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f**ked... as usual

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    f**ked... as usual

    I have been trying a little harder to abstain from alcohol. It seems that when I'm sleeping with my bf I can slp soudnly. But when I'm home, even with valium and my usual herbal sleeping knockouts, my hands reached for the wine. Now I'm half a bottle done and I wonder what my bf will think. We almost broke up the other day cos i cannot stop the craving for the alcohol. N we almost broke up. ALl his frens and his family members encourage him to stop seeing me. Double whammy. I'm so broken. And the worse thing is, the alcohol has made me stop menstruating normally for almost 3 months now. I'm worried. And I put on at least 6 pounds of fat. Anyone is in the same situation here? Is that polycycstic? I used to be less than 95 pounds and now i'm over 100 pounds. Im so demoralized and it made me want to spiral down more and i'm putting heart and soul not to be this way. cos i know i will lose everyone I love.... God are u there?:upset:

    f**ked... as usual

    If you've stopped menstruating and have gained weight, could it be that you may be pregnant?

    :h :h :h :h


      f**ked... as usual

      I would first get a PG test done to rule that out - you don't want to be getting sloshed while pregnant. And it is very possible alcohol could be the problem in your lack of menstration.

      I know what it is like to walk in your shoes in regards to your BF and his family. Try to take what they say as concern for you.

      I know the weight thing is an issue for you, but if you give up the drinking, the weight will come off!! And also what I have found helped me was to eat three times a day - balanced meals. It usually takes the urge of drinking away!! I do swear by this! I eat very well now, and have not gained any weight from eating real food. I have actually dropped a couple of pounds in 27 days from quitting the drink and from not consuming all of those 'empty' calories..

      I wish you well, and on that note, I am going to make me something to eat!


        f**ked... as usual

        I think that seeing a doctor and explaining to him/her what is going on would help. Not only could they diagnose the menstruating issue but could also potentially help you out with your drinking problem.

        Best of luck to you - it sounds like you are going through a tough time right now.
        Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


          f**ked... as usual


          I'm so sorry that you feel the way you do.
          I'll say a special prayer for you tonight.


            f**ked... as usual

            I hope you are ok and check in later. It doesn't help that your boyfriends family is not supportive. Take care of yourself
            Please check back in.
            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


              f**ked... as usual

              Hey Wenzalc,

              You won't lose us, no matter what happens.

              Keep coming back.

              Free since 26th February 2012


                f**ked... as usual

                heya Wenzalc, hang in there! alcohol and sleeplessness has been a big issue of mine for many years. when I start to over do it I then HAVE to have a good amount in me to sleep. when I'm doing better I have to be careful not to drink too late or it has the reverse effect and keeps me weird. at any rate my sleep goes to normal and peaceful after about 6 days of ABs or very good MODs. when you are with your BF your natural dopamines and other "happy" brain chemistry is most likely much higher than when you are alone, but you can CAN change that with hypno, exercise, proper suppliments and other positive things that help a lot of us. be creative and fight for you!
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  f**ked... as usual

                  Hi. I know how you feel. I continually try to hide my problem from my boyfriend. Sometimes I can do it and sometimes it's hard. We don't see each other everyday so it gives me a chance to "indulge". I was very embarrassed this weekend when I stopped by to see him Sunday afternoon and he said I smelled like alcohol. I told him I had a long night with friends when I had really been sitting home drinking by myself. It would be very hard if we were together all of the time. I'm sorry his family is being hard on you. Believe me I know the last thing you want when you feel this way, are negative comments from other people. Our problems with alcohol don't make us bad people but some people just don't understand. The thing I've been trying to tell myself, is that I have to stop worrying about him and worry about myself. Maybe you can apply that to him and his family. It's so much easier than done though b/c as soon as I feel like there are problems with us, I head straight to the bottle. Not that I don't anyway. But that has been my mantra lately and I hope it will stick soon - stop worrying about everyone else and worry about yourself and making yourself better. Easier said than done. I hope we all find a way soon.


                    f**ked... as usual


                    I agree with others, get a pregnancy test done first. If that is negative, make an appointment to see your doctor. My period were also all over the place a few years ago. Sometimes, I would have my period every 2 weeks, then not at all for 3 months. The doctors ruled it out as stress and put me on the contraceptive pill for 6 months to help with the periods. The absence of your periods could also be cause of the weight gain.


                      f**ked... as usual

                      Wenzalc, how tall are you? 100 lbs seem likes like very little weight to carry depending on your height.

                      Please take care of yourself. Have you taken a pregnancy test, seen a doctor? Take care of some of your health issues - let a doctor help you with that. Then you can start on the emotional healing which will help you with the booze.

                      We're here to help. There's more to you than what you weigh and how much you drink. Once you find that out, it will be easier to heal your relationship and leave alcohol on the shelf.


                        f**ked... as usual

                        Hi Peeps

                        Hello guys, I'm so happy for all the comments. Yea, I do agree with some of you. Sometimes I drink and meet my bf and he says I smell funny. Gosh, so embarrassing. No one truly knows the probs u go thru till u are in it yourself. As for the pregnancy dears, I have tested it out when I missed it 2 months straight. It's negative thank God, if not I cannot forgive myself for the defects I cause the child with the alcohol. I went for hypno already. Helped a little though. No longer on hard liqour but still have aggravated cravings ONLY when I'm home AT NIGHT! Dunno why like this. Think its the subconscious so geared to
                        -- ok, night time, home, DRINK NOW---

                        THis is disgusting. My bf is pretty fed up with me because I always lie about my drinking and always saying I din drink and adamant about it even when I'm obviously drunk. And he hates it when I lie. Well, there's no future for me if I can carry on like this isn't it? And so does he. He doesnt see a future if I'm gg to be like this for even the next few months. But now, I'm just wanna focus on getting my balance back so I dun have to depend on anyone else except myself. People come and go dun there. At least I gotta have myself:l


                          f**ked... as usual

                          You're right wenzalc.
                          I hope you find what you need...soon.

                          :l :l


                            f**ked... as usual

                            wenzalc;88955 wrote: Hello guys, I'm so happy for all the comments. Yea, I do agree with some of you. Sometimes I drink and meet my bf and he says I smell funny. Gosh, so embarrassing. No one truly knows the probs u go thru till u are in it yourself. As for the pregnancy dears, I have tested it out when I missed it 2 months straight. It's negative thank God, if not I cannot forgive myself for the defects I cause the child with the alcohol. I went for hypno already. Helped a little though. No longer on hard liqour but still have aggravated cravings ONLY when I'm home AT NIGHT! Dunno why like this. Think its the subconscious so geared to
                            -- ok, night time, home, DRINK NOW---

                            THis is disgusting. My bf is pretty fed up with me because I always lie about my drinking and always saying I din drink and adamant about it even when I'm obviously drunk. And he hates it when I lie. Well, there's no future for me if I can carry on like this isn't it? And so does he. He doesnt see a future if I'm gg to be like this for even the next few months. But now, I'm just wanna focus on getting my balance back so I dun have to depend on anyone else except myself. People come and go dun there. At least I gotta have myself:l
                            Hello there again Wenzalc. I hope you are having a better day today. I can relate and a lot of us can to the urge to drink being stronger when you're alone. For me that's a really scary time. When Hubby has a late shift and I'm off that day then I just have too much time to think about all the bad stuff going on or I'm just too much in my head. It's rough to learn how to deal with those times alone differently. I used to do it with out alcohol. I'm not sure where in my life it changed. I'm going to a counselor(psychologist) to help me work all these things out. I have to scrimp and save to pay but if it helps me get healthier again I'm going to do it. Counseling might be an idea. Remember you are not alone. Always remember baby steps. Set up little goals and celebrate when you reach them. I've been setting goals of a few days at a time in order to reach 30 days AF and then decide from there if I want to try mods or go total abs. We'll see where I'm at then. That's then and I'm in the now. Here's a :l for you. Take care and don't beat yourself up.

