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saw my reflection in the mirror at the office today

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    saw my reflection in the mirror at the office today

    Hello all,
    I just had such a nice surprise! I went to the ladies' room of the office I am working in today. Usually when I go to the ladies' room I make it a point to just wash my hands and not look up at my reflection in the mirror (because I always look so ghastly, half dead).

    There were two other women in there, and as always, I noticed their rosey complexions. So I decided to look at mine because I am on Day 9 AF, so there certainly must be some changes and sure enough, there it was, a bright, rosey complexion, just like the other women And my face looks SOFTER, no furrowed brow and angry-looking pinched-up face.

    I also haven't had to continuously use eye drops!

    That said, I have to also mention that I have been entertaining thoughts of drinking. Yesterday was the hardest day yet because up until now I think a lot of it has been pure momentum versus deep change. Last night I was reading in the book about the hypno schedule and I have been very lax about the hypno! After reading the reasons for it and how it works, I now understand it's importance, so today I am committing to doing the hypno every day. I can feel that what needs to be transformed is my subconscious mind, that as of right now, my brain is still on it's auto pilot settings, and until those are re-defined, the urges are going to keep coming. At least that is how I understand the hypno to work.

    I would love to hear anyone's experiences with the hypno. ie., how often you do it, were you diligent for the first month as the book suggests, do you find it helpful?


    saw my reflection in the mirror at the office today

    Roxy you are now officially my hero .....

    You are doing sooo well...

    I got to day 17 and then had 2 glasses of wine .......

    I'm not annoyed with myself for drinking, just not making 30 days ...

    Hang on in there loe, Paula xx :h :l :h


      saw my reflection in the mirror at the office today

      Hang on in ther Love even :h :l :h


        saw my reflection in the mirror at the office today

        Roxy, you are doing great.



          saw my reflection in the mirror at the office today

          Hi Roxy,
          I am on day 18 AF and what an adrenaline rush, keep going and I will think of you as my travelling companion on this journey.


            saw my reflection in the mirror at the office today

            DEJA VU!

            That is soooo cool Roxy! Keep it going!

            When I go AF... people always comment on how 'well rested' I appear....

            "I have not failed - I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work"- Thomas A Edison


              saw my reflection in the mirror at the office today

              Hey! No worries...2 drinks in 17 days...that is fabulous. Don't waste another second beating yourself up. If it were me, I honestly don't think I could have stopped it at 2..I wouldn't even want to. Sometimes the only thing that keeps me going on AF is the fear I have of not being able to stop, like I can never have enough. I know how disappointing it feels to not stick to the plan, but try not to get stuck in that type of self talk and lose sight of the long-term goal. Slow and steady, girl

              Thank you:h

              18 DAYS! Yay!!!:yay: THAT IS SPECTACTULAR!! I'm right behind you!

              Hi Skootie Mom,
              Yes! Well rested. What a concept. Take care of the body and it responds so nicely :H

              Thank you everyone for your support. You are all wonderful and I feel very blessed to have found this site.



                saw my reflection in the mirror at the office today

                Rock on...

                and keep on truckin!!



                  saw my reflection in the mirror at the office today

                  That's awesome Roxy. Yeah, I'm a binger. But the effects of the day or two after a binge made me look like crap. Swollen face, bloating, red eyes, dry skin, greasier hair--for some reason, probably more than I can think of at the moment. Since I've cut out the binges. My last binge wasn't nearly as much as I have been doing lately. I look better. I feel less bloated and my face looks less puffy. I can see I have cheekbones still. I'm eating better so my skin just looks better. Keep up the good work. I know it's not easy but you are reaping the rewards of all your preserverance. I will be doing a happy dance just for you :happy: :happy: :happy:


                    saw my reflection in the mirror at the office today

                    Roxy - isn't it so true! And it is amazing what happens to our appearances after being off the sauce in only a few days!

                    I think Visine will officially go bankrupt now we aren't purchasing eye drops by the bucket loads!


                      saw my reflection in the mirror at the office today

                      Well done Roxy,

                      I know what you mean about your face looking less puffy and I have only been af 4 days. I have a question, since you guys are talking about eye drops, do any of you have constantly running eyes? I know mine would run like I was crying.

                      Again well done everyone for AF days and good luck to all that are going to start.

                      :l :h :l :h
                      "What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it."
                      Catherine Pulsifer


                        saw my reflection in the mirror at the office today

                        Hi Roxy,

                        Congratulations on your success! You must feel great!

                        I thought I would share with you my experience with the hypno since you asked about that specifically.
                        When I firsted started the program last April, I didn't follow the program exactly as RJ outlines in the book. I did the supplements and dabbled with the hypno, but didn't follow it to the letter. I had more good days that before, but still struggled with that nagging feeling of wanting to drink, and always having to fight with myself or talk myself out of drinking.

                        In June, I decided it was time to get serious, and I began to do the program exactly as RJ outlines in the book: supplements, topamax, hypnotherpay, and exercise. And, it has literally changed my life. As I have stated in other posts, I actually forget about drinking. And, I credit the hynotherapy for that. It is also the hardest part of the program because you have to set aside time for it everyday for a month, but in my opinion, it is so worth it. To be able to reprogram your brain to tell it to want to drink less, want to drink slower, etc. Or, not drink at all. That's what great about these get to choose what your messages are to your brain based on your relationship with alcohol and what your goals are (i.e. moderation or abstinence).

                        Since following RJ's program to the letter, I no longer consider myself a problem drinker, and I had a MAJOR problem for over 10 years. I chose moderation, and this is something I never thought possible.

                        Anyway, I just wanted to share my experience. I wish you all the best your journey. I sounds like you are doing great. -LFB


                          saw my reflection in the mirror at the office today

                          Thank you so much for sharing this! It's exactly what I needed to hear as I had a sneaking suspicion the CDs are key So I will endeavor to make the time for them. I'm glad you are doing so well. It sounds like you have made a complete turnaround How awesome!



                            saw my reflection in the mirror at the office today

                            Oh excellent work Roxy!! Keep going... I am fully behind you all the way:goodjob: !!

                            And LFB, I actually dream about the day where I can "actually forget about drinking". What a marvellous day that will be. A life without alcohol - how liberating!!


                              saw my reflection in the mirror at the office today

                              :goodjob: Momof2boys! 4 Days! YAY!!

                              Re my eyes, they don't run, per se, when i drink, but they are red...

                              Keep up the good work on the AF

