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Sick Tired of being Sick Tired

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    Sick Tired of being Sick Tired

    Hello. The title pretty much sums it up. I have been reading your post for months now. I have laughed and cried. I was nervous though to join. But I need this. I guess you could say I need you. I'm 38. I have been drinking since around 15 but have been drinking heavily for the last 10 years. Not too many days have passed that I haven't drank. My choice of poison is wine now. I can drink a big bottle of wine or some of you may have seen the 4 packs.. I can drink two of those and really think about drinking more. I have said severly thousand times that I really want to quit.. And you all know how that goes, so I won't go into detail about that.. Bottom line it didn't work. My parents were both serious alcoholics. I was raising myself when I was 4 or 5. My dad worked days and my mom would be passed out all day (for days). They had a violent relationship. I remember at 4 years old, I would go in the kitchen and hide all the knives because my mom said she was going to kill my dad. Geesh, 4 years old!!!! They divorced.
    My mom moved away when i was in 10th grade so I moved in with dad. He was diagnosed with cancer and died the summer before my Senior year. I have gone through alot since then and now. I am AF since Monday and doing pretty well. To be honest, tonight is pretty hard. Maybe because I'm posting here and I'm feeling such a sense of pain. I don't want to drink... I just want to feel better physically and mentally. I just want to get to that place where I can be proud of me and who I am.. I want to know who I am. I just want to live.. Live healthy, happy... Like I said, I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. I really am. Thanks for reading my babble. I hope to gain many friendships here as well as stregnth to get me to that place I have wanted to be since I can remember. Take care.

    Sick Tired of being Sick Tired

    TeeHayDal :welcome:

    This is a good place to hang out. Keep reading and posting. It really can get better.


      Sick Tired of being Sick Tired

      Hi Tee-
      I'm so glad you decided to post. You are doing great. Thanks for sharing some things about you. Hope to get to know you better too. Keep posting. This takes some work but is so worth it.


        Sick Tired of being Sick Tired

        Hi Tee,
        You have come so far. To be AF for as long as you have been is such an accomplishment. You said that you want to be at a place that you can be proud of yourself. Well I think that you have found that place because you should be proud because even though you don't know me I am proud of you. I have not even been AF as long as you. You have come to the right place. You are wonderful. Join the journey. You will feel the respect and love that so many do.
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


          Sick Tired of being Sick Tired

          Hi Tee

          I agree with NP you shouuld already be proud - both for joing and for the AF days - congratulations! Keep reading and posting, it'll only get better from here. It does feel great to get those AF days in, and the realization that you're in charge is powerful.

          Look forward to seeing you on the boards!

          AF since 6JUN2012


            Sick Tired of being Sick Tired

            Tee, I want to welcome you as well. I am glad you got up the gumption to join us. Well done on the AF days, they truly do make you feel powerful. We look forward to getting to know you better. :welcome:
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              Sick Tired of being Sick Tired

              :welcome: Tee

              I agree with all the posts so far. Well done on AF days you should be very proud of that. I know you will feel great coming on here and reading and posting. It does help.
              Good luck to you and give yourself a pat on the back.
              :l :h :l
              "What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it."
              Catherine Pulsifer


                Sick Tired of being Sick Tired




                on three days AF!

                You can do this.
                :h :h :h :h


                  Sick Tired of being Sick Tired

                  Thank you all very much. I feel this is the right place. I can learn so much here. Thanks again. I'll post tomorrow. But I'll read often.


                    Sick Tired of being Sick Tired

                    First of all welcome THD :welcome: You have taken the first brave step and joined us. As the others have said, thank you for sharing your story and we look forward to getting to know more about you. Congratulations on your AF days, that is FANTASTIC!!! Next step, is to read the book, get the supps, read and proud..
                    Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                      Sick Tired of being Sick Tired

                      Hi Tee,
                      The others have summed up fairly well.
                      Why not start being proud RIGHT NOW of what you've achieved. AF since Monday, joining the group, posting your thread, wanting to change some aspects of your life. These are Big Decisions, so you have a right to be proud and happy with your many accomplishments in such a short time.
                      We all need each other. That's why we're all here helping and supporting each other however we can. Enjoy the journey!


                        Sick Tired of being Sick Tired

                        Thanks for such an enlightening introduction. I too feel the same way with many similarities (except for the alcoholic parents) I am the only family drunk. But like you I just want to feel good all the time and come out of this fog. Let's stick together and see if we can both get where we need to be!! From reading posts on here for a few weeks, I feel comfort knowing we have a wonderful group here to help us. Good luck and let's beat this monster.


                          Sick Tired of being Sick Tired

                          Hi Tee

                          A big :welcome: and congrats on being AF since Monday.

                          You will find unlimited support here. I wish you all the best.


                            Sick Tired of being Sick Tired

                            Hi Tee,

                            You have already taken huge steps forward. You have admitted there is a problem, you have begun to take control by having some AF days and you have contacted us on this forum.

                            In my book that is huge progress. :goodjob:

                            It may take a while to feel not sick and tired as our bodies try many tricks to fool us into thinking we need alcohol. But on here everyone is attempting to beat the problem. You are not alone. We are here to help and support as all the previous posts prove.

                            Welcome to you too Wix
                            Love and luck,
                            Enough is enough


                              Sick Tired of being Sick Tired

                              Hi Tee

                              I too want to welcome you and say how proud you should feel for even finding this site and posting .. its not an easy thing to admit to yourself that you have a problem but once we accept that we do indeed have a problem we can start doing something about it .. I often think we let others influence us and our behaviour too much but in this case with the people on this site its a great thing ..
                              Good luck, take it slowly and my advice is to not expect too much too soon, take it one day at a time .. one day with no hangover is better than another day with one .. so enjoy those days to the max ..

                              Hugs x

