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My Story - Thoughts?

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    My Story - Thoughts?

    I'm new to this site and have just been looking at it briefly but felt like posting because I don't really have anyone else to talk to about this sort of stuff. So I thought I'd get people's opinions and see what they think.

    I've been battling a problem with binge drinking for the last three years. Basically it always starts with a night out with my friends and then I wake up the next day and I'm still drunk and want to keep the buzz going so I'll start drinking or I'm really, really hungover and I start drinking because I am hungover, I feel agitated and I get extreme anxiety about the withdrawal that I am going through. Even if the withdrawal isn't that bad I become self conscious about it and worry that I'm going to experience bad withdrawal and that my only way to get through it is to have a drink. I worry about my hands shaking (they never do), I can't sit still and basically all I feel like doing is walking around. Sometimes I just spend the time pacing around not being able to concentrate. I can't really concentrate on tv or anything, it's awful. My hands feel clammy as well. I'm thinking that maybe it is all mental, and I feel really anxious. I put my hands out in front of me and they are steady.

    I then tend to go on a binge which can last for a week to three weeks. The last time I had a binge I ended up in detox for a week which I entered on December 7. So therefore, December 7 was the last time I had a drink. I haven't had one craving since I stopped drinking, nor have I felt like drinking at all. I haven't had any problems and I feel like if I wanted to that I could go for the rest of my life without drinking. What does worry me is the isolation I feel by not having the ability to drink. I feel isolated from my friends and isolated from the rest of the world for some reason. Simply, when I walk by a bar or see people drinking, it's not alcohol, the buzz, the taste, I don't have a craving. It's the socializing that comes with drinking that I miss. I am my own boss, I am 30 and single and don't really have too much way of meeting girls or anything like that. I am busy with work all the time so hobbies are tough. The catch 22 is when I go out to bars I find it really easy to meet girls and this is something I miss.

    I'm taking Naltrexone and this probably helps. I know that I have a problem with alcohol, but I do miss not having the option of drinking at the moment. I would like the ability to drink socially. I do also realise that because of my condition that I have to be more careful but the idea that I can't drink ever again and that I'm not going to be normal ever again is really worrying to me. In short, because alcohol is so prevalent in society, I just feel completely cut off.

    When I wake up the next day after drinking the previous night, I can not drink if I choose to, it's just the anxiety and withdrawal I go through that makes things unbearable. It feels like I'm watching the clock tick until the alcohol leaves my system. Then the alcohol leaves my system and I feel fine.

    I went to the movies today and part of the story showed two people going about their days after a big night out. I know it's just a movie, and it's obviously not real life but I was watching it and thinking that if I was either of these people there's no way I could be doing what they're doing. Even things like going to public places like the supermarket are too much for me when I'm hungover, I can't handle it. I get big anxiety that my hands are going to shake etc. The thing is they never do, I don't know why I feel like this.

    One thing that has helped me is diazepam / valium. I went to see my GP last year and he gave me a script for Diazepam to help me get through the withdrawal after I had partied really hard one weekend and I had a big day of work ahead. I found that if I took one or two 5mg tabs of diazepam in the morning I would be fine for the day and I could get on with everything just fine. No anxiety, no withdrawal symptoms, everything fine. This makes me think that my withdrawals are mainly mental rather than physical. As a result of taking the diazepam, I would then not go on a drinking binge, I'd feel fine on Monday and I'd have a good week. I also probably only drink one in three weekends and I would say half the time a night out leads to drinking for a few days at a time.

    So what I'm wondering is if getting diazepam from a doctor might be the answer or if there are any other options? My regular GP won't prescribe it to me anymore. I'm just wondering if it would be dangerous to do this? The thing is that I don't even want to touch alcohol during the week. I have too much going on and it interferes with other things I want to achieve.

    I'm sorry if I'm rambling but I just wanted to get things off my chest and wonder if other people have had similar problems to me?

    Anyone know what I should do? (Bearing in mind that there probably is no answer and the easiest is just to stop drinking altogether).

