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I am in trouble

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    I am in trouble

    :upset:I can't seem to find a reason to keep trying to quit drinking. I was doing well until last week, when my husband threatened to divorce me... I had a drink at work and took two tylenol #3 pills for my back pain. I was pulled over by the police and charged with failing to provide a breath sample, my car was towed and now I am at risk of losing my work. Also still have the divorce issue hanging over my head and the thought of my freinds, clients and family finding out about this has left me wondering if I would be better off dead. I have no one to talk to and I don't know what to do. Is there some-one out there who has been where I am now?

    I am in trouble

    I have had a DUI, and I have been threatened with divorce. Really those were painful periods in my life, but not worth contemplating life or death. I got through both of them and I am a better person for it. Don't get me wrong, it sucks, but I would write out what are the worst case scenarios for each. You didn't get a DUI, but you might lose your license and not be able to drive. As far as the divorce, sometimes people are better off when they break up. My marriage stayed together and we worked things out, but I also realized that if it went the other way I would survive and thrive.

    Things might seem bad now, but in a couple days...weeks ...months...years, it will just be another life experience and it won't keep you up at night. Humans are cool like that, we have short memories. Many of the things we see as catostrophic when they occur don't amount to much in the big picture. You will get through it too!


      I am in trouble


      I don't know what you do for a living. But sometimes if you volunteer to go for counseling, an employer will give you a second chance, especially if you have no other misbehaviors on your record. Taking 3 Tylenol #3 pills, with or w/o alcohol would be enuf to stop you from driving, maybe getting a note from your doctor regarding your back pain would help mitigate your circumstances.....


        I am in trouble

        I've had 2 DUI's and several times in jail for DUI related infractions. I broke up with my boyfriend of 7 years, it was the equivalent of a divorce in my mind. Life sucked for a while...ok quite a while. But you know, I got through it. I was drinking during all of that and I really wish now that I wasn't. It would have made it so much easier. I know it doesn't seem like it now, but this too shall pass. If you keep drinking you'll only compound the problem. And suicide is never the answer...please don't say that. Hang in there and let us know what's going on.
        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          I am in trouble

          CG, so often what we're going through seems insurmountable. How many times have you thought that in your life? For me, too many to count. Things always turn around. Please hang in there. Who knows, you could lose your job and end up better off down the road. I'm not hoping you lose it just to see if there's something better. I'm just saying we can't tell what's in store for us. Stay strong.....Things will get improve.

          Star Fairy went through something similar and is doing well now. So has Three Dog Night. And, of course K9 who has posted here. You could always PM any of them and I'm sure they could offer some advice.



            I am in trouble

            Caith, welcome. Hang in there hun. I've had a DUI, and just went through my second divorce, but I finally did quit drinking 16 days ago. Life is still good, and well worth living. You can make it past these struggles, trust me.:l

            If you are truly in a crisis please go to "Need Help ASAP" and use the resources that are provided, PLEASE. :l:l

            "I like people too much or not at all."
            Sylvia Plath


              I am in trouble

              OH I have been there... when everything seemed unbearable.. so much misery and anxiety.. but the drinking only compounded the probelm.. once i stopped the anxiety went away and the sun came out..
              give it a chance... again i repeat what has been said.. suicide is not the answer. but in case you are still thinking about that call the suicide prevention line, there will be someone there to talk to anonymously.
              AF since Sept 2013...


                I am in trouble

                Canada Suicide & Crisis Hotlines - When You Feel You Can't Go On... Call a Suicide Hotline. / - Direction for immediate crisis intervention for the gravely suicidal & treatment for major clinical suicidal depression.

                1800 273 8255 nation wide phone number and like I said its anonymous.. just call and talk to someone..
                AF since Sept 2013...


                  I am in trouble

                  oh my gosh! i know you must be feeling so horrible right now. i myself got a DWi just over a month ago. This is going to be a rough time. if you need someone to talk to or just vent, cry or scream please pm me.
                  I must suppress the beast within so I can find my way out of the darkness.
                  sober since 2/4/12


                    I am in trouble

                    caper i really like this...."but the drinking only compounded the probelm.. once i stopped the anxiety went away and the sun came out.."
                    ....... it is so true! be sober through the ordeal really makes it so much more bearable.
                    I must suppress the beast within so I can find my way out of the darkness.
                    sober since 2/4/12


                      I am in trouble

                      thank you

                      thanks for responding, I am so alone and scared and embarassed. It is good to know that there is hope. I will keep trying but I don't know if I can withstand the humiliation.


                        I am in trouble

                        Good job Caithness. Others have been right where you are. You are not alone. :l

