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5 things I am grateful for TODAY ...

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    5 things I am grateful for TODAY ...

    I have been in an ill mood this evening, and it's good to think of things that I'm grateful for.

    1. Love
    2. Life
    3. Experience
    4. Appreciation
    5. Acceptance

    "I like people too much or not at all."
    Sylvia Plath


      5 things I am grateful for TODAY ...

      I am alive

      I am employed

      My family loves me

      My dog loves me

      Successful 1st day AF!


        5 things I am grateful for TODAY ...

        1. My Sobriety
        2. My Sobriety
        3. My Sobriety
        4. My Sobriety
        5. Without My Sobriety, I Have Nothing!....

        Done With Alcohol 5/23/12


          5 things I am grateful for TODAY ...

          ice (awesome invention)
          my family
          having a good car (I'll need to spend most of next week in it)
          workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


            5 things I am grateful for TODAY ...

            today i am grateful for...
            --good health
            --a very supportive mother who listens well and has heaps of good advice
            --a beautiful, loving and caring sisiter
            --that my daughters are coming home soon
            --that i'm getting stronger


              5 things I am grateful for TODAY ...

              - My Amazing Family
              - My Wonderful Friends
              - My beautiful Dog
              - The warm sunshine
              - And making it through Friday without drinking!!
              new beginnings July 16, 2012


                5 things I am grateful for TODAY ...

                --my sweet daughter, who just returned after being away for 2 weeks, is snoring quietly in my bed. we're having a slumber party!!
                --the sun was out and shining brightly the whole day.
                --i am excited about my new LIFE!
                --a vegie drawer packed with fresh food
                --that i have a freshly painted living room, thanks to the ol' bf.


                  5 things I am grateful for TODAY ...

                  - my fast car and lack of speed cameras ... Sounds reckless I know, but all depends on context
                  - my staff, who tuned into the fact I am no longer drinking and stopped ordering wine
                  - my wonderful supportive hubby
                  - Turnagain, turning one year AF, - being so full of joie de vivre ... That is contagious, really
                  - the wonderful sight of kms of sunflowers looking East
                  workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                    5 things I am grateful for TODAY ...

                    Waking up sober,no shame or guilt
                    Having the best job in the world
                    Finding MWO and all the great people who log on to it
                    My 2 cats


                      5 things I am grateful for TODAY ...

                      --that i have the power to choose not to take that first drink
                      --that my body can heal after years of abuse
                      --morning coffee!!
                      --all of the support here.
                      --a wide open, sunny summer day


                        5 things I am grateful for TODAY ...

                        1) That I am 5 months pregnant and we are healthy so far
                        2) That I live in a warmer house this winter
                        3) That I have money to buy food and don't need to use my charge card.
                        4) That I have been sober for so long that I don't even think about drinking anymore
                        5) That I found the courage to take control over my life and can start a family now


                          5 things I am grateful for TODAY ...

                          * I woke up feeling great
                          * I am having dinner and then seeing a movie with my kids tonight (and I won't be standing them up because I spent the afternoon drinking wine)
                          * My employer values and respects me because I am reliable now
                          * I'm in good health - feel and look better than I have in a long time
                          * I have not had a drink in over a year, which means I've been sober for my daughter's entire last year of high school

                          PS: My ex-husband joked about my daughter leaving for college in a few weeks. He said, "What a relief, huh? You can finally start getting hammered again!" Nice. But, honestly, I had to laugh. And I'm grateful that today I can laugh!


                            5 things I am grateful for TODAY ...

                            --i'm grateful for this thread!!! every time i make such a list, i'm able to re-focus.
                            --big splashy rain puddles. my daughters and i came out of the movie theater and it was pouring!! i didn't want to ruin my pretty leather sandles, so i took them off, put them in my purse and we ran through the puddles --home.
                            --the hot bath we took afterwards!
                            --yummy pasta cooking on the stove.
                            --a sober day!!!


                              5 things I am grateful for TODAY ...

                              today, the main thing i'm grateful for is..

                              that i was able to be available for my 10 year old daughter last night when i heard her quietly crying in bed--she had something so heavy in her heart and she could tell me, and i could hold her and tell her how much i love her and that everything really will be ok. a few weeks ago i could have easily been passed out to the point of her not being able to shake me awake. thank god i was there for her.


                                5 things I am grateful for TODAY ...

                                The five things i am grateful for today are;

                                My beautiful family, that they are healthy and safe
                                That my husband is having a wonderful time at the Olympic stadium without having to worry about me drinking!
                                My lovely friends
                                That i have achieved some career stuff I've had in my mind to do for years
                                That I am sober and feel at peace this evening going to bed

                                Happy Thursday all xx
                                AF since 2nd Oct 2012
                                Day by day

