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Why I really want to succeed this time

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    Why I really want to succeed this time

    I've been trying to kick my AL habit for years (1 or 2 bottles of white wine per night for as many years as I can remember) but the most AF I've managed is 10 days. In the last few weeks I had a dull ache under my ribs - and know that I have now pushed things too far - and I don't need to go to my doctor to know what the consequences are if I don't stop this once and for all now.

    Last night I lay in bed and thought about the future (or not if I keep this up - I'm only 45). My beautiful daughter is about to graduate from Uni and start her career and also hopes to get married in the next couple of years and start a family. Do I really not want to be here to watch her success, to dance at her wedding - to welcome my grandchildren into the world?

    My middle son is planning to go travelling around the world later this year - do I really want him to come home in a couple of years and not be here to hear about his adventures and plans?

    My youngest boy is about to leave home to go to Uni and is so nervous and unsure. Do I really not want to be here to love and support him and guide him on his future journey - watch him grow up, get married and have kids etc.

    Finally, my lovely, patient husband who has been working so hard to create our dream home, working hours and hours in the evenings and at weekends renovating an old house which we plan to spend our future together in. Do I really not want to be here to share our joy when we move in, choose new curtains, plan the garden etc. The thought of him as a lone widower brings tears to my eyes.

    This morning on the radio a charity made an appeal - it was a children's liver foundation. This filled me with shame. All of those young, innocent children, who through no fault of their own are destined to die from liver failure - and here am I inflicting the same thing on myself just because of my lack of willpower and determination. Shame on me - I don't deserve a healthy liver like these children - but hopefully if I change things NOW, it will recover and I will live to see all of the things that I hope for my family in the future.

    So - here it is - Today IS Day One - it is ridiculous to think that I would allow myself to die young, just because I can't say no to one glass of wine - and it is one glass of wine, because if I say no to the first one, the rest of the bottle can't follow.

    Sorry for the essay - I needed to write this down to reinforce it and I will keep coming back to read it to remind myself why I'm here. In the meantime - if anyone could advise which is the best thread to join to help keep me motivated, I would be really grateful. :thanks:
    Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!

    Why I really want to succeed this time

    snapdragon...what a moving post....

    please come and join us in the newbies nest. We are determined and supportive.....:l

    Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

    Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


      Why I really want to succeed this time

      Hi Snapdragon, I just wanted to give you some support. It sounds like you have a wonderful family and alot of great reasons to quit! You will find tons of motivation and support in the Newbie's Nest thread.
      "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
      AF 11/12/11


        Why I really want to succeed this time

        Hi Snapdragon! Your name makes me smile... We in our early days without the AL...

        I would like you to be very inspired by your own post. You identify exactly what is more important than AL. Quitting now would also help your children in more ways than you may realize. I wish I had a parent that showed me years ago that we can stop our negative behavior. It is so empowering to know now that addiction is not the end of the world. It is the end of me using that substance!
        12-20-2012 AF
        Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.


          Why I really want to succeed this time

          Welcome snapdragon

          It's great here everyone will support you. I've been struggling for a few yrs and have finally started racking up AF days again thanks to the support on here.

          Please come and join us on the Newbies Nest where others are at the same stage plus others who have been sober much longer will support us too with their wealth of experience.

          You have made the right choice .

          Sausage x
          Day 8 ********


            Why I really want to succeed this time

            Snapdragon, (one of my favorite flowers) you sound like you are truly ready for a better way of life, one without that demon alcohol always nipping at your heals. Not being a very spiritual person I have to say this has to come from within. No one but you can you free yourself from the demise of alcohol, not only will your physical health be better but your mental health will allow you to enjoy the world around you. Honesty with yourself and everyone else in your world, the smell of a fresh pot of coffee, sunrises and sunsets, a good night of sleep, logical thinking, creativity, truly caring, the benefits go on and on. With just over 60 days AF under my belt I can see these things already happening in my world. The benefits of a AF life are like being set free. Like I said this has to come from within and you have to really want it. Stop by the MARCH MOTIVATORS thread, theres a great group there.
            Good Luck WW
            100 days 04-10-12, entering the danger zone, Rodger that!

            6 months July 1st


              Why I really want to succeed this time

              Hiya Snap!

              I loved your post. You sound very determined. Welcome back to the site. This place is filled with great people, love, support, encouragement, advice, and inspiration. Stop by the newbies nest. We have a big group's a very busy thread. Read as much as you can, ask questions and post post post about whatever you want. Hope to see you there soon!
              "When you know better, you do better"

              AF- February 16, 2012
              Goal 1- 3 days al free
              Goal 2- 7 days al free
              Goal 3- 1 month al free
              Goal 4- 3 months al free


                Why I really want to succeed this time

                Hi Snapdragon! I enjoyed reading your post, and you list a lot of excellent reasons for wanting to be AF. I suggest you come here and re-read your own post when you're tempted to take another drink, because it is an inspiring message.

