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Baclofen Overdose - Nightmare

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    Baclofen Overdose - Nightmare

    Hi there!

    I am very excited to have found this site and I know it is going to be amazing to have a safe forum to share what is going on with me and to hear other peoples stories.

    I have always been a social drinker and really up until 3 years ago it was always social. Anyway, it just got progressively harder and harder to be at work and to function in the mornings after I had drank 9 cans of beer. I don't feel sorry for myself, it is what it is.

    Anyway, I read Dr. Arnesian's article in the Guardian about 19 months and it was scary how similar all the symptom's he described were to mine. I am super outgoing but have always been nervous and hypersensitive in social situations. My doctor was sympathetic but reluctant to diagnose. About a month ago I got him to prescribe 12 a week and it is amazingly incredible how effective it is..

    I did though do something really stupid two nights and I can't figure out why....I took about 25 pills in the space of 4 hours or so. Maybe I thought it would help me sleep or get high. Anyway, was a self inflicted nightmare....I woke up and had no idea what was going. I then puked for 20 mins. Which I am sure was good.

    I will read more posts on baclofen and getting to the correct dosage but if any of you have advice on that I wrote I would appreciate it.

    Baclofen Overdose - Nightmare

    Delecosse - welcome to the site. But, you need to post on the link below so people here who know about Balcofen can help you. Here's the link and best of luck:

    Topamax, Campral, Naltrexone, Baclofen, other meds - My Way Out Forums


      Baclofen Overdose - Nightmare

      Hi there!

      Thanks for letting me know...I wasn't quite sure how the site works.



