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Whoo Hooo! Supplements came!

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    Whoo Hooo! Supplements came!

    Hey all!

    Posted a few days ago, but over the weekend I have too many eyes and only the one computer. Made it through the weekend drinking just slightly less than usual (meaning a lot instead of ALOT). But!

    Yea! My supplements are here. Checked out the insert in MWO box of supps, and there was a New Sobriety card. Tried to find New Sobriety on the web (since I need to go outside my dr to get Topamax) but nothing is showing up. Does anyone know why the website for New Sobriety doesn't show up---or more importantly a good source for Topamax.



    P.S. In case you haven't noticed, I'm pretty damn excited to get going again.

    Whoo Hooo! Supplements came!

    MPP, sorry I don't have any answers to your questions - not familiar with New Sobriety or Topomax. If you go to the Meds thread, though, there should be information about Topomax.

    Hope the supplements work for you. I think L Glut is good for cravings. Best of luck!


      Whoo Hooo! Supplements came!

      I went to my Dr. and when I made the appointment just told the receptionist that I had some concerns I wanted to talk to the Dr. about. If it's the Dr you don't want to know try your obgyn - My mom has recently switched to hers for all her needs - maybe your ob can prescribe it for you.


        Whoo Hooo! Supplements came!

        thats fantastic... good to hear you so excited.

        AF since Sept 2013...

