I dont by any means think i am an "alcoholic" but drinking problems somewhat run in the family, my father quit drinking for awhile becasue it was becoming a problem and his father drank heavily as well I am told ( I never met him he passed away before I was born)
I guess what brings me here is my concern. I dont drink often, maybe 1 maybe 2 times a month, but when i do i seem to always take it too far and black out and do and say things that dont ever reflect how I feel or am.
I dont want to say I have a problem, but i know i do. the next day I always feel so guilty and depressed and sad about my actions. sometimes what happens is not major other times i hurt the person closest to me, my girlfriend, by doing or saying silly or upsetting things.
I have told her many times in our 2 yr relationship that i wont take it too far anymore and know my limit, but that one time we go out for a birthday or special event I always wake up not rememebering the ends of my night and she is upset.
I guess what I need is advice from people who have been there. I dont know why it happens but it does. and alot of it is social interaction and my inability to say no.
Thanks for listening, hoping to get some positive advice here
