Surprised it has been so comparatively easy, tbh, dealing with the demon tobacco is a much harder problem....I never edge over ten cigs a day but notice I keep cycling between nicotine gum and buying the odd 10-pack, not great but much better than the 30+-a-dayer I once was.
Best things I've noticed now a month has passed are how much energy I seem to have, just how much I love SLEEPING, sleep is absofuckinglutely amazing, I *love* sleep...just the act of going to bed and chilling out with a bit of radio comedy and feeling that natural urge to slip away into slumber....'tis the very best thing. No longer anaesthetised by alcohol, codeine and diphenhydramine(!) and *STILL* scared that I won't sleep properly, now I can go to sleep 'aided' by frankly amazes me, it's a lovely sensation.
The energy thing I mentioned, too, my job is pretty physical and at times I feel *superhuman*, like I have a limitless well of pure power, I'm full of zip! No more working though bad hangovers and fighting against a weak, sick, shaky system anymore until the balance of my body feels restored, I'm great from the get-go, now.

During all this, I've had two bottles of ouzo, a bottle of raki, a bottle of single malt whisky, six bottles of wine and seven cans of beer in the house and they've barely proved a problem, think I've only had temptations twice and they were nothing major.
Even gave a bottle of ouzo away to a work colleague the other day. A few months back, I'd've been feeling like I was wasting something, there'd've been negative, conflicting thoughts going on inside, addict-style thoughts, but I really didn't give a crap about losing that ouzo, not one bit, in fact I was more than happy to give it away (I don't really like aniseed flavours, anyway - with my other bottle of ouzo, I was merely taking extra slugs from it as an extra 'sleep-aid', on top of my 'regular' booze, the codeine and diphenhydramine!!!!).

Here's to another 31 days!!! (**raises glass....of tap water**)
