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Getting alcohol out of the House

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    Getting alcohol out of the House

    I have been 9 days AF now, and when I was on day 1 I got rid of any alcohol I could find in the house. Well, last night i got home and I was feeling upset about something. In the past I was always reach for a drink when this happened. Now that I have decided to be AF, I can't do that anymore!

    I was feeling pretty angry when I got home (I think the word is "ancy"). Now surprisingly eneough, I found an unopened bottle of wine behind the stereo (remember all those hiding places where you would stash your alcohol?). Well, I picked up that bottle of wine, opened it, and... POURED IT DOWN THE SINK! I was so angry because of the tough day i had, but I was even angrier that i found this bottle of wine... this giant TEMPTATION right in front of me.. and so I emptied it down the sink and turned the tap on full-blast to wash it away.

    Then I went for a jog, ate a nice meal and went to sleep.

    This is hard, but SOOO worth it.

    Getting alcohol out of the House

    Great Job Matt,
    You should be really proud of yourself, I am

    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      Getting alcohol out of the House

      Gee Matt, what can I say to that? I probably would not have done the same so I applaud you big time. Keep it up!!!!
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Getting alcohol out of the House

        Well done Matt,
        That's impressive......
        Even more impressive you found a full bottle of booze you hadnt drank..
        That would have never happened to
        Great going on the resolve.


          Getting alcohol out of the House

          Good one, Matt.


            Getting alcohol out of the House

            Wow, Great job. I am most impressed that you opened it and poured it down the sink!! You know I would have saved it for "someone else" and foolishly left temptation in my path. I am only 16 days AF and just the other day I thought" hey, I have a great idea. Why don't I buy a bottle of whiskey and keep it in the house just to show ow strong I am" Phew how stupid is that!!?? At least I recognized it and actually had a laugh at myself.

            Your strength is an inspiration to me Matt. Thank you.


              Getting alcohol out of the House

              :goodjob: That's awesome. Not sure I could have done that being in a bad frame of mind. Not sure I could do it now. I'm getting there. Hooray. You took the power.:h


                Getting alcohol out of the House

                Wow Matt,

                That's great! Congrats on your strength.

                Now I just have to get my boyfriend to get rid of the beers he has in the fridge...! Maybe I should just threaten to pour them down the sink if he doesn't drink them soon.

                Free since 26th February 2012


                  Getting alcohol out of the House

                  That is wonderful. What fortitude, particularly after a tough day. I doubt I could have done that.
                  I'm really proud of you. You have great power.


                    Getting alcohol out of the House

                    Good for you!!

                    I have an intact $10,000 wine collection that I will not pour down the sink. Perhaps I can slowly give it away or something.
                    Funny, having it sitting there has never been one of my weaknesses.
                    Awesome job. Keep up the good work.



                      Getting alcohol out of the House

                      WOW Fox! Sounds like a beauty collection! Glad it's not a temptation for you.
                      Matt, GREAT job. Funny how you can get so angry at the things you did after you have the clarity of the AF days, isn't it? It's good ammo to keep moving forward.
                      We were going to build a wine cellar in our basement... temperature and humidity control and everything. And that was STILL after we knew I was battling this drinking issue. Stupid stupid! Now, we're removing the wine bit by bit. The liquor is gone completely. Haven't bought any beer in a month (we used to keep 2 fridges STOCKED).
                      It's helping. Can't believe it took us this long to figure this simple step out. I always argued "if I want it, I'll just go buy it! It doesn't matter if it's right in front of my face.". BUT, the mental issue of having the never-ending supply once I START drinking was immense.


                        Getting alcohol out of the House

                        Very Impressive...

                        I used to have self discipline, fortitude and resolve like that for everthing.... I lost it all & do not seem to have it for anything excepting getting my 8 to 5 hrs of work in.

                        How do I get that back?
                        Control the Mind


                          Getting alcohol out of the House


                          I APPLAUD YOU!!!! :clapclap:

                          YOU SHOULD MARK THIS AS A HUGE STEPPING STONE! :yay:

                          That was a big obstacle in my recovery. I was "The" Hide It Queen". So every time I thought that the house was clean, weeks or months would go buy & out of the blue I would encounter a bottle staring back at me that I don't remember putting there. I would actually be happy & suprised because I did not intentionally go out & buy it nor was thinking about drinking it. So I celebrated by drinking all of it & well you know the rest...

                          This time around I KNOW there is nothing there. But in case there is~I plan to follow in your foot steps. Instead of being happy I will be angry & pour it down the sink.

                          Good going!
                          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                            Getting alcohol out of the House

                            Wow way to go Matt,
                            I am possitive I could not do the same if I had a bad day, it would be gone but not down the sink. Well done you are an inspiration for all of us.
                            :l :h
                            "What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it."
                            Catherine Pulsifer


                              Getting alcohol out of the House

                              Last night about 7:00 I started thinking about having a drink and I thought, what purpose would it serve? It was not a physical craving it was more like, hubby is having one, I deserve one, or, good one, it would help to get the booze out of the house. That's the question I am going to ask myself when I get tempted - what purpose would it serve. I usually only have one during the week anyway - the difference between 1 and 0 is only 1, such a small number. I am so much better off today because the answer to that question was no purpose whatsoever.

