't drink. That seemed to help because I didn't have to end up doing it. But just knowing I could break the stress and tension I was feeling with a treat was enough to get me over the hump. I'm glad I stuck to my diet, but I'm 1,000 times happier that I didn't drink!

            Shue, you live in Bulgaria?!? I had to look it up on a map! I've been to France and Italy, and to Thailand where my daughter lives, but all the countries inbetween are really unknown to me. I'll bet it's beautiful. Do you speak Bulgarian? Thank you for the link. I'm going to watch it this morning.

            Ishy, how did you do last night? Did you make it? I hope so. I was thinking about you as we struggled together.

            Sunshine, Lifechange, Mum, ScottishLass, Today, MyLife, Unwasted ... Here we go! It's Monday again, hopefully the routine that most of us have during the workweek will propel us through the next few days.
            There is absolutely something to be said about that.......the whole "if I wanted to, I could" but I wont.......I know EXACTLY what you mean. Congrats on surfing the will only get easier, I promise you.

            And Congrats on passing your double digit days!
            Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



              Irie's Journey to 30 days...

              Good morning guys!

              Shue - I actually ordered the full DVD Pleasure Unwoven after a counselor gave it to me to watch earlier this year. It was a real eye opener and I showed it to my husband as well to help him understand. I agree it is really fascinating. I highly recommend it as well.

              I agree this thread should carry on - lots of positive energy!

              Irie - I was worried when you said you were going to medifast so early on your AF journey. That's so smart that you decided to choose food over AL if necessary and didn't have to do either. I also went to medifast last year after a period of sobriety and at some point I went into "poor me" mode and I ended up drinking. I did lose 15 lbs...but I have to say it wasn't worth it in retrospect that I drank at the end. Good for you to be cognizant of it before you do anything!

              Sunshine, Life, Nelz - good morning and great to hear from you!

              I had a great weekend and nearly finished the Jason Vale book for a second time. It's really clicking for me again and reinforcing that I'm not in deprivation but gratitude mode for being AF.

              Have a wonderful AF day everyone! :l


                Irie's Journey to 30 days...

                Today was much, much easier. I can't believe I'm at the halfway mark to my first big goal. It feels like all the pieces of puzzles are coming together. Tonight life makes sense. No struggles. I wish it was always this easy, but it is what it is. I'll take each day as it comes and hope I have what it takes at any given moment to beat this thing.

                I hope everyone else is having an easy time of it today/tonight.
                ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
                Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


                  Irie's Journey to 30 days...

                  Hi everyone,
                  All is well here. I've had kids stuff and visitors all weekend long. Our kids had Friday and today off for presidents day so I haven't had much time to post.
                  One thing I must ask, is anybody as tired as I am? I feel bone weary tired sometimes. I like to get up early, I have been working out pretty hard. Or is it a detox type of thing. I do remember being tired last time too but today is ridiculous. Maybe I'm just getting old. I'll be 46 next month. Things are starting to ache . Darn it.
                  The AA term HALT before you drink. Ask yourself if you are just hungry,angry,lonely or tired. I'm tired and yes it makes me feel like drinking sometimes. Boredom is a biggy for me as well. The one that catches me off guard is hunger. I would often drink rather than eat, you know trying to save calories but if I do have a good meal, the craving usually diminishes quite a bit.
                  Anyway hugs to you all, you really help me stay focused.
                  On to 2digit days as of tomorrow. Yippee!


                    Irie's Journey to 30 days...

                    Hey guys, just dropping in to see how you're doing, and it seems like things are good. :goodjob::goodjob: Keep it going because I'm here to attest......sober is so much better....... Sorry I don't have too much time left this morning because I just posted a book on the Febber's thread. But.....sending you all hugs and support. :lilheart:

                    Ishy - if you have time, here's a link to the first page of the Toolbox - a great article on boredom:



                      Irie's Journey to 30 days...

                      Day 16!

                      Welcome to double digits, Ishy! Doesn't it feel great? And, Unwasted, you are in tripple digits tommorow! How cool! You just keep on blazing that trail, because we are right behind you!

                      Busy day today for me. I'm glad I worked a little this weekend. I feel at least partly ready to face my day at work. It doesn't matter how much I prepare though, I will be predictably thrashed by the time I head home tonight! Ah, well.