    I just want to say that I've never been arrested while drinking, I've never been in a fight or anything like that. I've been successful in my life - I have a good career, I earn good money, I'm an Ivy League Graduate where I was a varsity athlete, the only problem I have is the withdrawals that lead to binging. If anyone has any ideas (hypnotherapy, I don't know), it would be greatly appreciated.

    My Story - Thoughts?

    First of all, :welcome:

    Glad you found MWO - I know you find lots of support here. Have you told your GP the full extent of what you are going through? If so, maybe it's time to find a new one - one that will really listen to all the things you've just described.

    I've taken valium once before when prescribed by a dentist and I'm guessing the only reason your GP won't perscribe it again is because it can be addictive.

    I'm sure lots of others will offer more help and hopefully someone will come by that can relate to your situation better than I. (I was a daily wine drinker - functioning normally during the day with the occasional hangover on the weekends when I really overdid it).

    Good luck to you!
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


      My Story - Thoughts?

      its never going to be easy to get through what your going through, I used to be like you,in that when I was off drinking,I used to think about the rest of my life without drink.But through other people I learned we only have today to worry about we cant change the past and we have no control over the future if we have on or not. When we stop drinking thats just the beginning of our journey, we have to look at every aspect of our life, and you have to consider all the options,weigh them up and choise the path you want to go down, you have to renew your mind, and thinking you have to break old habits, it takes time, you have to decide can I live without alcohol weigh up the pros and cons,you have to find new avenues to explore you,this site is amazing there is so much information on here and everyone is so helpful and encouraging, you can beat this is if you want to,the big thing is acceptance that you cant drink like other people, and you are the only person who know deep down to the answer to that, I only joined here the other day and this site has been a god send to me, give it your best shot, research for ideas and answers,take all the help you can.good luck you can do it best wishes Joe


        My Story - Thoughts?

        Adast...... I am not a doctor and dare not comment, bur for me, drinking produces anxiety and makes things so much worse. I have never been on a week or several week binge...that sounds terrifying.
        My problem is that I cannot stop at one and then I drink too much and do stupid shit.
        Just know we are here for you and hopefully somemone comes along with better advice.
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          My Story - Thoughts?

          Hey adast,

          Kinda like Mama said, Im not a doctor, nor do I have any experience with meds, so I cant much comment or offer advice on that.

          I CAN however welcome and congratulate you for reaching out, and taking the first step towards living AF.

          Wishing you all the strength, support, and knowledge you need to win the battle, GL my friend.
          Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



            My Story - Thoughts?

            Adast, I think if you re-read your post, you'll see how difficult contining to drink is going to be. Seriously, it's so complicated. And taking a drug to quell your anxiety just so you can continue taking another drug (alcohol) is crazy if you think it through.

            Supercrew is someone I think you should send a PM to. He has had great success with self hypnosis. I know it's difficult at your age, but you are not giving up anything by walking away from alcohol. Everyone here wishes they could have done that early on. Instead many of us wasted our most productive years.

            I agree that you are going to feel isolated for a while because everything revolves around drinking.....sad but true.......but I think if you really want a good life, you'll learn to do it without alcohol. Jason Vale, who wrote Kick the Drink walked away from it when fairly young. I think you could benefit from reading his book.

            Only you can decide what's going to work for you. I can only respond with my personal viewpoint, which of course is subjective.

            Wishing you the best........


              My Story - Thoughts?

              Hey Adast

              Very interesting post. I know it probably took a lot to write all that out, but it's a good thing.
              Unfortunately drinking is de rigeur, hip and cool in our culture. Of course the adverts never show the end stage alcoholic death. Just the glamour. Such bullshit.
              I am so happy for you that you see this for what it is at 30. As others have said-don't waste your most productive years!
              You've been to detox-so just think about that word-DETOX. You have found it necessary to detoxify your system of something TOXIC that you chose to put into it.
              Your education and accomplishments are great but they are not a differentiator-alcohol addiction is an equal opportunity problem. From the bums on the street to the CEOs-makes no difference. I am pretty successful too, on the outside looking in. It all has to come from within; only you can know what makes you happy and what makes you feel good about yourself.
              It's a progressive situation. If you continue to drink there is not going to be a miraculous change where you'll have one or two and call it a night. It will get worse. I hope your bottom point does not have to be any further down. I've known people who for example quit drinking completely when they know their kids had seen them drunk, and others who killed people driving drunk and continues to drink. It's a very personal thing.
              You have found a wonderful place here and I do apologize if I've been too blunt.
              I wish you the best. Stay strong.


                My Story - Thoughts?

                I wouldn't worry about the prospect of never drinking again. That would drive anyone crazy. I just tell myself that I won't drink today and then I make sure that I don't drink today and when today is over, I worry about the next day and I make the same promise. Yes I plan on forever, but I am taking it ODAAT.
                I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                  My Story - Thoughts?

                  Thanks everyone for responding.

                  I guess the reason I posted in the first place is the isolation I feel.

                  Since being in detox my friends treat me differently. They haven't shut me off, actually it's quite the opposite they've been supportive but I can feel their pity and I can feel them asking me to do things that they wouldn't otherwise do. The worst are the random text messages asking "how are you doing" that I never received before. I just feel like a leper, like people are sorry for me. I know I should probably feel grateful for this, but it kind of makes things worse.

                  The advice from people that haven't been through battles with alcohol is the worst as they don't know how I feel and they don't know what it's like. It's easy for them to say that I should find some new interests or pick up a new hobby, they can still go out on a Saturday night and have a few drinks.

                  It would be good to make some friends that don't drink but I'm 30 and everyone still drinks.

                  Being single is bad as well. I don't know where to meet anyone apart from social situations such as bars or parties or social get togethers at friends houses. Even if I did meet someone at one of these occasions then how do I explain to a girl I've just met I'm not drinking because I've got a drinking problem. Nobody is going to want to pursue something with someone from the outset who has something with such a stigma attached to it.

                  The thing is that all I want to do is sort of find someone and settle down a bit but it just feels that I'm not able to do this. I'm still relatively young yet I feel that I'm going to be forced to live like I'm a lot older for the rest of my life and that my youth has totally passed me by now. My friends are getting married and having bachelors parties and things like that and I can't participate fully, it's so frustrating.

                  Everything just seems so hopeless at the moment.


                    My Story - Thoughts?

                    DriftyAlison0;1260004 wrote: I wouldn't worry about the prospect of never drinking again. That would drive anyone crazy. I just tell myself that I won't drink today and then I make sure that I don't drink today and when today is over, I worry about the next day and I make the same promise. Yes I plan on forever, but I am taking it ODAAT.
                    This right there is incredible advice, thats really helped me get to where I am. At first it was the woe is me I cant ever drink again. In the beginning it was hard to fight that thought. But to be honest, the longer I managed to not drink, the easier it became to come to grips with not ever drinking again.

                    It took me a lllllllong time, and I really never thought it would happen. I kept reading of others that didnt have the desire, and wondered when I would get there.

                    I personally think it is freakin WONDERFUL that your friends are being what I consider supportive. You may perceive it as strange, but man, I think you should be grateful for such friends.

                    It very normal to feel overwhelmed when you start the journey, but I can promise you, it WILL get better, and easier.

                    Wishing you strength, wisdom, and support along your journey
                    Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                    DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER


                      My Story - Thoughts?

                      Thanks again.

                      To me at the moment it just feels like I'm screwed either way whatever path I take I'm never going to fit in.

                      I'm either going to be the person who is abnormal because he doesn't drink or the person who does drink and binges when he does.

                      I woke up today (Saturday morning) with a massive empty feeling wondering what I'm going to do with myself on Saturday night. My friends will be out enjoying themselves and it just feels to me like I have no options and that I'll end up spending it with myself.


                        My Story - Thoughts?

