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MY Truth

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    MY Truth


    MY Truth

    GOOD FOR YOU!!! Pouring the booze down the sink is both empowering and cathartic I think.

    Congratulations on the 2 days sober, that's fabulous! Stay close and let us know how you are doing!

    One Day at a Time. x
    "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

    AF 10th May 2010
    NF 12th May 2010


      MY Truth

      Fallen Leaf, just wanted to welcome you. Lots of support in the Newbie's Nest if you want to find a spot with a lot of activity on the site. Also, the Toolbox, which is under Monthly Abstinence contains a lot of helpful information.

      Sending you peace and strength.


        MY Truth

        Welcome Leaf! Love your avatar.

        Good for you for pouring that alcohol out. Sounds like you are determined to beat this thing.
        We share something---you said for you drinking is the BEGINNING of a downward spiral.
        ME TOO. Give me a drink (or 8) and the next thing you know I'd be smoking dope and possibly looking for some cocaine or someone to TALK to or worse.
        Yes indeed it's a slippery slope isn't it? The legal drug that changes a relatively "normal" human being in to a person you would not even recognize. Strange and unfortunately all too common.
        At this point it kind of makes me sick to think of drinking. I think you will get to that point too. It does get better. And I think it helps to remember that you are not alone, you are not a bad person, you are not weak, immoral or any of the other judgemental bullshit that people still seem to cling to when judging us. By us I mean addicted people.
        Hang in there and stay strong! It will get better


          MY Truth

          :welcome: Leaf

          Sounds like you have made up your mind to get alcohol out of your life. Good decision and here is where you will get lots of support.

          Good job pouring the poison down the drain - your family is sooo worth it
          Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

