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    Hi Matt
    This is a really good site. People here really care and the support is huge. More importantly when you read their stories it sounds so familiar.You,ve come to the right place. You now need to start believing. KEEP going.




      Welcome.. This is a great place to get support and share.
      I recomend that you read the book (easy read) and read as much as you can on this site.

      Put a plan together and start a journey.
      Control the Mind



        I think you have made a huge step already. Admitting you have a problem with alcohol and coming onto this sight for help. Read as many post as you can, write posts to get your feelings out. I have found this sight very helpful, everyone here is so supportive and actually know how we feel.
        Good job for taking step number.
        :l :h
        "What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it."
        Catherine Pulsifer



          Hi Matt and welcome to MWO.
          This is a wonderful place for people like us. We are all alcoholics in various stages of addiction or recovery. We know what pain each and everyone of us is going through, thats why we understand and can help each other.

          Please do come on here and read as many posts as possible and share your story with us. Putting it down on paper or a screen sometimes helps our brains to clarify and sort out what really is the matter.

          You have made the first step and you will have to take it one day at a time. The first few days suck, but each day will build your confidence that you can really do this. We all use different tools to get where we are going. What will work for you might not work for me and so on.
          Please join us, we can learn from you and you can learn from us. We are all in the same boat and rowing toward the light at the end of the canal.
          Love Lori.
          *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein



            Hi Matt and Welcome home!
            Everyone is here to listen and help you on your journey to recovery. We are all in the same boat with this addiction. Please post often and hear what everyone posts so it can help you. I have been here about 3 weeks now and it has helped tremedously. I post whenever I have trials as well when I have a good day and just want to let everyone know! Its all up to you! I am now on day 44 and it feels wonderful! You can do it too! But you have to want to do it...Good luck



              Hi Matt & :welcome:

              Well done ........ this site is amazing, since finding this site last november, i've cut down from 3 bottles of wine everyday, down to one bottle, then Since new years eve i've only drank once and it was only 2 glasses of wine with my hubby .....

              I couldn't have done it without the guys here, please post and read as much as you can, It will help.

              Love & Hugs, Paula :h :l :h



                Mornin' Matt......first can I say HOOOOOOORRRAAYYYY....another living in Kiwiagogo land!
                and Welcome to the site! Yup!!! echoing everyone, read, read..the book, and the posts...Go through past threads and you'll find MANY people who identify with every thought and feeling you must be struggling with at the moment...
                There is much good advice that you can use for yourself, but what works for one, does not always work for others, so do some research, pick out the stuff that you feel sounds like you/and maybe try stuff you would never have thought of before...I know some people may have a bit of trouble with the idea of a hypnosis cds, but thiscould be right up your alley...keep your mind open to anything that may lessen the load!!!
                There's plenty here my as greedy as you like!!!!!! see you around. Weemelon

