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    I am so tired of being ANGRY and SAD!!!! When will it go away! All I do is scream and then all I want to do is cry.:upset: I need help.

    "I like people too much or not at all."
    Sylvia Plath


    Time without alcohol tends to help with this one. I know that isn't helpful right now, but once you get off the biochemical rollercoaster alcohol creates in your body, you settle down an awful lot.

    I see you've had 14 days AF, when you are used to alcohol being there as a release, or to numb emotions they can take some getting used to!
    I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

    Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

    AF date 22/07/13



      I feel like I have multiple personalities or something. One minute I'm encouraging others and feel very upbeat, then the next I'm angry, angry and screaming at my bf. Thinking about wanting alcohol this afternoon at work, when I got home...wishing I could go home and drink...I just feel like a complete and utter mess right now, and I hate it.

      "I like people too much or not at all."
      Sylvia Plath



        LibraryGirl;1274875 wrote: I feel like I have multiple personalities or something. One minute I'm encouraging others and feel very upbeat, then the next I'm angry, angry and screaming at my bf. Thinking about wanting alcohol this afternoon at work, when I got home...wishing I could go home and drink...I just feel like a complete and utter mess right now, and I hate it.
        I don't know your story but you are not alone in this, I've been there and it is terrible - especially when it tempts you to drink again. You need to believe things will sort themselves out, alcohol never solved anything and only usually makes things worse. At this point it'd probably only start off the whole cycle again.

        One way to get through it is to try step back and put things into perspective.
        I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

        Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

        AF date 22/07/13



          How's your Hormones?
          Drink or no Drink- Get them checked...
          I went through the same exact thing!
          Thank God for my Gyno!!



            Could be a hormal imbalance LG -
            could also be that you need to find a suitable replacemnet for AL

            I used the MWO Hypno CDs to help me get thru all the mental funk - they worked!
            I now know to restart my meditation practice if I've skipped it for a few days

            You learn as you go along. Just take drinking off the table as an option. Replace it with reading, exercise, mediation, anything............
            It takes time & a bit of effort to rewire your brain!!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:



              Hang in there LG!!! I think it takes a while for our bodies to get back into harmony and they will. Just give it time. Count your blessings and enjoy the fact that you are on the right path. Peace will come sooner than you think Great job on 14 days! You are an inspiration!
              Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.




                I understand what you mean about the emotional roller coaster, LG. I was there before, right at about two weeks, and I did drink again. And the cycle did start again. I think it's kind of a situation where drinking means putting it off... I have faith that once we start to adjust to sobriety, feelings that strong and unpredictable will even out. I'm thinking about you! You'll get through it.



                  LG, do you exercise? A good cardio workout would probably help. Odd as it sounds sometimes we go through a grieving period when we give up AL. The feelings you mentioned are typical of the seven stages involved in grief. Hang in there, it is so very worth the effort. :l You CAN do this!
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT



                    Thank you all for the support and encouragement. I do believe my hormones are out of whack. I also am in that monthly funk, in addition to AF. I need to make an appointment with my gyno pronto.

                    Interesting what was said about the grieving process...I have heard of the stages, of course, but never attributed them to my current situation, but it does fit. Yes, I think that could possibly be part of what I'm experiencing.

                    Again, thanks to all for the encouraging words and boundless support.:l

                    I have not yet made 14 days, although that must not be clear from my signature, lol. I have listed it as my next goal, and will add a "thumbs up" when I reach it, which I surely will.

                    Day 13 is 29 minutes away, and counting.

                    Oh, and no, I haven't begun exercising regularly. I have been eating everything in sight the past few days though. That didn't help?? ROFL Seriously, it's a goal I have. Exercise will become a part of my plan ASAP.

                    "I like people too much or not at all."
                    Sylvia Plath



                      LibraryGirl;1274976 wrote: Thank you all for the support and encouragement. I do believe my hormones are out of whack. I also am in that monthly funk, in addition to AF. I need to make an appointment with my gyno pronto.

                      Interesting what was said about the grieving process...I have heard of the stages, of course, but never attributed them to my current situation, but it does fit. Yes, I think that could possibly be part of what I'm experiencing.

                      Again, thanks to all for the encouraging words and boundless support.:l

                      I have not yet made 14 days, although that must not be clear from my signature, lol. I have listed it as my next goal, and will add a "thumbs up" when I reach it, which I surely will.

                      Day 13 is 29 minutes away, and counting.

                      Oh, and no, I haven't begun exercising regularly. I have been eating everything in sight the past few days though. That didn't help?? ROFL Seriously, it's a goal I have. Exercise will become a part of my plan ASAP.
                      Another old saying I find useful is One Day at A Time, very good for putting things into perspective and helping cope with a lot of things. It's served me well however there have been things happen that destroyed the ability to apply it for a short while, soon came back though.
                      I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                      Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                      AF date 22/07/13



                        Hi Library Girl!
                        I hope you are feeling better today. We started within a couple of days of each other. You mentioned in other threads the issues within your family as well as your job review. I have found that prior to AF either/both of these would have driven me to pour a few (or more) to escape the emotional pain. Perhaps part of this journey is learning to deal with these intense emotions constructively. Out of whack hormones alone can make you feel like you're going off the deep end, so it's worth looking into. This is my first week at the gym. Oh boy, am I out of shape! The doctor, the counselor both say exercise will only do you good - so I'm going for it.

                        Hang in there. I hope today is a better day.
                        "Leap and the net will appear." - John Burroughs



                          Hi Library Girl!

                          I hope you have a better day today, as I'm sure you will. It's amazing to me what a difference a day makes. Nights seem to be my most emotional time.

                          You were so kind on my first post that i just wanted to offer my support.



                            Hi LibraryGirl, how are you making out? Today will probably be better for you. As mentioned, excercise is the only thing that can consistently clear me out of a funk, even a good one!
                            "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                            AF 11/12/11



                              Thanks All! :l I do feel better today! I slept very well for the first time since I've been AF. So night 12 was the turning point for me, as far as sleeping through the night. If anyone wants to write that down, LOL.

                              I'm going to make an appointment with my OB this morning. Hopefully I won't have to wait two weeks (or longer) to see her. I'm also going to start exercising this week. It might be this weekend before I begin, but I will start.

                              This journey has it's hills and valleys, and I have not held back on the highs and lows in here. I hope I'm not driving anyone crazy (besides my bf) with my ups and downs. If I couldn't come here, I'm not sure what I would do!

                              Love to All!:h

                              "I like people too much or not at all."
                              Sylvia Plath

