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Getting alcohol out of the House

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    Getting alcohol out of the House

    Great job.!! WHOHOOO. U should be so proud.


      Getting alcohol out of the House

      Rocky, you still have all that stuff - you just need to look for it. You use it every day in other areas of your life.

      Believe it or not, you've already made progress. Make a committment to make more progress this week. Try to go one day alcohol free and see what happens. Or limit the number of drinks you can have in one evening.

      You can do it.


        Getting alcohol out of the House

        Well done Matt

        I had a really bad day at work too yesterday and was tempted to have a drink. Only reason that I didn't was because I didn't have enough money on me. (Getting near payday and bank account already in the red). I know for the past 2 weeks, I've had to make sure no wine bottles were left in the house. (My hubby drinks beer and I'm not a beer drinker, so that's not been a temptation). But if there had been any wine I would have finished it off without a second's thought.

        But I applaud you on your willpower to pour the drink down the sink. :wd:


          Getting alcohol out of the House

          Yes - WILLPOWER!!! Good for ANYONE who can have alcohol in their home and not touch it. Or in your case, Matt, to actually dump it even in your frame of mind at the time. That is great.

          I could NOT at this point have any alcohol within my reach and not drink it. I have the willpower to keep from buying it, but if it were in my home, I would drink it.

          My hat goes off to all of you who can manage having it around and not touch it!


            Getting alcohol out of the House

            That deserves an A++++



              Getting alcohol out of the House

              WOW MATT!!! YAY!!:jumpin:
              Way to go...very proud of you! Hope you feel the same

              :l Roxy


                Getting alcohol out of the House

                Well done, Matt!!! Bravo!
                AF as of August 5th, 2012


                  Getting alcohol out of the House

                  Thank so much for your words of support. It really helps!



                    Getting alcohol out of the House



                      Getting alcohol out of the House

                      nicely done

                      I bought a bottle of Vodka "Superbowl Sunday" (2-4-07) cuz I was home alone and decided it was a "day of celebration" ( I hate football--makes no sense) and had like 3 drinks. Monday I was tempted to dump the rest of it out but didn't, thinking that was a 'waste' (It was a $7 bottle of Vodka!!!) But I have been tempted and succomed till that vodka was gone and I wish I would have taken that same rip-the-band-aid-off approach that you had. I hope my lesson was learned and applaud your immediate response to your temptation


                        Getting alcohol out of the House

                        Good on ya, mate. I had quite a wine collection which I gave away little by little. Not easy, but it was worth the effort. Still not AF, but wait for Topa to work.
                        Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


                          Getting alcohol out of the House

                          Hello grammy3, welcome to MWO, don't be shy, we're all friends here..

                          Have a look around and find your feet, then maybe you can tell us a little about yourself..

                          Louise xx
                          A F F L..
                          Alcohol Free For Life


                            Getting alcohol out of the House

                            Well done Matt!

                            I recently poured a bottle of cassis down the sink, sickly blackcurrant liquer for making cheap white wine palatable..but 20%...and in the house, so it had to go. It's a weird feeling, wasteful, but cleansing.


                              Getting alcohol out of the House

                              Well Done! I am not sure I could have done that - especially after a bad day!!

                              Strange how it works tho' I have a cupboard full of spirits in the house (mostly various single malt whiskies - hey I am a Scotsman - what do you expect), and, although there are certain occasions when I would drink whisky, I would not do so "normally".
                              So - the whisky remainins untouched and is not a temptation!

                              My "everyday" poison / anaesthetic of choice is an ice cold Stella Artois beer - if there was any of that in the house - there is no way I could have poured that down the sink!

                              Only just realised that - I've been sitting in the evenings recently with real bad cravings for beer - but have alcohol aplenty within easy reach! How Strange!

                              My cravings seem to be for the particular sensations and buzz associated with beer!
                              You learn something every day - if you are sober!

                              Well done again mate - an excellent job!!!

                              "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                                Getting alcohol out of the House


                                Good for you! I know that was VERY HARD to pour out the wine...But you did, stay strong!:heart:


