I just had such a nice surprise! I went to the ladies' room of the office I am working in today. Usually when I go to the ladies' room I make it a point to just wash my hands and not look up at my reflection in the mirror (because I always look so ghastly, half dead).
There were two other women in there, and as always, I noticed their rosey complexions. So I decided to look at mine because I am on Day 9 AF, so there certainly must be some changes and sure enough, there it was, a bright, rosey complexion, just like the other women

I also haven't had to continuously use eye drops!
That said, I have to also mention that I have been entertaining thoughts of drinking. Yesterday was the hardest day yet because up until now I think a lot of it has been pure momentum versus deep change. Last night I was reading in the book about the hypno schedule and I have been very lax about the hypno! After reading the reasons for it and how it works, I now understand it's importance, so today I am committing to doing the hypno every day. I can feel that what needs to be transformed is my subconscious mind, that as of right now, my brain is still on it's auto pilot settings, and until those are re-defined, the urges are going to keep coming. At least that is how I understand the hypno to work.
I would love to hear anyone's experiences with the hypno. ie., how often you do it, were you diligent for the first month as the book suggests, do you find it helpful?