So...I've spent a lot of time lurking for the past few months and after much mental debating, I think I'm ready to jump in so to speak. Like many others, no ultimate "rock bottom" moment but rather lots of little incidents and more and more feeling of guilt and dissapointment strung together over the last year or two that I've been drinking.
I was never a huge party-er (sp?) Even in my younger college days. Not really even in my 20's. My wedding day wasn't even a big drinking occasion, I focused more on enjoying my company then drink. Fast forward to my 30's...having my first and only child...suffering sever postpartum depression. Then the death of my beloved father in law (very close to in laws) four years ago. My mother in law became my "drinking buddy" following his terminal diagnosis. We bonded over gried at the three or four nights a week while my husband took care of our house, child etc. All the while supportive b/c afterall, I was "helping" his mother. Well this has continued now and resulted in drinking too much and I'm so shamed to say driving when I know I have no business. Waking up witht the guilt of doing what I did, wasting an entire day/night getting wasted and the worst not remembering. I've started having more frequent black outs. I don't think that is normal. The last straw was the other day. Saturday lunch turned into saturday night drinking and barely remembering how I got home. My husband almost joked about it the next day to make me feel better I think...but I know in my heart it has to stop. I don't want to keep letting them down. And just like so many here, I am ok every now and again to have one or two. But then I just can't stick to it and end up binging. I'm going to be 40 this year and really want to stop this. I keep questioning whether or not I belong here and "what" I am...but clearly I must know the answer if I am posting thanks for listening. I'm on day 3... I look forward to seeing everyone, this seems to be a tremendous support system