                        The other thing I guess I'm wondering is if I have an addiction at all.

                        I don't feel like drinking. I don't have to tell myself "I'm not going to drink today" or anything like that. I don't have cravings. In fact I don't want to drink.

                        What I would like to do is just be social again.

                        I guess there are no easy answers to my problem.


                          My Story - Thoughts?

                          Hi adast,

                          Glad you found us!
                          You are a young guy, I understand your concerns. But seriously, I have a son your age who is a firefighter/paramedic. He has seen way too many examples of what AL and or drugs can do to a person. I'm a retired nurse & have seen a lot of the same. Try to not worry too much about how you are going to fit in ~ you will! Be proud of yourself & grateful for your AF time.
                          Obviously AL does not agree with you - the same way sugar does not agree with a diabetic.

                          Give it a bit of time, you will find ways to entertain yourself without AL & even be around other people who are drinking. We can't fix this problem overnight but it can be fixed. You have a lot of life ahead of you, you'll do just fine

                          Have you looked through the Tool box? There are lots of great ideas there. I have found meditation really helps clear my mind & settle an anxiety that pops up. Continued use of benzos can become a problem. I loved the MWO Hypno CDs - especially the Clearing CD.

                          Wishing you continued success :goodjob:

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            My Story - Thoughts?

                            adast027;1260292 wrote: Thanks again.

                            To me at the moment it just feels like I'm screwed either way whatever path I take I'm never going to fit in.

                            I'm either going to be the person who is abnormal because he doesn't drink or the person who does drink and binges when he does.

                            I woke up today (Saturday morning) with a massive empty feeling wondering what I'm going to do with myself on Saturday night. My friends will be out enjoying themselves and it just feels to me like I have no options and that I'll end up spending it with myself.
                            That too shall pass, I just finally was able to go out with my old high school drinking buddies. I did drink some NA beer, and club sodas...they had drinks and we all had laughs just like old times.

                            That "being the odd man out" seems to be a recurring issue with us non drinkers. Ive come to the realization that nobody is quote.......normal. We are who we are....and what other people think about us, should really not amount to a hill of beans.

                            I gotta be honest, if I told my friends what I was doing, and they treated me any different than they do now, Id have zero problem not interacting with them unless and until they can understand what is going on. Even when I was a drinker, I never acted different to non fact I rather admired and envied them......secretly....of course.

                            So, stick with your plan, it is indeed the right path to go down, and hope your friends will understand.
                            Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                            DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER


                              My Story - Thoughts?

                              Hello :welcome:
                              Sorry you feel so down at the moment - have a :l
                              Well done for being sober since December 7th... Thats 64 days AF! :goodjob:

                              Anyone know what I should do? (Bearing in mind that there probably is no answer and the easiest is just to stop drinking altogether).

                              It is not easiest to stop drinking alltogether - it's bloody hard!
                              Your at the start of your journey - A very hard time, the realisation that you can't have a relationship with AL like others and it is difficult because you feel like you are missing out.
                              It has been a part of your life until very recently so you are bound to miss it - what you are feeling is normal. If you choose to stay AF it does
                              get easier

                              I'm a few years younger than you and I get the missing the social aspect of drinking You did mension you have supportive (but annoyingly don't get it!) friends - when they ask how you are doing, you could try suggesting doing a non AL related activity?

                              With regards to relationships (Ahh!) for me since I was 18 i've always told partners I was an alkie - not so bluntly :H I've never introduced myself as 'Hi - I'm Lost Soul and I'm an alcoholic!' more like 'i'm not a 1 drink kinda girl - so I don't drink'.
                              The stigma is attached to the stereotype - and lets face it - stereotypes are bollox. If it scares some1 off - they aren't worth it, on the other hand if they get to know you - they might just see you are taking control of your life and a difficulty you have and have a little more respect for that That's just my take on it - hope it helps a bit.

                              Good luck & best wishes xx
                              To see a world in a grain of sand
                              And a heaven in a wildflower.
                              Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
                              And eternity in an hour.

