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i went to a concert tonight
i went to a concert tonight
I attended a concert tonight and the whole time drinking was on my mind. It is amazing to me that people can have a drink, have fun and know when to say when!!! I envy those people. I didn't drink. I knew alot of people at the concert and I stayed away from everyone. I felt like an outcast. On the way back to my house I got a text that said "meet us at the north bar!" I text back that I was already headed home and the friend who text couldn't believe it. Now I am home with my son. I am happy with my decision but it was such a struggle. I am home safe! There will be no mistakes made tonight. There will be no waking up with a hangover and regret. Tomorrow morning I will be able to wake up bright and early and enjoy the sun and blue sky without a foggy head. I won't sleep the day away on the couch!! Those reasons are great but again it was a huge huge struggle!!!!Tags: None
i went to a concert tonight
Hi Okkslady, maybe it is too early for you to go to a concert or places where there is alcohol. For me i still stay away from bars almost 1 year after i quit drinking. I too went to a concert after i got sober and honestly i had no desire to drink. There was a lady sitting behind us that was so drunk she could not even stay awake. Made me grateful that wasnt me. And it could have been if i were to drink.
Honestly i have no desire to be around people who drink. I think (hope) you will see after being sober for awhile that drinking has no positives.AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.
Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.
i went to a concert tonight
Hi OK, great job on sticking to your goals, and going home and not drinking.
It is very difficult in the early going, to battle all of the social cues, and social events. Your son will be so glad to have a fun happy dad today to have quality time with, and not a hung over cranky man.
Like Red says, sometimes we have to avoid going to parties and events for a while, in the early going, in order to avoid the situation all together. Everyone is different. I cetainly avoided going out to parties for a while. Partly because I would be tempted to drink, and partly because I didn't want to face all of the ribbing from the other drinkers, and questions about why I was not already half in the bag, and why wasn't I drinking.
In time, your perspective will change. In time, your urges will get less intense. Hold fast. You can do it, but it is a battle, so fight for your sober self.
HillSober since Feb 7, 2010.
i went to a concert tonight
Hi Okkslady
You did a great thing! Don't feel bad for not being part of all the action. I walked out of 2 family parties the last few months within 15 mins of arriving.... and I am glad I did!!
And your son is sooo glad you are home early!12-20-2012 AF
Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.
i went to a concert tonight
HILLSIDE TIME thanks for words but im not a dad lol im a MOM. do I sound like a guy? Haha. Im a 34 year old single mother. I am happy with my decision today thanks STEADY HANDS...ALSO TO RED67 ya I shouldn't go to concerts etc but it was A CLASSIC group I couldn't miss!!I know I need to stay in or away from alcohol events for awhile
i went to a concert tonight
OKK, thought this post written by Byrdie in the Newbie's Nest today might help:
Good Morning everyone! I am 52 and I still get acne! Do not take Accutane at all causes Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's in MOST of the people who take it. Check it out online...I have UC and trust me it is NOT worth it.
For the nesters who have been at it a you look around and see others drinking their wine, twirling their hair and laughing....this is a MIRAGE. AL is trying its last gasp to try and get you to romanticize it. EVERYONE is NOT enjoying his/her glass of wine on the front porch and knowing when to stop. For every one person you see drinking there are actually 10 NOT drinking, but we don't see that. I used to think that everyone is drinking except me....a real pity party going on in my head...but if you really look, there are MORE people who don't drink. (Unless you are in a bar) Please don't fall for this. Now is the time to put into place what Lav has pecked into our heads since day 1. Retune our thinking to one of gratitude. BE THANKFUL that you are of a sound mind and body. Be grateful you don't have to use a walkerto get around and that you have both your arms and legs. Focus on other people and not yourself. This is what I do and it helps a fact, it makes ALL the difference. There is ALWAYS going to be someone else who appears to have it all and that's all there is to it. I tell myself to get over it and move on. Try and be of service to someone else. Everything you give away you get back in spades (that includes misery, too, BTW). Be a carriier of good news and good pays really well.
The time between 6 months and a year is monumental. It is during this time we lose a lot of people to complacency. In NO case I've ever read...was someone able to go back to drinking and handle it. It ALWAYS resulted in going back and worse. This scares me straight. And I accept that. My attitude from 6 months to the year only got better every day. ALL of my depression is gone. Do I still have down days? Absolutely, that is life. But it is NOT going to drive me back to drinking...the worst place on Earth. Just stick it out...every day gets better. I wouldn't still be here if I weren't living proof. I am not any stronger of will than any of us here....but I hope I am smart enough to know that if my great friends here tried it and failed, I'm no better than they are. It's called an addiction for a good reason. I promise you the sense of peace that comes over time is priceless. I wouldn't trade my quit for all the money in the world. Drinking IS the problem. Don't drink no matter what and no matter who. Byrdie
i went to a concert tonight
OKK, thought this post written by Byrdie in the Newbie's Nest today might help:
For the nesters who have been at it a you look around and see others drinking their wine, twirling their hair and laughing....this is a MIRAGE. AL is trying its last gasp to try and get you to romanticize it. EVERYONE is NOT enjoying his/her glass of wine on the front porch and knowing when to stop. For every one person you see drinking there are actually 10 NOT drinking, but we don't see that. I used to think that everyone is drinking except me....a real pity party going on in my head...but if you really look, there are MORE people who don't drink. (Unless you are in a bar) Please don't fall for this. Now is the time to put into place what Lav has pecked into our heads since day 1. Retune our thinking to one of gratitude. BE THANKFUL that you are of a sound mind and body. Be grateful you don't have to use a walkerto get around and that you have both your arms and legs. Focus on other people and not yourself. This is what I do and it helps a fact, it makes ALL the difference. There is ALWAYS going to be someone else who appears to have it all and that's all there is to it. I tell myself to get over it and move on. Try and be of service to someone else. Everything you give away you get back in spades (that includes misery, too, BTW). Be a carriier of good news and good pays really well.
The time between 6 months and a year is monumental. It is during this time we lose a lot of people to complacency. In NO case I've ever read...was someone able to go back to drinking and handle it. It ALWAYS resulted in going back and worse. This scares me straight. And I accept that. My attitude from 6 months to the year only got better every day. ALL of my depression is gone. Do I still have down days? Absolutely, that is life. But it is NOT going to drive me back to drinking...the worst place on Earth. Just stick it out...every day gets better. I wouldn't still be here if I weren't living proof. I am not any stronger of will than any of us here....but I hope I am smart enough to know that if my great friends here tried it and failed, I'm no better than they are. It's called an addiction for a good reason. I promise you the sense of peace that comes over time is priceless. I wouldn't trade my quit for all the money in the world. Drinking IS the problem. Don't drink no matter what and no matter who. Byrdie