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Just Started Campral

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    Just Started Campral

    It took me 6 months to get into see the neurologist. My own doctor told me he didn't have experience with Topamax so he referred me. The neurologist indicated that an anecdotal program I found on the Internet was too iffy.

    He said he had could prescribe a drug that he has had success with in each of three cases where he has prescribed it. The drug was Campral. I took the prescription and got it filled. I drink every night and my dilemma was that the literature says that I can't start taking the Campral until I stop drinking. I need the drug to help me stop drinking. Seems like a catch-22.

    Monday morning I started taking the drug. Monday night I craved a drink but toughed it out and went to bed without drinking. Tuesday night I had been taking every dose and was hoping it would help me with the cravings. I got through the evening without a drink but then could not fall asleep. I woke up and had to have a vodka. It felt strange in that I do not think I was catching the buzz I usually get when I drink, and I hadn't had a drink for two days. Is that the Campral kicking in?

    The literature says to tell your doctor when you relapse. Relapse? Hah. I have only been taking Campral for 2 days. I am trying not to drink. So far so good tonight. It is time for bed, and I have only had a couple O'Douls.

    Anyone else used Campral? Does it have the effect of reducing the pleasurable feeling from drinking? Should it be helping with the cravings or not?


    Just Started Campral

    I take Campral. Started Dec. 20th. Drank 12/25 and 12/26 but it was different- not my typical buzz. Did not drink again until last week and my tolerance is so changed. Can no longer drink 2 bottles of vino. Got sick. Never want to drink again. I swear by the drug and only drank 3 days out of 36. I really do not plan to do drink ever again. I think it works more and more the longer you take it and are alcohol free. Everyone on the site thinks I must be a Campral rep selling it but I swear it works. Don't know why I had to test it out last week. Will not make that mistake again. It is definately the ticket for me.

    Good luck!!!


      Just Started Campral

      Thanks for Info

      It's early, but I managed to get through last night without drinking. That's one drink in three nights. Doesn't seem like much until I realize it has been YEARS since I missed even one night without at least 4-8 ounces of vodka. I am getting the feeling like this may be answer.

      Tonight I am going to meet my girlfriend for a glass of wine. I have never had much problem with a single drink when I drink socially, it has only been at night when I am alone.

      I wonder if Campral is everything you say it is! Thanks for the post.


