I just found this site a couple of days ago and have been glued to it ever since so I thought I would introduce myself.......
I am one of you.......
Wish I could have just one, but I can't. I too am a wine drinker but that hasn't been working fast enough for me lately so I have been hitting the hard stuff because the reality of it is.....I just want to get drunk.
Although my life is not yet in complete ruins....it is coming close. Am still able to work and function but my brain is foggy, I have no short term memory and I have aches and pains that I KNOW are from the alcohol. I have been blacking out most nights and struggle in the mornings having conversations with dh and ds because I really DO NOT KNOW what we talked about the night before

Anyways, I am quitting.....today? Already thinking....maybe just one more night???
Another Crazy Canadian