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    Hi All
    I'm trying out moderation but with trying that I decided to go AF for lent. Unfort there have been some huge stressors in my life and I've had some drinks in the past few days. I'm trying not to beat myself up for it but here is my question;
    Can any of you share stories about when you've had a set back and how you went AF again?
    I actually hope in the loooong run that I'll go AF; thank you!


    Welcome! If you feel strongly about AF there are threads that address that. Moderation doesn't work period.

    Read The Toolbox and join the Newbie's Nest where a couple of long-time sober folks are very helpful.

    There are stories posted here but I have forgotten where. If you navigate and scroll through this site you will find them.

    Good Luck on your journey.

    P.S. Another newbie started this morning, so you might join her, I think her name is Ima Clean.
    Enlightened by MWO



      Hey Lost

      I'm sure everyone here has stories of setbacks. As well as stories of when we realized that moderation is simply not possible.
      That's the thing about being sober-all the stressful stuff isn't going to change-just how you deal with it. I can only speak for myself but I realized some pretty profound things when I stopped being drunk 3 or 4 days a week. Even when you are not drinking your behavior is
      affected by alcohol. Your brain is not functioning in an optimal way; decisions,emotional reactions,self esteem and much more can be very different without alcohol in the picture.

      Something that I found out that I really latched on to-to me blackouts were the worst thing ever. THE WORST. Lots of us here would probably say that. When I started doing serious research about physiology of alcohol addiction I realized exactly why blackouts happen.
      The brain cannot form and retain short term memories because it's too busy keeping you alive.
      I found this quite frightening. Stated in basic way-your body cannot do life-sustaining things like respiration with that much alcohol in your system and do the memory function too.
      So it's a survival mechanism. Fucking scary.

      I wish you well and hope you can stay strong. It's not easy but it's better.

      Take care