                I am new too, and have 9 days AF, and just last night I was feeling some of my natural endorphins kick in for the first time in about 12+ years. I just started feeling giggly and silly, and happy...what in the world, lol, with no AL!

                Post in the Monthly Abstinence daily thread, and the Newbie's Nest is always inspiring as well. I also found a lot to motivate me in My Story. Truth be told, I have not read any threads on this site that were not inspiring.

                Welcome, and feel free to inbox me if you would like to "talk". :l

                "I like people too much or not at all."
                Sylvia Plath


                  Why I really want to succeed this time

                  Hi Snapdragon!

                  Your story sounds very similar to mine - its such an easy decision to stop drinking but so hard to do.

                  I wish you luck on your journey. Please keep posting!


                    Why I really want to succeed this time

                    Snap, your description of feeling guilty when you think about others who are ill....and here we are, healthy and inflicting bad health on ourselves. It's insanity, but it's addiction. IMHO, the way to beat it is must get a huge chunk of sober time under your belt. You might have to suffer for a while, but suddenly the sky will open and the clouds will clear. It's work in the sense that you have to empower yourself by obtaining knowledge and a plan. That plan can include things like exercise, healthy foods, etc. The Toolbox under Monthly Abstinence is a wealth of ideas.

                    So, take back your power and say F you alcohol, I'm going to win! You have limitless support and understanding here.

                    Best to you! :lilheart:


                      Why I really want to succeed this time

                      Welcome Snapdragon. Your post brought tears to my eyes. It is one that can inspire many people, including you and me to do what we need to do. Must do. My kids are younger than yours, but I am older, and thinking of how I could make myself miss out on their milestones in life...makes me feel sick inside. Stick with us here. Come meet us at the Newbie's nest.

                      Alcohol does me no favors.

                      Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                        Why I really want to succeed this time

                        Hi Snapdragon -
                        I just wanted to add my support to the others. I too, felt like I was killing myself. I would wake up in the middle of the night and think "I am going to die if I don't stop this"...and to think of leaving my beautiful little girl without a mother, because of selfish choices I inflicted upon myself...oh it was too much to bear. It's going to be hard the first few days, but it will get easier, this I promise. Please stick close to us...we're here to help!
                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                          Why I really want to succeed this time

                          :colorwelcome:Hi Snapdragon. I know the pain in your post that why I'm here too. Big hugs. You can & will do this. Try just for today & not think of tomorrow. It will come & another day, another day & you will get stronger. Our children & grandchildren are strong motivators. I wish you peace as you get through this first day. You can keep this post going for your own progress if you want too, that's ok too. Day 11 for me & I'm going to be grateful for a 2nd sober weekend. Welcome back.
                          Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the know to the unknown."
                          Author Unknown :h

                          AF - Sept 4, 2012
                          10 days - Sept 13, 2012
                          2 weeks - Sept 17, 2012
                          Slip on the weekend but tried too moderate!
                          AF - Sept 24, 2012 (get back on the headaches not worth it)
                          Slippery slope Oct 1 ..... Trying to not give up!



                            Why I really want to succeed this time

                            Hi Snapdragon, It is day three for me. I have not been able to go past seven days in years but I am so you this time. Feeling that pain in your liver area is so scary! I think for most people who have problems with alcohol, it gets to a point where you just feel like if you keep on the same road, your body will shut down. It is so frightening but maybe it is the best motivator.

                            I am a hypochondriac and I always get my liver checked at the doctor, etc... A part of me actually hopes the doctor will tell me something is wrong so that I will HAVE to make myself stop drinking. Isn't that sick?

                            You can do this!!!! We all can!!!!
                            "One day at a time. Messy bed, Messy head."
                            March 13, 2012

                            Goal #1: 7 days 3/19/12 DONE
                            Goal #2: 15 days 3/27/12
                            Goal #3: 30 days 4/11/12
                            Goal #4: 60 days 5/11/12
                            Goal #5: 90 days 6/10/12
                            Goal #6: 6 months
                            Goal #7: 1 year


                              Why I really want to succeed this time

                              Snap dragon- well written and very meaningful post. I saw myself in some of what you've written. Take one day at a time and read, visit and re-read posts MWO. You're in good company!
                              AF since 2/22/2012

