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My Days have flip-flopped!

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    My Days have flip-flopped!

    I have just realised what a change in my days!
    The old - I hated mornings, liked afternoons and loved evenings - then nights came.
    Now - I love mornings, start to worry in the afternoon, struggle with the evenings, then breathe a sigh of relief in the night!
    It has taken me a while to take notice as to how much I have to change how to live my life.
    I would wake up hungover, feeling like garbage and slowly felt better thru the day, until the evening came and I could start the game all over again. Going to bed, not remembering much, waking up thristy and wondering what I did or didn't do before crashing out!
    Now I wake up happy, sing on my way to work, then start the battle in my head (the bad voice with all the reasons to stop at the store and the good voice telling me not to stop) - when I get home, putting myself on house arrest until the witching hour and then running to bed delighted that I beat "it" for another day.
    Been thinking about this today and just had to share!
    Happy Hump day!
    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

    My Days have flip-flopped!

    Hi SL!

    Glad to see you are doing great!
    I haven't thought about how days flip-flopped, but reading your comment I realise it is true. What a change!
    Don't know why, but I've been thinking about the last drinking days making nonsense before I passed out.... Ooooooh!! So glad it is OVER!

    Viva sober mornings!!
    12-20-2012 AF
    Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.


      My Days have flip-flopped!

      SL, I have had these exact thoughts. In fact, I am even considering a dramatic change in the evenings which are my witching hour. On nights when I cook dinner from say, 5 - 7, I get horribly irritable. I know this is because that was my traditional drinking time which is strongly associated with puttering around in the kitchen. Lots of people have posted about the same phenomenon - no surprise there.... Anyway, I'm thinking of trying to eat dinner by late afternoon to avoid what has turned out to be a really difficult few hours for me. Not sure I can pull it off, but I think it might help.

      So, like you're saying, my "day" would be concentrated early on and the evening needs to shift to a different focus to help me avoid this horrible few hours. Haven't really figured it all out, but just wanted to chime in because I can really relate! I too love the mornings and afternoons, but start to feel that dark cloud for those few evening hours. I'm even great after about 7, but it's that dinnertime thing that gets me.



        My Days have flip-flopped!

        hey, yes i agree.. i would dread mornings.. wake up hungover headache, pastey thirsty mouth, guilt, anxiety, guilt (oh i said that twice lol) i don't miss that all. and now that i am over 6 weeks, I still don't miss it, i Still dont' want to drink. Now the morning are light and bright and full of potential...

        AF since Sept 2013...


          My Days have flip-flopped!


          I am new to the forum and the MWO community. I am trying to get to the point that all of you are talking about. I don't drink everyday and an able to stop after a few on occasion. The hardest time for me is from 5-7 in the evening. My husband is a heavy drinker and stays out in the garage most of the night, So, if I have a question or need to talk to him guess what I enter into his world. Have any of you had a problem like this and if so how did you handle it?
          I know how good it feels to wake up in the morning and love the excitement of what the day will bring. I want that feeling everyday.:thanks:Azurmyst


            My Days have flip-flopped!


            I am new to the forum and the MWO community. I am trying to get to the point that all of you are talking about. I don't drink everyday and an able to stop after a few on occasion. The hardest time for me is from 5-7 in the evening. My husband is a heavy drinker and stays out in the garage most of the night, So, if I have a question or need to talk to him guess what I enter into his world. Have any of you had a problem like this and if so how did you handle it?
            I know how good it feels to wake up in the morning and love the excitement of what the day will bring. I want that feeling everyday.:thanks:Azurmyst


              My Days have flip-flopped!

              Azur, are you saying that when you go out to the garage where your husband is drinking that you then join him in the drinking? My situation is different, so I'm not really sure what the answer is if you want to spend time with him. If he won't come your direction and not drink, then you have two choices. Avoid the garage, or be able to go out there without joining him in drinking. You might be able to do the latter after you've gotten a good amount of AF time under your belt, but it would be VERY difficult at the beginning. Could you just sort of live your own life and avoid him for a period of time? Not sure what the answer is. I just know that when we're trying to get sober we have to put ourselves first, period, end of story.

              Sending you peace and strength.

