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Need to be back here!

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    Need to be back here!

    Hi everyone
    I'm not actually a newbie here, I discovered this site in 2008 and found everyone extremely supportive and helpful and managed to achieve over 8 months AF between 2008 and 2009. Since then I started drinking again and now feel ready to try and stop. One of the reasons for my relapse I think is after months of concurrent health problems at this time I found quitting alcohol didn't make me really feel better because it turned out that I also discovered I am unable to eat gluten and have been on a gluten free diet since April 2010. I now feel v well on this diet although my weight has crept up because of drinking. However as a gluten free diet is quite restrictive I found it just too much to face going AF as well. I now feel strong enough to try going AF again and need everyone's support.
    Many thanks for taking the time to read xx

    Need to be back here!

    Hey, I have been AF over 2 years now. I didn't stop drinking on the 1st, 2nd or even the 3rd attempt. It took a health scare for me to stop. I had awful stomach pains and my hands were tingeling and I thought I was having a heart attack. I quit drinking that day. I went to the ER. I found out several months later and a bunch of test later that I have Gastroparesis (slow to empty stomach). I can't eat beef or pork. I thought my problem was my liver or heart and I was dieing. I never heard of Gastorparesis until I got it.

    Anyway it took me being scared that the drinking was killing me to make me stop. I continue to be AF because I am tired of disapointing my husband.

    I wish you the best in your journey!!!
    RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

    "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


      Need to be back here!

      Hi Aprilmoon
      Thanks for your reply. I know what gastroparesis is - I get it when I eat gluten! Extreme nausea, bloated stomach, feel like I've swallowed a horse, later terrible stomach cramps etc I'm not remotely tempted to cheat on my gluten free diet as I feel rough afterwards but I am struggling to quit alcohol. I quit for over 100 days in 2008 then relapsed then late 2008 early 2009 did over 8 months AF and then just gave in. I really wanted to try again, I know it's not uncommon to sometimes need more than one attempt at trying to quit. You have inspired me, thank you.


        Need to be back here!

        Sausage, just wanted to welcome you.:welcome: I always recommend the Newbie's nest to people just starting out here because it's a very active thread with lots of support. Here's a link:

        The toolbox is also an important place to visit - lots of information to help you put a plan together. Be sure to scroll through it because things get buried. Here's a link.

        Finally, you might want to consider buying the MWO book and/or supplements from the Health Store here. Read and post here as much as you possibly can. Drink lots of water with lemon to help clear your system and stave off cravings.

        Best to you.


          Need to be back here!

          Evening of day 1 and I'm having a ginger beer. It's tough but I'm hanging in there. This is the toughest time of day for me!


            Need to be back here!

            Yup, I agree, the so called "witching hour". The good news is, you've done it before......the other good news can do it again.

            Surf the urge............SURF THE URGE!!! LOL

            Good luck getting through the first night again....wishing you all the strength needed

            Ju can dew eeeet
            Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



              Need to be back here!

              Nelz, you crack me up man! "Surf the urge ...." I'm going to keep that in mind!


                Need to be back here!

                Well I've got through day 1. Am now in bed - feel a bit bloated and sick as I had more ginger beer and crisps than I probably should have this evening, but at least I didn't have any alcohol!


                  Need to be back here!

                  Good job getting though day 1 Sausage! I love your name by the way!


                    Need to be back here!

                    Good luck Sausage! We are here for you! Take it one day at a time and just get through today. Face tomorrow when it gets here. Have a wonderful, healthy and sober weekend!
                    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                    BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                      Need to be back here!

                      Thanks for all your support over the months everyone.

                      It's six months today since that first introductory post, and today I celebrate 6 months AF.

                      I couldnt have achieved it without MWO, I am so grateful to you all.


                        Need to be back here!


                        I remember when you first joined us Sausage! You are doing awesome...keep up your good work. Before you know it, we'll be celebrating ONE YEAR!!!

                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

