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4 Days down and working on a 5th...

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    4 Days down and working on a 5th...

    Okay, this week has been long but quite easy. I've worked most days which keep me out of trouble. I started some exercises with my weights. I do them every other day to give my muscles a break. So, today it's exercise day. I ache horribly today. Also my upped dosage of antidepressant seems to be starting to kick in now. I feel better mentally. So, let's see if I can keep it up. I'm off today alone. Hubby closes. I just need to stay on the train because the destination is a better place. Huggs to everyone today.

    4 Days down and working on a 5th...

    Hang in there, my fellow Land of Lincolner!

    I'm also working on my 5th day - but since I've usually been a weekend drinker Fridays are a trigger day. All in all hasn't been too bad. Thoughts crept in for one second, so I went to one of the NIAAA (on the links page, but it is .gov) and read about what alcohol does to the body/liver. Made any desire I had go running away!

    Have a great weekend.
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


      4 Days down and working on a 5th...

      Hi both you and :goodjob:

      You are both doing really well.....

      Keep it up.

      Love Paula :h :l :h

