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I dunno if its screwed. someone tell me pls

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    I dunno if its screwed. someone tell me pls

    Hi, its me again. Like I said before I was heavily on hard liqour for the past year or so and I have decided I need to slow down. I have started taking some herbal supplements for my sleeping as well as popping 2 valium at night. The thing is, I still drink and I still crave every alternate day. But I now no longer go for hard stuff. It's it's now 2 glasses of wine and ytd, I think I went too far with a big glass of wine and a stout before I knocked off. I'm so scared I'll revert back to the way I was before and my bf has drew his last straw that if I can't make it this time round again, he will leave me for good because he has helped me everytime I fallen. I can't blame him because he is after all human and I know he's very very tired. I went for the hypnotherapy seesion. Although I did thrash out the shit from my past I still did not get rid of the alcohol cravings totally. It truly minimized but when I'm at home all I think of at night is drink and I'm so scared now I stay over at my bf;s hse so I can stay alcohol free for the night. Is there something I can do??

    --- VERY DESPERATE----:upset:

    I dunno if its screwed. someone tell me pls

    Hi Wenzalc,

    Have you tried the L-Glutamine and Kudzu? I found them quite easily at my local healthfood store. They really did help to take the edge of the cravings.

    I know it doesn't sound like much, but it's worth a shot.

    Gem x
    Free since 26th February 2012


      I dunno if its screwed. someone tell me pls

      :l to Wenzalc. You have taken steps to get healthy again. That shows you want to change. It's not easy. None of us would be here looking for help and support if it was easy. I didn't get the true physical addiction. I am a binger. But, I am emotionally addicted. I use it as a release valve to release my pent up anger and hurt that I never express otherwise. I also use alcohol to hide from the bad stuff. Those are things that are easy to learn to correct. It's a battle and you have to want to win. It sounds like you're ready to fight. Just remember you will find lots of support here. Just keep posting and reading here. Try some of the herbal stuff to help you. I haven't tried them. Maybe try to get your B vitamins up and some Omega 3's in your diet. That may help take the edge off. Drinking does deplete vitamins in your body. Take care and huggs and prayers your way.


        I dunno if its screwed. someone tell me pls

        Wenzalc, maybe your BF can have you over til you get your confidence up with some time abstaining?
        the suppliment suggestions are very good, they help me out. take care!
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          I dunno if its screwed. someone tell me pls

          Thanks guys!

          Thanks peeps for the prompt replies. I have tried L glutamine before at my period of heavy drinking but u know wat? I'm the one of the few tat it has ABSOLUTELY NO EFFECT. The cravings are still heavy and I spent so much at GNC with all those supplements, I am so broke. Sighs... I cant find Kudzu over here in my country though. Any one else have other suggestions? Anyone went thru hypnotherapy before? can share experience??


            I dunno if its screwed. someone tell me pls

            Hi wenzalc
            I think you're doing GREAT.
            You have managed to decrease your intake. It can be very a scary ride.....I feel that way myself sometimes.
            Like someone steps. One small victory at a time, and you will get to where you want to be.


              I dunno if its screwed. someone tell me pls

              HI Wenzalc,

              I think the important thing is that you WANT to do it, and recognise your weaknesses ....

              As Paul says, you are better than you were a few months ago which is a real improvement.

              Keep going, you are going in the right direction.

              Love & Hugs, Paula x :h :l :h :l


                I dunno if its screwed. someone tell me pls

                Thanks guys.. I so need someone who doesn't patronize me. I guess the people who cares for u and loves u takes it harder when u hurt yourself and do stupid things. Ironic that love hurts; to others who love u. I'm trying my best now to be optimistic, getting and printing info on hypnotism to try at home since I had one formal session with a therapist. At least it wun burn a humongous hole in the pocket. U have been great guys! Hope u guys have the strength to beat the alcohol demon and wake up refresh and hopeful every morning!!:thanks:

