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Week one-Some Fun

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    Week one-Some Fun

    Ok, I am relatively new in that I have just started to try to stop drinking using MWO but have been reading the boards and the book for a few months. My intent is to stop for a month then do the moderation thing if it really does feel like " butter with bread" as Jewell says in the book. I was drinking almost a bottle of wine a night and just felt that was too much. I have a 4 yr old, a great husband and a great life alcohol spoils the picture. I know if I would continue drinking it will spiral so I found this program and decided to give it a go (after alot of doubts and reading these boards).
    So my first week has been great. I have not had a drink and can't say I miss it. I am doing the whole program:ALL ONE, Topiramate, exercise, hypnotherapy and supplements.....I have to really try hard to down the All One powder and do not think I will ever like it but c'est la vie....the hypno cds are relaxing, don't know if I am hypnotizied but I am definitiley relaxed. One night I put on my sleep one only to wake up in the morning to the beach Ipod which I put under my pillow and use with head phones must have jumped by itself in the early morning. I had an urge to catch a wave.....
    I am starting my second week and am most nervous about the topiramate. So far I have seen no side effects, but as I up the dose I am sure to see some. Let me know what to expect in the weeks ahead and what happens when one goes off topa after three months? Is the urge to drink gone?

    Week one-Some Fun

    Hi Forme & :welcome:

    I can't help with the Topa as I haven't taken it but I would like to wish you all the best on your journey.

    It sounds like you have started off really well.

    Sending lots of love & hugs your way :h :l :h

    Paula xx


      Week one-Some Fun

      Hello and welcome to MWO.
      From what you've written it seeems you have a wonderful positive attitude towards stopping/ moderating. And attitude and approach to getting on top of the problem account for so much of the way we perceive ourselves and our achievements, or beat ourselves up if we slip up. So, with a wonderful approach like you have, I hope you'll bound through any problems that come up.
      I find the powder is fine when mixed with various juices. I don't mix it with milk.... erk. I mixed it with V8 this morning and it was great, so if you like veggie juice, try that.
      As for Topo, no idea. I'm on Campral as I was very apprehensive about side effects of Topo.
      Do you have kudzu? I'm finding it is working well and no side effects at all. Some people find it does nothing for them so it is probably trial and error, but why not give kudzu a try. I combine it with Campral.
      Am going to my Dr next week to see if I can switch to Naltroxene as reading and chatting to people it seems to work better than Campral for some people.
      Hope to read lots of enthusiastic posts from you.


        Week one-Some Fun

        Hey ForMe,

        Sounds like you have really pulled out the big guns! Go for it!

        And let us know if the Beach Boys have a beneficial effect too... hmmm, you may have discovered a new and important addition to the program!

        Gem x
        Free since 26th February 2012


          Week one-Some Fun

          Hi ForMe

          Wow, it sounds like you're off to a great start, and congratulations on your decision to nip this in the bud now. I'm not taking the Topa, so I can't answer your question, but if you don't get any responses here, try the Topamax, Campral..... forum (it's called something like that).


          AF since 6JUN2012


            Week one-Some Fun

            ForMe, I am doing the cds, exercise and topa right now. Ran out of Kudzu and am probably not going to get more because I didn't notice a huge difference - I glut works better for me - many will disagree and get great results with Kudzu.

            It is all a mental thing with me, so the CDs work great with me. I got a pillow with a speaker in it from Bed Bath and Beyond that took some getting used to, and I did. I am on week two of the hypno tapes, using them the way I am supposed to. Twelve days AF. I am at 100 MG topa - was at 200, but didn't like the fog I was in. If I was going to feel that way, I might as well drink - 100 seems to be a better balance. I may go down to nothing as my supply starts to dwindle because I don't think I need it.

            I honestly do not want a drink. It's Friday and I know I will not drink this weekend. We'll see with the superbowl next week - my first big test, but I think I'll be okay.

            You have to really want this, and I really do. My ultimate objective is moderation, but I may be kidding myself.

            Hope this helps.


              Week one-Some Fun

              Hey, ForMe,

              Topa is effective at different doses for different people, so I would titrate up more slowly if you are already having a good effect. If you start to see side effects from the topa and it is already working, why not just stay at the previous dose? People have titrated up at 12.5 mg at a time instead of 25 when they get side effects, and it has been helpful. You just need a good pill splitter, since the pills are so small.

              Good luck! You seem to be doing great so far!


              AF as of August 5th, 2012

