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What are some of the DANGEROUS things you've done while Drunk?

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    What are some of the DANGEROUS things you've done while Drunk?

    I had a mini ephiphany just now. I had to remind myself of some of the terrible things that had happened while I was drunk, to also reaffirm why I want to be AF. The most recent (in the past two years) things that stand out in my mind are, one night, drunk, I decided to take a shower... Came out of the bathroom with the towel wrapped around me, and it fell in front of my feet and I tripped and landed straight on my reflexes to stop myself with my hands. I think I broke my nose, but I never went to the doctor. Blood all over the carpet, bruises on my face...Nightmare~!

    The second thing was, I went outside my front door, drunk, thinking I'd walk around at night, for some crazy AL reason, and stepped too short on my brick steps and cut the back of heel wide open, and it was husband (at the time) wanted to take me to the emergency room, but I didn't want to go drunk. I did go the next day to the hospital, and had to have stiches and wear a brace. The tech who cleaned my wound listened to my "story" and asked me if I had been drinking at the time. How obvious was it?!:sigh:

    Of course there was the DUI, years earlier, but that didn't even put up a roadblock in my AL life.

    AL can and will kill one way or another!

    "I like people too much or not at all."
    Sylvia Plath

    What are some of the DANGEROUS things you've done while Drunk?

    i have had way too many but here are a few...almost burned down a friends house. wrecked my car 3 different times, sex with practical strangers, fell off a roof of a moving car, jumped out of a two story balcony (twice) pretty sure i messed up my butt bone, beat the shit out of my ex numerous times, almost died trying to walk home in the middle of the night in a snow storm (still have no idea how i lived through that one), recent DWI......see what i mean. how stupid can one person be? and if you knew me just as a passing acquaintances you would never know i have had this life. INSANITY!
    I must suppress the beast within so I can find my way out of the darkness.
    sober since 2/4/12


      What are some of the DANGEROUS things you've done while Drunk?

      No one would guess that of me either. I am a librarian for fuck's sake, lol.

      "I like people too much or not at all."
      Sylvia Plath


        What are some of the DANGEROUS things you've done while Drunk?

        Way too many to count. I have journals full of stupid shit I did while drunk.
        Fights, sex, flashing, driving, reckless, ravenous, ridiculous. I chose bad men and even worse friends.
        I drank when I was alone with my kids. What if something happened?
        I lost my dog and traipsed through the neighborhood in the snow drunk as a skunk crying and knocking on doors.
        I had no shame when drunk and was collapsed by shame when sober.

        I can't trust alcohol. I trust myself not to drink.
        Day 1 again 11/5/19
        Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
        Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
        Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
        11/27/19: messed up but back on track
        12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

        One day at a time.


          What are some of the DANGEROUS things you've done while Drunk?

          I think the most dangerous thing I use to sometimes do is wonder around at night drunk, disoriented and lost. I was avoiding driving drunk and was trying not to spend money on a cab. Sometimes I'd ride the bus or wait for one at a bus stop where there were sketchy people around. Really dangerous for a woman to be wandering a city like that. I cringe when I think of what could have happened to me. It seams like some of the actual things that I did that weren't safe I'm just sorta coming to terms with that drinking played a role. For the longest time I just thought I had some bad luck with men, bad relationships, etc. But really the scariest is the wandering in the middle of the night... Thank god nothing really bad happened to me. I feel like crying just thinking of how numb I was and how I really didn't care if anything did. :h


            What are some of the DANGEROUS things you've done while Drunk?

            Falling over mostly, gave myself concussion once. Self-harming. Going home with strangers - that scares me the most I think, anything could have happened. Had a knife pulled on me and my then boyfriend once. Too many to mention I think!


              What are some of the DANGEROUS things you've done while Drunk?

              Got into a disagreement with my ex, jumped on my motorcycle with just a pair of shorts on......and drove WAYYYYY too fast through the neighborhood.

              Yet AL is still legal.....LOL Havent done that yet on my seltzer water
              Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



                What are some of the DANGEROUS things you've done while Drunk?

                Tried to commit suicide....... How can I ever again think I have any control over this evil, soul destroying thing that lives inside me, just waiting for a drop to feed on...

                I thought I could moderate after six years dry - in no time I was headed down a road once travelled. Thank the Universe I came back here as this placed saved me all thoae years ago, and saw Nelz racking up the days AF.... it helped seeing him so strong and determined! He's my hero!! Never again.....ever will I mess with my sobriety!!!!

