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Irie's Journey to 30 days...

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    Irie's Journey to 30 days...

    Day 18!

    Wow, I cannot believe how the days are racking up! I know one thing, the last 7 days have gone a lot faster than the first 7. I don't ever want to lose the perspective that it's getting easier and easier. Now is not the time to mess it up by having to start over.

    A funny thing happened at dinner last night. We were in a big group, there were about ten of us. I was feeling a little sorry for myself because they would all get to drink and I couldn't. Well... not one single person ordered a drink with their dinner. Not one! What was strange is these very people always drink when we are out of town for business and eat out together. I realized something. I'm very likely the one who usually is the first to order a drink, and then everyone follows suit! How bizarre. I had no idea. It was so surreal. No one was talking about not drinking, or taking any note of it, they just weren't doing it. So the whole experience ended up being very easy and I even stuck to my diet.

    I feel the weekend creeping up, but I'm going to make sure I have some good plans in place to avoid a slip. I hope everyone else is doing well. I'll be checking in tonight after a long drive home. I hope it's a little less treacherous. I am so ready for Spring!
    ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
    Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


      Irie's Journey to 30 days...

      Hello Guys - checking in to be accountable.

      Irie - it's nice to remember that the 2nd 7 days go faster than the first. (sigh) Thanks for reminding me of that.!! Still - not having an option is working for me so far so that's great.

      Funny about the dinner! My boss just e-mailed that he's going to be in town (from the UK) and to make dinner reservations for he and several other managers while he's here. I immediately started to get nervous thinking of how I was going to broach not drinking. I think I'll just order my sparkling water and see what happens! Hopefully I'll end up in Irie's situation.

      Hope you all have a great AF day!


        Irie's Journey to 30 days...

        hello all
        dropping by to say hi and get a hit of positive vibes!!!

        Congrats on your dinner Irie!!! won't it be funny if everyone at that table had wanted to give up the AL and like you were unsure how to handle the dinner..I bet at least one other person at that table was relieved that no AL was flowing. I know in my former work functions the AL flowed like water, waiters always topping off your wine... easy to get wasted and really the last place where you want to get wasted... but it happened to many of us..

        Beautiful day here .... been out and about all day and now a bit tired so I am going to take it easy the rest of the afternoon.

        Mum, Scottish, Blondie, Shu, My Life, Nelz hope you are all having a good day.

        I really like this link, it is not overwhelming!!! Thanks Irie for starting it


          Irie's Journey to 30 days...

          Happy Friday everyone Hope you all have a fabulous day when it comes around.

          Only a couple more days until the magic 3 weeks AF - who would have thought I could do this.

          I second you all - Thanks a million Irie for starting this is a safe and amazing place to come



            Irie's Journey to 30 days...

            I have a long drive home, but wanted to take a moment to post. I am so happy that this thread is a familiar, comfortable place that we can share. I've always known that MWO was special, but this thread is giving me that last little piece of the puzzle I needed.

            Off I go. I just wanted to say hello and thank you. See you all tomorrow!
            ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
            Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


              Irie's Journey to 30 days...

              Just wanted to say Congratulations to all of you!!!! I feel so good reading all your posts! It is nice to have a group to help each other in this journey. Keep up the good work!
              "One day at a time."


                Irie's Journey to 30 days...

                Hello Guys!

                So happy to read the posts in this group and the success that's being achieved! Yesterday I didn't even think of AL - but today my hubby went out of town - it's a Thursday, and I don't know why but I had incredible cravings from about 5:00 - 7:30. All I can say is Thanks to all of you who told me about Antabuse because if it wasn't for that I am not sure I would have made it tonight. But it took my options away and I poured myself some black currant and sparkling water when I got home. It wasn't bad!

                Now, before I go to bed I've regained my senses and thought "what was that all about??" I really think it's years of a bad habit developed - along with the monster in my head! I'm so happy to be here and posting AF. :h


                  Irie's Journey to 30 days...

