I keep thinking what does it matter if I get drunk.... Who does it effect? Only me.
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It is tough, but this is the addiction. I don't know why people think of alcohol addiction as something different from a crack or heroin addiction, but it's the same thing. Alcohol is a drug. Stand tough. Find something to do to occupy your time and your mind until you get through this craving. Things get easier in my opinion after you get through the second week.
I guess you need to think does it really affect only you? I used to think the same but really it affected everyone around me. I used to kid myself that because I could get up the next day, get my DD to school and look after DS at home on my own, it was ok. But that was just the alcohol making me think that. Yeah, I could do day to day stuff usually but I was so tired and felt so ill when I did drink. I wasn't the mum that I wanted to be, or knew I could be.
It's hard going but distraction is good. You've just done 7 days which is awesome - do you want to start over again? It's entirely your choice, of course it is - and whatever you decide, we'll still be here if you need us.
sujo;1286411 wrote: Today is day 7. God I'm finding it hard. My mood seems to have dipped lower.
I keep thinking what does it matter if I get drunk.... Who does it effect? Only me.
If you think it REALLY only affects you, yes, you could be right. If that's the case, think of what it took away from you and be determined not to let it steal your spirit anymore.
First thing in the morning, I do a guided meditation to start my day...here are some really good ones, imo, free on the net: Listen to the Meditation Oasis Podcast | Meditation Oasis They're also free on ITunes.
I then do a good cardio workout (I have one of those mini-trampolines at home, I love it), and a long yoga or stretch routine. Lots of water, fruits, supplements and veggies throughout the day.
I take a little Passionflower tincture at night to help me sleep and to curb anxiety. That helps a lot too, plus I watch funny sitcoms, they help me laugh.
I know, it's just advice, but I genuinely hope you'll be okay. Force yourself to think of why you mustn't go back to old habits. You can totally do it.
Take care, much love,
sujo;1286411 wrote: Today is day 7. God I'm finding it hard. My mood seems to have dipped lower.
I keep thinking what does it matter if I get drunk.... Who does it effect? Only me.
Remember CANT..constant and never ending torment
thats the booze for you!
This is day 9 for me.
I just have to accept the fact that there will be days that I'm going to struggle & days that will be easier. In the beginning it's going to be harder. I've been thru this so many times myself, I'm surprised I'm still alive. It's normal to have depressed moods during this time. So be extra nice to yourself. I eat Dove dark chocolate. :-) I watch re-runs of Frazier. Someday when I feel better I plan on taking the above posters advice & becoming more physically active like I once was & eating healthier.
Do you remember a week a go when u came here hopeless & wanting to die? Today your just struggling. Look at this from a different perspective. Isn't struggling for a little while better than complete feelings of hopelessness? Do you want to go back & start this cycle over again? :-(
I don't! After trying everything I possibly could, I went back on Topamax after being off it for about 3 1/2 - 4 yrs. I've been on it for 3 wks. The last two wks 50 mg. Granted I've had a case of bad flu the last wk, but have no cravings. I used to crave alcohol like water. I've drank for 3 decades+. I did plenty of research & listened to the advice of PDr. & chose this med once again. Funny it was also the choice of RJ the founder of this Forum.
Can u phone a friend, eat a little something, take a nap. These cravings do pass, but for many of us they keep haunting us as our brains aren't working properly. This is why I finally got over myself & realized if I was going to succeed with long term sobriety I would need professional help & medication. It's not for everyone, but it's part of my plan on my way out of this hell. I want my life back. It's going to be a long road.
Please join me Sojo & anyone else out there trying to find their way out of the crazy madness of alcohol abuse, alcoholism or anything you want or don't want to name it.
Don't do it, it's a trap!
7 days is HUGE. I remember it felt like an actual lifetime.
Cravings are temporary. Try to make it to Byrdie's magic day 13 and see how things start to change.
If it were easy, everyone would do it. Keep fighting Sujo, you are worth it and you will start to love yourself again.
Tell that bitch alcohol "No Hell No! You are not taking another minute of my life!"Day 1 again 11/5/19
Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
11/27/19: messed up but back on track
12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track
One day at a time.
bruised n broken
I did it again. Why cant I stop. I binge drank yesterday. I was doing well. same ol song n dance. I had so many drinks in a short amount of time. I blacked out...lord only knows what happend. I was with a friend and we got in an arguement. He took me to my parents house and I caused a scene for the whole neighborhood. Apparently I fell down. I have skinnned knee n elbow and ankle...two broken nails. My friend is so mad at me he wont speak to me as I am trying to apologize. I argued with my parents. I am to old to keep doing this. I am so sad today, people I have spoken to say...it coulda been worse...well I feel that this is the absolute worse!! Somebody help me. I need a hug. I feel terrible terrible terrible
I made it through. Woke up to sunshine & birds singing. For a few moments I felt content....... Of course reality came crashing back! Then I thought I slept well - not normal for me.
So today I shall shower dress etc & do something not sure what, but not staring at tv.
Yeah Sujo, you did it! Do something nice for yourself today! And take a look in the mirror at those sparkly white eyes. LoOk how far you've come!Day 1 again 11/5/19
Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
11/27/19: messed up but back on track
12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track
One day at a time.
Nice job Sujo! Give yourself a hug for not caving into that beast that shouts VERY loudly. Take each day as it comes. It feels great to wake up with guilt or shame. I know it's been repeated often but it really does get better as time goes on. Keep on keeping on. Those "whiter eyes" will come.AF since 2/22/2012
Sujo, seven days is HUGE. It really is. The more days you accumulate, the fewer the thoughts of drinking will become. It's like any grieving process. Immediately after the loss (death, break-up, any sort of loss), the longing is constant. After a while, those thoughts begin to ease a bit. Please, just hang in there. It will get better. :h
:goodjob:Happy u made it thru Sujo! That old saying time takes time. I'm trying to look at time as my gift & not my enemy this time thru. I know that feeling staring at the tv or walls. I like to stare off my deck at the large trees out back. No sun here today & birdies r quiet. Feel a bit queesy, dizzy, but I'm sober today.I think trying to quit smoking & then having a couple ciggies maybe just a bit too much all at once. I hope your sober day 8 is going ok. All & all we r doing great! We r sober today!
Day 10