                This thread is a serious, scary reminder for me. Never let my guard down !!!!!

                I've never done anything remotely as dangerous ('cept max out my credit card - sorry bad attempt at humor) drinking waterfords or diet coke!
                It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                Mother Theresa


                  What are some of the DANGEROUS things you've done while Drunk?

                  Choice, I did that too...walking in the complete dark home with ice clinking in my glass the whole way...
                  Oh God what I sight I must have been to anyone driving by!

                  Nicelife, so glad you're here.
                  Day 1 again 11/5/19
                  Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
                  Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
                  Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
                  11/27/19: messed up but back on track
                  12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

                  One day at a time.


                    What are some of the DANGEROUS things you've done while Drunk?

                    Good reminder for when you start thinking you're weren't that bad, you can handle it. It's been awhile since I've been really stupid while drinking so I have put those memories behind me. It's good to bring those out for a reminder. I've driven while under the influence.... With kids in the car......My most cringe worthy and regretful thing I have ever done. I have jumped recklessly into a hot tub scraping the skin off of my nose. Passing out in a shallow baby pool in the back yard. Carrying my 1 year old nephew while drinking, slipping on the bottom steps and falling down the stairs with him in my arms.

                    Those are the dangerous things. It doesn't even begin to touch on the expensive items lost, ruined and purchased, job opportunities lost, friends and relationships ( current and potential) lost, emotional toll, physical toll, spiritual toll etc, etc. When you think about all of it, it's just overwhelming.


                      What are some of the DANGEROUS things you've done while Drunk?

                      In my 20's dove off a bridge, hit the bottom of the river and broke my neck.

                      In my 30's jumped off a 50' cliff on snow skis, crashed but skied away from it.

                      Crashed two pickup trucks bad.

                      Made my mom worry every weekend.

                      Yes, its time for me to give AL, I can't have just one or two.

                      60 days tomorrow.

                      100 days 04-10-12, entering the danger zone, Rodger that!

                      6 months July 1st


                        What are some of the DANGEROUS things you've done while Drunk?

                        OH, I forgot hit a unmarked buoy in a speed boat at 60 mph in the middle of the night.
                        100 days 04-10-12, entering the danger zone, Rodger that!

                        6 months July 1st


                          What are some of the DANGEROUS things you've done while Drunk?

                          Wow, AL is so seductive, we all think we are superhumans!! That's what it comes down to, right? Thanks for sharing your stories. I definitely left out a lot, now that I've thought about it, but as some of you said, too numerous to list, and probably too tedious. Been there done that, lol.

                          Here's to my 6th AF day!!!! Yay ME!!!

                          "I like people too much or not at all."
                          Sylvia Plath


                            What are some of the DANGEROUS things you've done while Drunk?

                            Wow. Just off the top of my head - and I'm sure zillions of examples are missing:

                            1. DROVE. Thousands of times when I was well over the legal limit, and many times where I was seeing double or have no recollection at all of driving home.

                            2. Ignored warnings and while drunk, went for a swim in the ocean with a severe undertow.

                            3. Fell asleep with food burning on the stove - many times. (lucky the house didn't burn down)

                            4. Put myself in risky personal safety and sexual situations with strangers.

                            5. Fell face first into the bathroom sink on a cruise ship after many shots. Spent the rest of the cruise with a shiner, along with the top executives of my employer. (I'm lucky I didn't break my nose or worse)

                            6. Shot firearms after drinking.

                            Well, that's probably enough for now to remind me why I'm FAR FAR better off not drinking!

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              What are some of the DANGEROUS things you've done while Drunk?

                              Doggygirl;1270576 wrote: Wow. Just off the top of my head - and I'm sure zillions of examples are missing:

                              1. DROVE. Thousands of times when I was well over the legal limit, and many times where I was seeing double or have no recollection at all of driving home.

                              2. Ignored warnings and while drunk, went for a swim in the ocean with a severe undertow.

                              3. Fell asleep with food burning on the stove - many times. (lucky the house didn't burn down)

                              4. Put myself in risky personal safety and sexual situations with strangers.

                              5. Fell face first into the bathroom sink on a cruise ship after many shots. Spent the rest of the cruise with a shiner, along with the top executives of my employer. (I'm lucky I didn't break my nose or worse)

                              6. Shot firearms after drinking.

                              Well, that's probably enough for now to remind me why I'm FAR FAR better off not drinking!

                              Now THAT actually sounds like a lot of fun! LMFAO What could go wrong?
                              Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                              DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER

