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What are some of the DANGEROUS things you've done while Drunk?

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    What are some of the DANGEROUS things you've done while Drunk?

    When I got wasted drunk while visiting a house I previously rented with my (then) exboyfriend and friends, my exboyfriend who I still thought I "loved" was still living there. The house had become a drug house, and that weekend, acid was the drug of choice. I had never done acid before, but thought, hell, why not?!

    The combination - a very drunk Rainy with the most horrid hallucinations. I thought I was in Hell and couldn't break out of it. I thought it would go on forever. In order to try to figure out if I was not in Hell I took a wine bottle and smashed my ex's t.v., drank out of a water cup with old cigarettes in it (I think I thought I had to do this if I was actually in Hell), tried to jump out of a window from the 2nd floor, and ran in front of a moving car.

    While not endangering anyone else, I could very well have ended up a very smashed Rainyday Girl.
    I will be sober so I can be clear and remember being a mommy and so I can be in the best place God wants to place me. I will be here! now! FREE! 12.5mg Topamax AM&PM, Ativan until safe from withdrawal syndrome & for anxiety. Thank God I Am Done!


      What are some of the DANGEROUS things you've done while Drunk?


      I need to be reminded of these thing every once in a while....

      The worst for me is driving with my children after drinking. The shame and pain of knowing i Put my beautiful, trusting babies completely in harms way is almost unbearable at times...

      On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
      *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


        What are some of the DANGEROUS things you've done while Drunk?

        Was re-reading the responses I got when I first ound this thread and was SO UPSET. So many caring people here, :h

        I'm in a much better place in my head and heart now...but still appreciate the reminder of where I've been... Well, I guess where we've all been one time or another

        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


          What are some of the DANGEROUS things you've done while Drunk?

          Too many to count. Most should have been rock-bottomers but
          this particular demon had a really powerful hold.
          I twice I broker the windows of my apartment to enter as I had lost
          the keys in the bar which led to an eviction .
          Once I fell hard on the side of the road while drunk walking
          and burst my lip wide open. Also broke my nose. Someone
          called an ambulance but I wouldn't get in as I didn't
          realise the extent of my injury and I was talking smack to
          the cops so they arrested me for disorderely conduct.
          I was out of work for 2 weeks but by the grace of God
          I still kept my job.
          One mother's day sunday I got messed up early
          and headed to a local restraunt/bar. I proceded to add more
          liqur and cursed out total strangers out celebrating mother's day.
          I ended up in jail again. Ended up getting 6 months by weekly
          supervised probation. Did 40 Community service and paid $800 fine
          Its for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then and DO NOT let yourself be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Gal 5:1


            What are some of the DANGEROUS things you've done while Drunk?

            this thread should be bumped daily,the mind forgets so quickly
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              What are some of the DANGEROUS things you've done while Drunk?

              the most dangerous?
              1. fell down the stairs drunk...herniated discs, tore labrum over a year ago and I still have pain and numbness
              2. drove drunk quite a few times... with my boys in the car with me
              3. walked back to hotel stinking drunk in NYC in the middle of the night by myself ...stumbling along anyone could have taken advantage of me
              4. lots of falls.... a miracle I am not dead from a blow to the head.

              As for other stories that may be funny, they are not to me. I don't find things done drunk to be humorous at all.
              I just won't anymore


                What are some of the DANGEROUS things you've done while Drunk?

                OK, in all honesty? I have had sex with men:
                1. who I did not know; and/or
                2. without remembering it and/or
                3. that if sober, I would have run for the hills - GROSS

                ....lucky that is all that happened. This was 20 years ago but I still cringe about it in a huge way and I am glad I did not have daughters because of it.
                I just won't anymore


                  What are some of the DANGEROUS things you've done while Drunk?

                  almost too many to mention.
                  Waking up with complete strangers. Waking up often to find the absolute strangers had already left and I was lucky they hadn't robbed the place. Waking up in strange places. I once woke up in my parents garden. I slept in the snow. I knew I was too drunk to go in that night so chose to sleep in the snow.
                  I gave my number out to complete strangers on the internet. I gave my address out to complete strangers on the internet.
                  I had falls, I left fires unattended, I left doors unlocked, I fell on a stairwell of a pub one night and split my head open.
                  I took an overdose.

                  I was a f'n idiot and I struggle to come to terms with it.

                  Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.


                    What are some of the DANGEROUS things you've done while Drunk?

                    Moni you are not a f####n idiot, we are all f#####n idiots for drinking the actions are faults of the booze!

                    My head tightens and I feel panicky when I think about my shameful drinking stories ;0(
                    But it's good to remember them from time to time to keep us on our toes. I store them away or you would go mad!
                    Sex with strangers, tick
                    Drink driving, tick
                    Unfaithfulness, tick
                    Drinking at work, tick
                    Paralytic in charge of my kids, tick
                    Lying, cheating, getting into debt, tick, tick, tick grim reading
                    AF since 2nd Oct 2012
                    Day by day


                      What are some of the DANGEROUS things you've done while Drunk?

                      Drove the car into a Creek and wondered what the hell the ducks were doing swimming past my car windows!!!Ugh! What a fool I have been.


                        What are some of the DANGEROUS things you've done while Drunk?

                        Going home with strangers

                        Driving drunk

                        Crashing my car and not remembering how. Got woken up by a cop who only didn't arrest me because my car was not driveable and he couldn't prove if I had been drinking when crashing it or started after since I was at a gas station.

                        Falling down steps in an ice storm

                        waking up covered in bruises and no idea how they happened (including bruises on my upper arm like I had been grabbed and bruises and dirt marks on inner thighs with no memory of how those happened)

                        Running off the road into a ditch and luckily, someone found me and helped me get my car out

                        Almost doing cocaine (I've never done drugs in my life. But for some reason that night, it seemed like a good idea. The only thing that stopped me was my date's drug dealer wasn't available)

                        Showing up to work drunk and being sent home

                        Cussing out friends and basically alienating most of the people in my life

                        Cooking and passing out with food in the oven

                        Getting hit by an ex when we were both drunk

                        Yeah, crazy to think I'd ever want to return to that.


                          What are some of the DANGEROUS things you've done while Drunk?

                          I have met with accident while drunk driving. I suddenly fall asleep, my car hit with a tree.


                            What are some of the DANGEROUS things you've done while Drunk?

                            Thank God for this post. I live with the guilt and shame of some horrible things I did, which scarily seemed totally rational to me at the time. I imagined the thrill, the adrenalin - I just looked like a pissed up wreck no doubt. I know there's some amazing honesty on here, which has really helped how I feel about myself - thanks so much for that. Knowing I'm not on my own, that I'm not a bad person, just foolish, has halped me so much today.


                              What are some of the DANGEROUS things you've done while Drunk?

                              I have caught for drunk and drive, thank god there was no accident while that drive. i don't remember any other hard drunk incident.


                                What are some of the DANGEROUS things you've done while Drunk?

                                Passed out leaving a candle burning. Coming to with the smoke detector going off and the kitchen on fire.
                                No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.

