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Aussie Chick

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    Aussie Chick

    Hi everyone, just found out about this program after many months of searching for help. I can't understand how I got here but I am needing a holistic approach - like this program seems to offer. Can you tell me, those whom have started it, if they feel better and their cravings have reduced? (I of course am scpetical!). I am a young professional with two kids and husband whom I adore yet I end the night the same every day, week in and week out. I am able to do everything a mother and wife needs to get done but for how long?? I just need confirmation this has worked for you. I know it will be a rough ride. Nice to meet you all

    Aussie Chick

    Hi Edel,
    I'm in New Zealand. :welcome: This is a great place where so many people get help. It has been a godsend to me. I would suggest reading and posting as much as you can to find people who have similar situations to yourself. There is an "undies" section in the general discussion board for people in our time zone.. and a holistic area as well. There is also a meds section. Best of luck in finding your way out. :h


      Aussie Chick

      Oh yeah, I forgot to mention.. that I do feel much better and I don't really experience cravings anymore. But I just got that from reading, posting and adding up sober days. Many will chime in on the other stuff. Take care


        Aussie Chick

        Hi Edel!

        Welcome to the site! I have never found another website that offers so much love, encouragement, inspiration, support, advice and understanding. I am not taking any supplements to stop my drinking, but many on here take antabuse (sp?). You can learn a lot from others on here. There are many threads you can visit like the aussie thread, the meds thread, the newbies nest, etc. Read as much as you can, ask questions and post often.

        For me personally, after about the first 7 days my cravings are gone. Every now and then a voice in my head will say "Come on, you can have 1". I log on here, read a lot, the time flies by and then before I know it, it's time for bed.

        Best of luck to you!
        "When you know better, you do better"

        AF- February 16, 2012
        Goal 1- 3 days al free
        Goal 2- 7 days al free
        Goal 3- 1 month al free
        Goal 4- 3 months al free


          Aussie Chick

          Hi Edel, it is great that you are fighting this battle.

          Like you, I am a father, husband, work full time, and I realised that I had to stop drinking. For me, I was at risk of losing it all. I have never taken drugs or specific detox supplements. The amazing people here, are what helped me through.

          It takes time. The cravings and urges are very much linked to our patterns of behaviour. The social cues, the event cues, the time of day cues, media cues etc etc. In time, the cravings do decrease in power and intensity. You can serf a craving like a wave. Expect urges, they will come. But take power in knowing they will pass. Close your eyes, ball your fists, and HOLD FAST, the urge (the wave) will pass. PM me if you ever want to chat.

          Take care,
          Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


            Aussie Chick

            Welcome to the forum Edel !
            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


              Aussie Chick

              Welcome Edel, you will find what you need here and yes there are so many success stories here at MWO.

              Keep safe
              Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                Aussie Chick

                Welcome Edel. I am a newbie as well. My first day here was last Thursday, and I've been AF since. Check out the Newbie's Nest and the Toolbox when you have time.

                "I like people too much or not at all."
                Sylvia Plath


                  Aussie Chick

                  Thank you all for your advice and positivity, I am really looking forward to planning and acting on this weakness. I want to read everyones posts and gain strength and encouragement. I feel like this is the start of a wonderful journey both physically and spiritually


                    Aussie Chick

                    Good on you Edel, yes this can be tough but oh so rewarding too and the support is fantastic. Here are links to the threads mentioned by LibraryGirl, welcome to you too LG, above:

                    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                      Aussie Chick

                      So how did you begin? What was the first step you took? How did you work through the craving especially in the evenings ?? I don't even know where to start


                        Aussie Chick

                        Edel, I can only speak for myself by saying I began last Thursday morning with a hangover, and hysterics because I was finally admitting to myself that I had a problem. I came here with the help of Google and maybe some angels...since then, I have just posted and read, posted and read, lol. I have managed six AF days so far, which is longer than I've gone without alcohol in 10-12 years or more.

                        I suggest TV shows, books, journal writing, exercise, anything to fill the hours that you usually spent drinking. Come here and get obsessed. Read what everyone has to say, and their stories. Some powerful stuff here.

                        Others will have more suggestions, and by reading in some other threads you will find the answers you seek. Good luck to you!:l

                        "I like people too much or not at all."
                        Sylvia Plath


                          Aussie Chick

                          Hi Edel,

                          I recommend reading the MWO book - you can download it. Come up with a plan - specify things you will do in order to become a non drinker and to help you. Develop an exercise plan - this helps a lot.

                          Also, you can check out the tool box thread. Its has a lot of great posts and is a very useful tool.


                          Good luck with your journey!!


                            Aussie Chick

                            Edel;1270783 wrote: So how did you begin? What was the first step you took? How did you work through the craving especially in the evenings ?? I don't even know where to start
                            Hello again Edel, the first step is a realisation that something has to change and most people starting out try to get a 30 day AF (alcohol free) period under their belts. Everyones story is different as are their drinking habits and their story. Some are bingers some drink daily, some drink little, some drink vast amounts but the thing we all have in common is our need to take our lives back and get off of the merry-go-round.
                            There are many tools used to achieve this and each and everything that helps is welcomed. My own approach was reading the book and formulating a plan based on nutrition, exercise and spiritual growth. This took the form of drinking plenty of fluids to keep hydrated, fresh lemon juice in water is good and helps our battered liver. Taking vitamins esp B. L-glutamine is very helpful with cravings in the early days. I started out by walking then swimming then joining a gym. I also feel our spirits and emotional growth can have been stifled by years of using AL to self medicate and am still trying to grow in that direction.
                            Just jump in, read, post, ask questions. I have yet to meet one person who regrets having come here and made the effort to take their life back. Its a big beautiful world out there.
                            Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?

