Blonde - LOL at Botox. Don't do it! I used to work and live in a very snobbish town in Southern California. The girls I worked with would go at lunch time for Botox or a lip injection and come back looking like something from Dawn of the Dead....a Zombie! One doctor "missed" and hit a nerve and the girl had a bruised face for 2 weeks. Another had an allergic reaction to the lip injection and had inflamed purple lips for a week. I am vain too (embarrassed to admit) but I have yet to resort to such tactics. You'd think since I'm fairly vain it would be enough to get me to give up ciggies, but alas, I guess I'm not THAT vain. LOL
No announcement yet.
Physical Changes After Going AF
Physical Changes After Going AF
Blonde - LOL at Botox. Don't do it! I used to work and live in a very snobbish town in Southern California. The girls I worked with would go at lunch time for Botox or a lip injection and come back looking like something from Dawn of the Dead....a Zombie! One doctor "missed" and hit a nerve and the girl had a bruised face for 2 weeks. Another had an allergic reaction to the lip injection and had inflamed purple lips for a week. I am vain too (embarrassed to admit) but I have yet to resort to such tactics. You'd think since I'm fairly vain it would be enough to get me to give up ciggies, but alas, I guess I'm not THAT vain. LOL:heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:
Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.
Physical Changes After Going AF
I just noticed another physical change after going AF last night. My body temperature has seemed to lower. I get colder at night. I think this is b/c I seemed to always be sportin' a low grade fever of about 99.3 or so when I was drinking or hung over.
I feel so thankful to be on day 9 today, as I am volunteering at my daughters school for a project and I know if I had been drinking Tuesday or whatever, my hands would be so shaky! It is so embarrassing when my hands just have a mind of their own. I always feel like I have parkinsons. My kids always ask me why my hands shake so badly. yikes!"One day at a time. Messy bed, Messy head."
March 13, 2012
Goal #1: 7 days 3/19/12 DONE
Goal #2: 15 days 3/27/12
Goal #3: 30 days 4/11/12
Goal #4: 60 days 5/11/12
Goal #5: 90 days 6/10/12
Goal #6: 6 months
Goal #7: 1 year
Physical Changes After Going AF
Way to go Hope10! 9 days is great and you are almost at double digits!Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.
Physical Changes After Going AF
I hated that my hands were shaky too, hope. When ppl noticed, they would get even worse, lol. I've also noticed that I get cold easier. I was hot all the time when I was drinking. The summer's were awful! I hope this one is easier, lol.
Oh, and another thing. I've noticed that I have to pee like a normal person now, lol. I used to go till nearly noon before I had to pee (after the first morning one). Now, when we go and do things on the weekend I actually have to find a bathroom. Before I could go all day without having to take a break for that. Hopefully, it will take some of this bloat away eventually.
"I like people too much or not at all." Sylvia Plath
Physical Changes After Going AF
I was actually convinced I was overheating due to the menopause but now I've found; No alcohol means - No sweats or hot flushes. No dry eczema-looking circles over my body. No puffy swelling on my face. No black rings under my eyes. No shaking hands. No heart palpitations. No panic attacks. No paranoia. No numbness down my arm or fingertips. No pins and needles. I could go on and on - any wonder I want my sober life so much!!!!!!IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!
Physical Changes After Going AF
I hate to be the constant voice of doom and gloom, but another thing I've noticed since I quit AL is acne. Yes, acne. I have never had many problems with my skin, in fact was always proud of my skin. Drinking took away all of that pride in the past 10 or so years...bloat and redness being the main culprit. Now, I'm breaking out all over my face since I quit! Right now I can't afford a pricey facial routine...Does anyone have any tips??
"I like people too much or not at all." Sylvia Plath
Physical Changes After Going AF
hey LG - I just found this...I think it reinforces what we all have been thinking - but that's a good thing! I will post in the nest too as I know a few others over there have mentioned acne since quitting. It's a good thing - temporary - and a sign that your body needs to detox. ;-)
Skin Detox Symptoms |
Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011
Physical Changes After Going AF
I have some tips
Do a facial sauna to start (I just bought one off eBay, but if you don't have one a pot of boiling water will work)...steam your face for 15 minutes. Then while your pores are open, do a scrub/exfoliate. Then for the acne I have to give huge props to the Burts' Bees daughter is using it and it's working wonders. It's all natural and works great.
There are my tips for the day. That will be $50 please. LOL:heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:
Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.
Physical Changes After Going AF
I never really had bad acne either until I started quitting AL. Now my face is a wreck. Proactiv worked wonders when I was in my 20s. I used it to keep my skin clear around the time of my period. But now I use Obagi with tazorac which is a retinoid...perscription needed. I stopped taking it once I got acne, thinking maybe I needed to change routines, but just started on it again and my face seems to be getting better.
It is amazing how my face is so much smoother when I do the obagi and tazorac. I am also planning to get some laser treatments soon. These will be my gifts to myself for being AF!! The lasers eliminate dark spots and red capillaries."One day at a time. Messy bed, Messy head."
March 13, 2012
Goal #1: 7 days 3/19/12 DONE
Goal #2: 15 days 3/27/12
Goal #3: 30 days 4/11/12
Goal #4: 60 days 5/11/12
Goal #5: 90 days 6/10/12
Goal #6: 6 months
Goal #7: 1 year
Physical Changes After Going AF
Day 4 for me. Husband said my posture is improved, my skin less grey & puffy.
Night sweats continue ( menopause ) acne is improving. Less queasy too.
Useful info on skincare is Cosmetics Cop Paula Begoun. I've tried some products that I liked but she reviews what else is on the market. Costs nothing to look as they say.
Physical Changes After Going AF
I'm happy to report that phyical changes that I've experienced since giving up AL over a month ago have continued to improve. I have lost a solid 10 lbs as of this week...I think it is part bloat water (I was contantly bloated when I was drinking a bottle of wine every night). So much so that the second week of sobriety, I think my body finally realized that I was no longer needing to hold onto excess water weight due to excessive dehydration that I peed for about 3 days straight..sorry if this is lots of info but maybe it will help someone out there who is going through a similiar situation.
On top of that, I replaced my after work drinking ours with a daily workout at the gym and let me tell you how much that has changed my body! And helps me relieve stress that I once turned to wine to do. Now, when I am sweating my butt off on the stair master, I get a natural high, burn calories, gain muscle and burn fat. Plus I boost my metabolism also. All positives! I often think as I am on one of my workout machines that the old me would be sitting in my kitchen gulping down wine...and what good would that do?
Lastly, folks at work are really noticing how much better I look and have given me compliments. This is such a positive reinforcement that AL has no place in this chick's life...there are so many better things happening with my mind, body and soul now that I have been sober for a short time that I am looking forward to reaping even more benefits from long term sobriety.
Best of luck everyone who is making the right, healthy choices and being good to yourselves. That's what living is all about!Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.
Physical Changes After Going AF
Blondie - thats fantastic. 34 days in i have only lost 2lbs, ( am eating too many crisps!) but i am a lot less bloated and my clothes are looser especially around the waist. Just curious, you say everyone is complementing you in how much better you look, have you told them you quit alcohol or are you telling them you are just going to the gym more!?
Physical Changes After Going AF
I grew a second head ! Ha! No.....really, I feel so much better. I feel like I'm....and I quote: "Alive !" ( via Frankenstein ...Ha!) Tony
?Be who you are and say what you feel because
those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
Dr. Seuss