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5 things I am grateful for TODAY ...

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    5 things I am grateful for TODAY ...

    Join me in listing 5 of the things you are grateful for today

    The sunshine;
    Spending time with my son, who lives away at university;
    Being able to pick my daughter up from a party;
    That my mum sounded happy when I phoned her;
    Going to bed sober.

    The more grateful I am, the more reasons I find to be grateful:h

    5 things I am grateful for TODAY ...

    I am grateful for :

    1) My family and husband, our relationship has gone from strength to strength since we are AF
    2) Going to bed sober
    3) Waking up feeling great and happy
    4) Been able to function at 100% at work and at home
    5) Antabuse for assisting with the above



      5 things I am grateful for TODAY ...

      Nice topic Piccalilli

      1) that my liver is OK
      2) that my husband is coming home to make me smoked chicken ceaser salad for lunch
      3) Sleepytime tea
      4) my duvet/doona - comfy
      5) that I woke up sober
      :wings: "Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things."


        5 things I am grateful for TODAY ...

        1. that it is monday and i went to work without those terrible feelings due to my actions over the weekend, because i was sober!
        2. That i can talk opening at my group.
        3. I finished a painting tonight...SOBER!
        4. my family and i are all lying in bed reading (except i am reading MWO posts)
        5. That i will wake up tomorrow with another sober day under my belt.
        I must suppress the beast within so I can find my way out of the darkness.
        sober since 2/4/12


          5 things I am grateful for TODAY ...

          Great positive thread.

          I am grateful for
          1. my alcoholic son is talking a lot lately about his issues and he is a very private person
          2. re-reading Jason Vale's book is impacting me again in my journey to stop putting poison in my body
          3. my life at my little cottage by the river with my fiance
          4. my children's relative happiness and success
          5. my beautiful granddaughter who I have formed a close bond with

          I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

          "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
          ? Lao-Tzu


            5 things I am grateful for TODAY ...

            1) That I got to my laundry out on the line before it rained.
            2) That I've made some new friends who have never scene me drunk.
            3) That my mom and I can talk as long as we want because of vontage.
            4) That I stopped drinking and smoking.
            5) That I am not worried about money (at the moment)

            This was great! Thank you!


              5 things I am grateful for TODAY ...

              That I haven't had a drink since last Tuesday.
              That I threw out the rest of my red velvet cupcakes
              My morning cup (ok 2) of coffee
              That my boss is traveling and told me to enjoy an easy week. You don't have to tell me twice!!!
              My awesome family.
              AF since 2/22/2012


                5 things I am grateful for TODAY ...

                I am grateful for this site and to all of you!:l

                I am grateful for my dogs and cats who expect nothing from me (except food and treats, lol), and love me despite my flaws.

                I am grateful that my bf is supporting my AF lifestyle, and also that he helped me to see that I had a problem.

                I am grateful for my family, whom I have not kept in touch with like I should've due to AL. This is something I am going to remedy.

                I am grateful to still have my job, despite AL and my many attempts at sabotage.

                "I like people too much or not at all."
                Sylvia Plath


                  5 things I am grateful for TODAY ...

                  I am grateful for 7 days with no AL!

                  Grateful for the beautiful pink sunrise that reminds me of a beautiful young lady in heaven.

                  Grateful for my beautiful granddaughter & her powerful subtle words "Grama? Please don't drink. She has no idea how those words have spoken to me deep inside.

                  I am grateful that my honey has my morning coffee ready for me when I woke up.

                  Thankful for the hour of silence I get right now before anyone else is up.

                  Good morning world.
                  Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the know to the unknown."
                  Author Unknown :h

                  AF - Sept 4, 2012
                  10 days - Sept 13, 2012
                  2 weeks - Sept 17, 2012
                  Slip on the weekend but tried too moderate!
                  AF - Sept 24, 2012 (get back on the headaches not worth it)
                  Slippery slope Oct 1 ..... Trying to not give up!



                    5 things I am grateful for TODAY ...

                    -My daughter
                    -Waking up with no shame, regrets, or anxiety
                    -My job, which allows me to have all I need: a home/food/comfort
                    -My parents are both happy and healthy (and married 50 years!)
                    -My dogs...even though they've been up to no good lately. LOL
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      5 things I am grateful for TODAY ...

                      Great post

                      -My daughter
                      -My job
                      -My beau
                      -My guitars
                      -The ability to live in the moment


                        5 things I am grateful for TODAY ...

                        What an inspiring thread! Thanks for starting it Piccalili!

                        Ok, there are several but here are my top 5:

                        1)Waking up Sober!
                        2)My loving husband, my cute dog and 2 mysterious black kitties that are betting than watching any tv show!
                        3) My fun job that I get to walk to and affords me to not have to have a car! Also, that my husband makes a good living and is hard working, just like me.
                        4)Our beautiful home in a georgeous seaside community near Boston. The best of both and coast.
                        5)That I have a wonderful extended family and that I am making AF friends, including those of you right here!

                        I'm adding a bonus point: 5A: My health, even though I put my body through hell with AL for the past 15 years or so, my blood tests and recent physical are all normal and my liver is fine. It can only get even better now that I am not drinking.
                        Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                        BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                          5 things I am grateful for TODAY ...

                          BlondeAFAmbition;1271183 wrote: What an inspiring thread! Thanks for starting it Piccalili!

                          Ok, there are several but here are my top 5:

                          1)Waking up Sober!
                          2)My loving husband, my cute dog and 2 mysterious black kitties that are betting than watching any tv show!
                          3) My fun job that I get to walk to and affords me to not have to have a car! Also, that my husband makes a good living and is hard working, just like me.
                          4)Our beautiful home in a georgeous seaside community near Boston. The best of both and coast.
                          5)That I have a wonderful extended family and that I am making AF friends, including those of you right here!

                          I'm adding a bonus point: 5A: My health, even though I put my body through hell with AL for the past 15 years or so, my blood tests and recent physical are all normal and my liver is fine. It can only get even better now that I am not drinking.
                          I haven't posted in over a year but I couldn't pass on this one:

                          1. That I am sober today.
                          2. That my family is healthy and happy, all three boy in college and are doing well, and so are my dogs.
                          3. I have the best job in the world
                          4. I am blessed with great friends
                          5. After a terrible accident I am able to train again.

                          Have a great AF day
                          Tiny Tina:flower:


                            5 things I am grateful for TODAY ...

                            I haven't posted in over a year but I couldn't pass on this one:

                            1. That I am sober today.
                            2. That my family is healthy and happy, all three boy in college and are doing well, and so are my dogs.
                            3. I have the best job in the world
                            4. I am blessed with great friends
                            5. After a terrible accident I am able to train again.

                            Have a great AF day!
                            Tiny Tina:flower:


                              5 things I am grateful for TODAY ...

                              1) That I am not homesick today.
                              2) That I had fun with my husband last night
                              3) That I am learning again about alcoholism and not in denial.
                              4) That I am alive
                              5) That I don't have someone telling me to do things I don't want to do today.