                  Good evening!
                  So agree, this thread works so well for me - so comfy, nice place to be!
                  ML - totally understand, met with my 13yr olds teacher, and so wanted to stop on way home to pick up wine, came so very close - it is almost 8pm and I am thinking what the heck!!
                  Have a great night friends and see you tomorrow - TGIF for those who have arrived, and looking forward to the weekend....
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    Irie's Journey to 30 days...

                    Day 19!

                    I'm not too worried about the weekend, although I'm not taking it lightly. I'm so excited to see day 20 and onward that I can't imagine slipping up now. I'm really trying to start changing the way I think about drinking, though. I'm focused on this 30 day quit like a laser beam and I know I need to start changing my focus from that to simply accepting that I don't drink.

                    I know I have to quit forever. I know if I did drink it would not be as much fun as I thought it would be. I know the next morning would be full of regrets and new resolve. I know all this, so why do I still spend so much time still trying to think my way through to a plan that would give me an out? Crazy.

                    My husband, who was starting to join me in AF nights is slipping back into his old habits. I know that's one thing that's making it extra hard. I'm not upset with him, I KNOW how hard it is to quit, but it's sure tough to have it so accessible.

                    Sorry for all the complaining this morning. Usually, I wake up full of confidence. Maybe this little bit of introspection this morning will serve as a little protection tonight when the Friday night witching hour hits tonight.

                    Let's stick close this weekend, shall we?
                    ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
                    Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


                      Irie's Journey to 30 days...

                      Irie, just wanted to send you kudos on your AF days and to mention that at first it was hard for me to be around my husband when he had a beer but it's not now. So, just hang in there because this too will correct itself.

                      Sending everyone here peace and strength. You guys are doing great. :lilheart:


                        Irie's Journey to 30 days...

                        Irie - I also send congrats on staying AF espcially with your DH drinking.

                        UW - that's really good to know that in the future it will correct itself! Luckily my husband isn't a daily drinker - but I know at some point he will want to have a drink, so I need to accept that.

                        Wishing everyone a happy Friday! I agree let's stick together this weekend. :h


                          Irie's Journey to 30 days...

                          Hi everyone,
                          its been a couple of days since i posted. It's good to see everyone staying strong and supporting each other. i feel lucky to have seen this thread and joined in on it. thanks Irie!.
                          UW your input is so valuable and wonderful. I've seen it on many of the different threads and discussions. I also have seen many others that offer "sage" advice and experience.
                          So truth be told, i slipped a coupe of night ago. it wasn't really bad but it's there. I didn't post because i was kind of afraid i would have a defeatist attitude. (does that make sense). So i tried to reflect on why I drank....mostly what I come up with is that that day and the day prior i was feeling resentful towards al. I had that aggressive F-it attitude. I could have gotten past it, i know that but i didn't. anyway here i am again, feeling pretty good and planning to remain AF!
                          I have to run now. Happy AF Friday everyone!


                            Irie's Journey to 30 days...

                            just a quick hello to you all--
                            i've been so exhausted, but good exhausted.
                            i'm reading all the time and thinking of you all--


                              Irie's Journey to 30 days...

                              Hi Ishy! I'm so glad you posted about your slip. We have been having such frankly amazing good results that I was afraid if someone slipped they wouldn't feel comfortable posting. I'm really glad you did and didn't just vanish off the thread! We are making great progress, and we each are going to do it in our own way. :h

                              Going to keep this short because I just got home and our plan is to head right out the door for a movie so I don't cave in to Friday night cravings! I think we've settled on The Decendants with George Clooney. That should distract me!
                              ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
                              Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


                                Irie's Journey to 30 days...

                                Just stopping by on this thread to say hi and hope you have a great time at the movie, Irie. Wise to make a plan on Friday night so you won't be as tempted!

                                I am looking forward to Day 4 I come!
                                Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                                BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!