                      I'm excited to knock more days down. The weekend was little tough at times, but not bad, and I've got a feeling the next few days are going to be a snap!

                      Oh, by the way, Ishy, if I was chasing after kids, I'd be exhausted, too! I'm a little older than you, 54, but when my grandkids are over I'm beat by the time they leave. I literally sit on the couch and read or something for hours afterwards!

                      I hope everyone has a great day. We certainly deserve it!
                      ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
                      Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


                        Irie's Journey to 30 days...

                        Good Morning everyone - I have to agree Ishy - I too would have Guinness rather than have a meal - I would kid myself that Guinness was so full of good stuff (which is it - LOL ) that it was as good as eating! But found that if I did eat the craving would go away and that was before I went AF. Really well done on getting past it!

                        Irie - I agree with you on the grands coming over - I always do the same thing when they leave - heave a huge sigh, and just SIT !! And I am older still !! So Ishy - we totally understand!! :H

                        Mylife - so pleased the Vale book is clicking for you - the Carr book did it for me. It was the final piece of the puzzle for me with my quit. Hopefully you will find it as helpeful - I would go to it and read my underlined bits - kept it by my bed and used it for reinforcement when needed!

                        Shu - so sorry about your neighbours daughter - I too had issues my eldest - she was bulimic for a while - wasn't well and was even taken into hospital at one point - even the hospital didn't catch it - she was also into VERY slight (if there is such a thing) cutting. We took her to counseling but she refused to talk to the counsellor - they have to want to help themselves. As I am sure you know, it is all a cry for help. Turns out my daughter was being bullied in school and once she left school, it all went away on it's own. I have no idea what to suggest for you - SHE has to want help. Counselling is the only thing I can suggest but then her mum has to be talked to. I am so pleased though that she has you to talk to and that she trusts you. That is awesome. Laughed at that half bottle of wine STILL being in your fridge at work and you talking to it !! LOL

                        Anyway, have a dental appt this morning and then am off, but am picking up a friends dog to watch for today and tomorrow to see if it will work with my two dogs as she is going away for four days in March and I said I would watch her dog so we are having a trial run.

                        Have a great sober day everyone - and wonderful that you are all finding your own ways of getting through that witching hour!

                        Love and hugs to all of you - you are all awesome !!

                        Sun XX
                        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                          Irie's Journey to 30 days...

                          Sun: I'm laughing about the Guinness comment remembering an old friend that used to say "A Guinness is like a pork chop in a bottle".

                          Alcohol does me no favors.

                          Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                            Irie's Journey to 30 days...

                            BelleGirl;1265993 wrote: Sun: I'm laughing about the Guinness comment remembering an old friend that used to say "A Guinness is like a pork chop in a bottle".

                            I had never heard that before. That's great. I knew there was a reason I never cared for Guiness!

                            Feeling great on day 6 today. I have to say the antabuse really does stop ALL chatter in my head. Once it's down there's no arguments!

                            Have a great day all.


                              Irie's Journey to 30 days...

                              i had a friend who allowed herself to drink guiness while pregnant claiming it was full of iron.
                              like black molasses!?? hmmm...

                              everyone is doing so friggin' AWESOME!! i'm so excited.
                              only have a minute to say goodnight, but will check back in tomorrow night.
                              hang tough this afternoon/evening. we're all doing so well convincing ourselves that anything is better than risking our sobriety!! i feel a real group spirit here.xo


                                Irie's Journey to 30 days...

                                Hello Ladies,

                                Apologies for not being around much in the last couple of days, I am finding it hard to get time to get here!

                                Everyone is doing great, well done Irie and Ishy for riding those urges

                                MyLife - I personally thing antabuse is great. It also stops all that $%^%$^ chatter in my head. There is no choice, so dont even mess with me, mind

                                Sun/Ishy - I always used to drink in rather than eat in the evenings, the number of meals that I have cooked and then come up with some lame excuse for not eating (had a big lunch etc) are too many to count. I was more interested in drinking and the food got in the way. Glad that is over!

                                Shu - I am sorry to hear about your neighbours daughter, I have no advise, am thinking of you

                                UW and SL - Hi - hope you are doing well.

                                Here is to a wonderful sober day for everyone

