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Just starting out

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    Just starting out


    I feel like a fake because I heven't stopped drinking yet. It has been very controlled for a couple of weeks but it all went wrong again two days ago and instead of poring the wine away that was in the glasses from last night I drank it and now I have openned another bottle and I hate myself.

    I spoke to a lovely lady at AA this morning and am going to a meeting on Monday but its more difficult than that. For as long as I am with my husband and living where I do I can't see how anything will ever change. I am six thousand miles away from my friends and family, I have no job, no one to talk to and basically I have given up.

    Not sure if I sould post this but I will and if anyone can give me a glimmer of hope I would appreciate it.


    Just starting out

    Hi there, Jimjam and:welcome:

    You're not alone anymore. Hang in here. Read as much as you can absorb. Take a deep breath and know that there's a whole lot of people who understand just what you're feeling right now.

    We were all in you shoes at one stage. Things really can get better.


      Just starting out

      Jimjam, maybe Mondays meeting will really be more beneficial than your expecting. you posting here makes me think you've not given up...far from it. take care,
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        Just starting out

        thanks for that thought I was alone


          Just starting out

          Hi Jimjam.
          It's good to have you with us. Please don't give up.


            Just starting out

            Hi Jimjam! Welcome!! We will be here for you no matter what. Also, with your attending this AA meeting on Monday it may help you get out of your iscolation? It may be a place for you to meet new friends, who have something in common with you - the wanting to be sober. I wish you all the best. Keep reading, and keep posting.


              Just starting out

              it is a struggle -- I too need buddies....


                Just starting out

                Just want to say hello to you JimJam and to you stillcrawling,
                Please stay here reading and posting...Although none of us can see each other, on here there is always a shoulder to cry on, someone to make you laugh, someone to give you a big hug and someone to give very good advice, in fact you will get everything here that the best buddy in the world probably wouldn't be able to give you, and that is 24 hour caring and enormous support and understanding.....

                So, check in, unpack your suitcases and make yourselves at home....

                All the best to you both,

                Love from Louise xxxx
                A F F L..
                Alcohol Free For Life


                  Just starting out

                  Welcome JimJam!

                  You have come to the right place.

                  I am pretty new here too - but since I found this place and all the fantastic people here, my life has taken a definite change for the better.

                  You can be entirely honest here and no-one will judge - ever.
                  Everyone on here understands what you are going through and everyone wants to help and support you whatever your goals.
                  Because we are here from all over the planet, there is always someone to talk to - whatever the time of day or night.

                  Stick around - If you really want to change, it will probably be a rollercoaster ride - but with the folks on here it can even be FUN a lot of the time!

                  Take care


                  "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                    Just starting out

                    Hi Jimjam and stillcrawling :welcome:

                    As the others have said you are most definitely not alone .....

                    We have all been where you are now, but with the help of all the lovely people here you CAN do it...

                    Love & Hugs :h :l :h


                      Just starting out

                      Hi Jimjam. Welcome on behalf of the Aussies.
                      You are no more fake than any of us, so no need for you to stress out about that. Like Tawny said, you're not alone anymore. All of us have done what you're going through now, so we know the freelings that go with it. And those feelings don't help us much. So, please be gentle with yourself, and be pleased and relieved that you've taking two great steps forward in coming here, and talking to AA. So, things have started to change, or rather, you have started to change things, to take control.
                      I too am isolated in a way, and MWO has become a bit of a lifeline for me. I am able to discuss things and get on the chat and all anyone wants to do is like Louise says........... dispense advice (me), have a laugh (melon and others), show great understanding and empathy (St Jude, Irishlady, Mike and heaps of others).
                      We are members of a wonderful group of people worldwide. So, please keep posting.


                        Just starting out

                        Hi and welcome! Keep posting and reading...we are your friends here. sometimes I feel very alone with disease myself. But this site helps cheer up my day! Glad your here!


                          Just starting out

                          Hi Jimjam and stillcrawling,

                          All the others have said it for me. Hang in there and stay on this site. It is very uplifting. We are all human with all the human weaknesses and strengths. Don't be too hard on yourselves. Things will get better if you want them to. One day at a time is how it goes.

                          Best wishes and good luck although I'm not sure that luck has much to do with it. It is hard work but very rewarding each day you are AF.



                            Just starting out

                            Hi stillcrawling,


                              Just starting out

                              I'm sitting here with a strong drink that I really, really wanted but I know that tomorrow I'll hate myself because more drinks will surely follow. Talk about being stupid. ... I wish I could offer you support but I can't even help myself, as yet.

                              Just wanted you to know that you're not alone.

                              Perhaps, this program will be the answer to our prayers.

                              Good luck!!

