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The start

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    The start

    Good morning all,

    As you may know I have been here about 2-3 weeks, reading posts, Reading the book, and saving $ to be able to get started on the program.

    I must say that just reading & posting here day by day has changed my mindset and stirred up determination and resolve to strike out at my alcohol problem. Very interesting this power of the mind, when you fill it with information and real life situations that people are going through, to move one to action.

    Saturday, I went to a local health food store and purchased most of the sups and Kudzu. I took them according to the schedule in the book for sat. afternoon. My wife and I had had plans for dinner with friends out and I only had 2 glasses of wine instead of my usual 6 to 8 double vodkas on the rocks.

    Sunday, I continued the sups, and went the complete day AF!!

    Monday, after work, I started into my usual routine, and wanted some vodka, but...took some more sups and drank 3 big glasses of water and ended the day AF!!!

    I am Leary of writing this as its only two days, but hey, I have not been AF for it is at least something.

    I just want to thank all of you for making me feel welcome when I came here. I feel joy and happiness when I read of your successes, and I feel compassion and empathy when someone detours form their goal.

    Thanks for being here.

    Well here goes day three. Next I"ll add the CD's because I do believe it is the power of the mind that will give the ultimate victory.
    I am going to hold off on the Topa and get it only if I am not able to succeed without it.

    Best wishes to all!
    Control the Mind

    The start

    Oh sound great!!! I agree with you is DEFINITELY the mindset that makes or breaks this thing, and you are going good on training the old grey cells to accept your decision!!!!!
    And hold that 'learyness'...if you have not been AF for years, and you now have 2 days under that guitar...this IS a reason to shout from the rooftops, and do a smashing salsa of sobriety......progress is progress....ALWAYS:h....
    Much love to you Rocky Cash...and may you go from strength to're certainly 'Walking that line!!!!!!!" xxx


      The start

      I am so proud of you Rocky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
      James Gordon, M.D.


        The start

        Hey Rocky,

        Well Done Man!!!

        You are doing great - it just takes that decision to make a REAL change ( I made a lot af half a**ed attempts before - but I now realise I was only fooling myself).
        I am just starting out like you - so hang in there!
        We can do this!!!

        I already feel the benefits of being AF for several days at a time and moderating at the times I do allow myself a drink.
        I seem to be more energetic and "charged" - I guess this is maybe the beginning of "normal" - I had forgotten what normal was!

        Take care - Have a good one!

        "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


          The start

          Melon, as eloquent as always!

          Rocky, way to go my man! You are off to an awesome start and I wish you nothing but success.
          Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


            The start

            Rocky - WAY TO GO! 2 days is better then no days! It is a wonderful start, my friend.


              The start

              That is a wonderful start!!!:jumpin: You should be very, very, VERY proud of yourself

              And thank you for posting.

              I have been away and drinking and really really depressed about the whole thing, so it was a great to begin my otherwise crappily starting day for me to read something positive I am very happy for you and you have given me inspiration.

              Hugs to you,


                The start

                Thanks for the support Weemelonhead, Victoria, Satori, Athlete, Fan, Accountable and Roxy, it means a lot.
                Accountable, like your new Avatar...

                Super bowl day has me worried...buch of folks coming over to eat, drink, and cheer (or Boo).. I need a plan for that, well and for every day at a time...

                Best wishes to all..

                Roxy... Glad you came back today...You took a detour... so now you are back today to head toward your goal...everyone is here to help.

                Take care all...
                Control the Mind


                  The start

                  Rocky, what can I say accept CONGRATULATIONS, you are on your way, fasten your seatbelt because it can be a rocky ( no pun intended ) ride....

                  You are right about the power of the mind.... For the first three or four weeks it is both a physical and a mind thing, but once the alcohol has left your body then it is all down to your mindset and how you view your position, is it negative, do you miss the drink the way you would miss a friend ?? Or is it a positive experience, your glad the poison is out of your system and you'll never open your door to that beast again....

                  I do believe that the way you view things can make or break you with this and I wish you all you wish for yourself whilst you are on the journey of self discovery....

                  Love from Louise xxx
                  A F F L..
                  Alcohol Free For Life


                    The start


                    Thanks for the support...
                    Control the Mind


                      The start

                      Rocky .... you are doing soo well ....

                      I remember when you 1st came here , you have come on soooo much .... I am sooo proud of you :goodjob:

                      Keep up the good work,

                      Love & Hugs, paula :h :l :h


                        The start

                        Dear Rocky,
                        There are many of us here who are supporting you, and have been waiting to hear this wonderful news.
                        You must be feeling so happy, so proud of your achievement, and your resolve. I am so happy for you, I have a great cheesy grin as I write this. Treat yourself gently.
                        Hey, how about you play us a few riffs on your guitar!!



                          The start

                          :goodjob: : :wd: : :yougo:

                          :rockon: ROCKY!
                          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                            The start

                            Way to go Rocky!!

                            How proud you must be. I know only good things are in your future. As you said one day at a time.

                            :goodjob: :wd: :wave: :banana:
                            "What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it."
                            Catherine Pulsifer


                              The start

                              Good goin' Rocky!

                              Nov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
                              April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
                              wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
                              wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
                              wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
                              wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
                              wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
                              wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )

                              I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.

