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new to the chat room and felt unwelcome

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    new to the chat room and felt unwelcome

    Hey folks. I feel like eveyone here is supportive but tried the chat room and it was okay until someone joined that knew the other. Then i felt like the outsider. I don't want to be the paranoid elementary child who is not picked for the team but was told during our conversation that i should visit the forum, which basically sounded like "leave" to me. I thought it was friendly banter and questions but maybe the "chat" is not intedened for that. I am new to this. Anyone who knows the "rules" please pass them on.

    new to the chat room and felt unwelcome

    Hi there working...

    Please please please feel free to come to the chat room whenever you want..Sometimes you've just gotta hang in there and get to know what is going on... yes it can be a bit daunting to start...

    I'm sorry you felt unwelcome... there is a group of Aussies getting onto chat in about an hour... come on in and say g'day... Aussies love a good party and more the merrier... I know I'd love to chat to you...


    Failure is not the falling down... it's the staying down


      new to the chat room and felt unwelcome

      Wattle, I wish I would be up in an hour b/c I'd love to chat with some Aussies. My parents have traveled many places and Australia was one of their favorites. I hope to visit sometime myself. Anyway, the bottle of wine will be putting me to bed shortly (unfortunately, b/c it certainly would be more fun to meet a new group than pass out....but ......can't change where I am, at least for the moment). Anyway, have a great time and thanks so much for the kind response!!!! Let me know when you'll be on the chat next. I'd love to visit. :thanks:


        new to the chat room and felt unwelcome

        Dear Working it out,

        I too, found the "Chat" room, is that what you call it, unwelcoming on the one occasion I struggled through working out what to do it. Actually, I slipped out easily, cause I thought there was a whole lot of dribble being typed anyway.
        Hmmm..... am I showing my age? But maybe, it's meant to be a lighter way of looking at life.

        Think we should give ithe chat another try sometime. There is such good info on this site.
        Take care and come back and talk when you are ready.
        Best regards,
        In Anticipation :l


          new to the chat room and felt unwelcome


          I'm really sorry you thought there was a whole lot of dribble going on. There was actually a very intense conversation going on with someone who needed a hand. You certainly WERE NOT UNWELCOME. I think we even tried to help you get a flag. We kep saying "are you still there, Ant?" We tried to include you and got no response.

          Now, if you were having trouble navigating the site, that's one thing - but to say we were unwelcoming is really not very fair.

          In chat were Animal, Wattle and myself. We are not known for being ratbags. So, if you'd like to try again at some stage, you might get something good out of it.

          Best regards


            new to the chat room and felt unwelcome

            Dear Tawnyfrog, Wattle & Animal,

            Sorry, Tawnyfrog, you have misread my post, which I had sent, before entering the "Chat" today. And I was referring to an attempt I had made about 2 weeks ago, when there certainly was dribble being spoken, in my opinion (only).
            I was appreciative of your tuition in how to put the flag by my name. Tried & tried and still couldn't get it! Meanwhile I noticed the rest of you were having a good chat and I was pleased, as I could work without the stress of posting, as well as searching for the flag.
            THEN, my computer just turned off, I mean the picture just totally turned off, although I could still hear you guys posting - really weird. Seems it was a security alert of some sort and my husband has re-installed our system.
            Sorry for the confusion and misundestandings.
            All the best on this Australia Day.
            In Anticipation


              new to the chat room and felt unwelcome

              Thanks for that, Ant,

              Sorry you had trouble. Please try again, it really is a good place. And Happy Australia Day to you too.

              Take care,


                new to the chat room and felt unwelcome

                Dear Ant,
                Please don't be put off. Often I enter the chat room when there's a conversation going on that I've fallen into ... Yep it may have seemed like dribble or drivel , but it's hard to type a 3 or 4 way conversation. Only a couple of days ago I was typing to another member when another person entered the room. I just asked them to hang on for a minute till we both finished what we needed to say. We weren't meaning to be rude,. Often when I don't know what 's happening I'll just sit and watch the typing. Honestly there is no offence intended, it is just that sometimes we drop in to the middle of a D&M (deep and meaningful) . Other times as happened to you, a known buddy will drop in, so they spend a bit of catch up time.
                Honestly, no snub is intended.

                So, HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY.... Come join us in chat.


                  new to the chat room and felt unwelcome

                  Hi All,
                  Happy Australia Day to all the Aussies.
                  I had major troubles with the puter this arvo and missed the Australia day chat....most pissed off 'bout that.
                  Workingitout...this is a wonderful forum for all of us here struggling with the same problem, so dont let a couple of drongo's put you off all the great advise and support that the people here can offer you.
                  Please stick around.
                  We're all looking forward to getting to know you.
                  Victoria xxooxx


                    new to the chat room and felt unwelcome

                    Chat can seem like "dribble" when you enter in the middle of a conversation because you really don't know what's going on. There can be two or three going on at the same time. Sometimes you have to wait it out to find out the topic, ask, or start your own. I've sometimes just left chat because I didn't have the energy and not taken it personally - they seemed to be doing fine without me

                    No one means to make anyone else feel unwelcome, but if you are in the middle of an intense conversation, either helping someone or being helped, you sometimes don't notice newcomers.

                    Nothing personal, but I know it hurts to feel like you've been unnoticed when you want someone to talk to.


                      new to the chat room and felt unwelcome

                      Like the others said, sometimes you come into chat and stumble upon a conversation that is in full throttle. Just read for a few minutes and see what is happening... that is what I do. Everyone has always been so nice and said "hello" to me upon entering. I say hello, and join in when I feel it is a good time to participate.

                      And the aussies are a funny group of people to chat with!!!


                        new to the chat room and felt unwelcome

                        Bottom Line

                        Working it out,

                        The Bottom line is...You are Welcome Here.
                        So there!
                        Control the Mind


                          new to the chat room and felt unwelcome

                          Chat is a new experience for me. If you are new I think thats all it is, now that I have chatted a little bit with people you kind of get to know whats up each day. I think it is a great way for me to just be with other people at the moment when I feel the need for friends with the same basic problem. Don't give up just remember that people have been members for months and we are just new.



                            new to the chat room and felt unwelcome

                            Working it out, and Anticipation,

                            When we log into chat we just never know where the conversation is and we can't see the former posts. I felt that way a little bit in the beginning and then realized it was "me" being ego driven and expecting recognition. I don't knonw if this is the case for you, but everyone welcomes me, even though they may resume their conversation which often times is intense dealing with the emotions that we are all feeling regarding addiction.

                            Keep checking in and you will learn the ropes. Sometimes what seems dribble to us is very important to the people who are involved in their conversation.

                            You are welcome on any part of this site and we will support you.


                            Enlightened by MWO


                              new to the chat room and felt unwelcome

                     is a great way to get to know people on the site, but can be difficult to participate when A. you are new and B. walk in on the middle of a conversation....people would never intentionally shut anyone out, and often, if you have brought up a problem you have, whoever is in chat will suggest going to certain parts of the boards if they feel it may provide some help.....sometimes, this is better than trying to offer advice in chat when there are already 6 different people having 14 different doesn't mean that you are not welcome, just that it is sometimes not easy to concentrate on one thing in the chat room.
                              Keep someone else said, just wait a while in chat and read the conversations as they unfold...poke your ten pen'orth in when you feel like it...
                              And last but not least....a big apology...I tend to talk MAJOR scribble when in chat, as I go on there for a bit of lighthearted apologies to anyone whose brain has been scrambled by melonmumble!!!!!!!

