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did giving up the booze help joint/knee pain?

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    did giving up the booze help joint/knee pain?

    hi there

    for those of you who have managed to kick the booze - did you notice a improvement in joints and knees etc

    how long did it take for the pain to heel? or for the body to get better

    i have really bad knee pain almost chronic and it just wont get better , i am just thinking f giving up booze would help and how long it would take to see the results

    thanks any tips would be great on how your body has got better without booze

    did giving up the booze help joint/knee pain?

    Way back in nineteen dickety two, I was playin Volleyball, and rolled my ankle pretty bad.

    It healed, but seemed to hurt for a long time after the fact. I watched a show on Oprah, with Doctor Oz, he described water as "WD-40" for the body. I increased my intake, and Ill be darned if it didnt start to feel better.

    Maybe a mind trick, but it worked
    Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



      did giving up the booze help joint/knee pain?



        did giving up the booze help joint/knee pain?

        I only know one thing for sure, giving up booze won't make it WORSE!

        Once you give up the alcohol, you'll notice that you start feeling better overall. Good luck and let us know how you are doing!
        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          did giving up the booze help joint/knee pain?

          After 40 some years of sports and many injuries....I have been aching for a good 20 years, I found that losing the alcohol helped. But how it really helped was I decided to clean my diet up as well. I used to have back pain, knee, ankle, shoulder and wrist issues. I had trouble walking especially early in the morning, and my wrists were so tight I couldn't do pushups.

          Once I cut the white stuff out of my diet, (white flour, sugar, and milk), I started losing weight, but I also found that all of those things caused inflamation in my body. When inflamation occurred is when I was tight and in pain. Well over the past few years I have found that since ridding myself of the white stuff and the booze I was able to add yoga to my workouts. I am now basically pain free. I feel like I am 20 years old again. Now if I go and have a food binge because we eat out, or go grab a pizza or ice cream which I will do occassionally I wake up the next day with the inflamation. The pain is not as bad, and my range of motion is hindered a bit, but my body knows when I poison it...even with bad food. I would recommend cutting out the white stuff along with the booze, eat plenty of fruits and veges and protein, and start walking 20-45 minutes a day, and you will see a tremendous improvement in less than 2 weeks.


            did giving up the booze help joint/knee pain?

            As part of giving up AL I have started to look after myself better - I would ignore aches and pains, and use AL to numb them. I have a bad knee and went to the DR's once I realised that there might be a problem - after a session of physical therapy and finding that there is something wrong with it, I am managing to fix it by changing the way I use my knee and build new muscles. It is amazing what self awareness and self caring can do when life is not ruled by AL
            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


              did giving up the booze help joint/knee pain?


              Supercrew;1272408 wrote: After 40 some years of sports and many injuries....I have been aching for a good 20 years, I found that losing the alcohol helped. But how it really helped was I decided to clean my diet up as well. I used to have back pain, knee, ankle, shoulder and wrist issues. I had trouble walking especially early in the morning, and my wrists were so tight I couldn't do pushups.

              Once I cut the white stuff out of my diet, (white flour, sugar, and milk), I started losing weight, but I also found that all of those things caused inflamation in my body. When inflamation occurred is when I was tight and in pain. Well over the past few years I have found that since ridding myself of the white stuff and the booze I was able to add yoga to my workouts. I am now basically pain free. I feel like I am 20 years old again. Now if I go and have a food binge because we eat out, or go grab a pizza or ice cream which I will do occassionally I wake up the next day with the inflamation. The pain is not as bad, and my range of motion is hindered a bit, but my body knows when I poison it...even with bad food. I would recommend cutting out the white stuff along with the booze, eat plenty of fruits and veges and protein, and start walking 20-45 minutes a day, and you will see a tremendous improvement in less than 2 weeks.
              Thanks sounds promising I will stop drinking upto 7 beers a day and half a bottle of wine and eating fast food and I am sure it will heal quickly

