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Ready to Quit!!

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    Ready to Quit!!

    Hi All,:new:

    I just found this site a couple of days ago and have been glued to it ever since so I thought I would introduce myself.......

    I am one of you.......

    Wish I could have just one, but I can't. I too am a wine drinker but that hasn't been working fast enough for me lately so I have been hitting the hard stuff because the reality of it is.....I just want to get drunk.

    Although my life is not yet in complete is coming close. Am still able to work and function but my brain is foggy, I have no short term memory and I have aches and pains that I KNOW are from the alcohol. I have been blacking out most nights and struggle in the mornings having conversations with dh and ds because I really DO NOT KNOW what we talked about the night before

    Anyways, I am Already thinking....maybe just one more night???

    Another Crazy Canadian

    Ready to Quit!!

    Hi Split...welcome!

    We're glad to have you here with us. I was like you, drinking more and more, blacking out every single night, not remembering what I did or what I said...yet somehow I managed to stumble to work and survive the day, then get home and start it all over again. It sounds like you're ready to get off the roller coaster. I am now living the day, instead of just surviving it. You can do this too. There are SO many people here that are succeeding. It may seem impossible at first, but it's NOT. Today is a good day to start. Stick around the site, read and post...get through day 1, we'll help you!

    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      Ready to Quit!!

      Hi Split! I'm just coming to the end of day 11. I've had several 'false starts' since November but I'm doing much better this time. This is a great place to be, it's so nice to be able to talk to people who are going through the same thing, or who have been through it. Makes you realise you're not alone. How old is your son? I have a DD who is coming up to 5 and a DS who will be 3 in July. They're my main reason for giving up, I don't want to ruin their lives as well as mine.

      Look forward to getting to know you.


        Ready to Quit!!

        Hi Split, another Canadian Wine Drinker at your service. Soon to be Ex-Wine Drinker. I am hoping to get to know you better on the boards. I tell ya there are a lot of people here who were just like us and they are wonderful supporting us as we take a few steps forward and a few back. Maybe you'll be smarter than me and get it done your first shot. I would be so happy for you if you did.

        We'll start an April Thread and kick Alcohol to the Curb !!! Small goal, 30 days but it's a start!! Keep posting and pay attention to everyone here... we can learn a ton.

        I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

        "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
        ? Lao-Tzu


          Ready to Quit!!

          Welcome Split! This place is great for support! I went 11 months sober (I'm a wino too) and backslid recently for no good reason. It has been hard to get back on track - I am on day 2 thankfully. It is harder to strat back up after you slip, so once you get some good AL free time under your belt, remember that! (I certainly have to remind myself!) I have three kids and they are my reason for quitting again. My drinking never seemed a problem for anyone but me, but it WAS A PROBLEM FOR ME so here I am! Best of luck - we look forward to supporting each other on our journey. Start today. If you don't you will fine reasons over and over to put it off. Today is a good time as any, right??
          February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

          When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


            Ready to Quit!!

            Hi All,

            Thanks for the repsonses and the welcomes. I appreciate it....really.

            To know that you guys know what shit this is....... is incredibly relieving actually.

            It is a roller coaster K9......some days the ride ain't so bad but most days you just feel like crapping your pants??? What the hell is wrong with doing a little ditty in your pants when your friggin 46 years old???

   ds is a young adult at 22 and is temporarily staying with us until he and this week's gf find their own place. Although I love him to pieces he knows exactly how and when to push my buttons....I just think we are too much alike.....

            Hi Tipplerette...would love to join you on the road to kicking AL out of our lives for the the monkey anywhere except down my throat.

            Thanks for letting me ramble


              Ready to Quit!!

              hi there.. welcome, I could have written your words.. I found it quite refreshing to be on this site. I could say anything and no one was shocked. i didn't have to hide or be embarassed. my favorite thread and the one that really hit home for me was the one about where do you hide your bottles.. i was shocked and very happy to know i was not the only one.. it really brought it home for me.

              keep coming back often,
              AF since Sept 2013...


                Ready to Quit!!

                hello split we are all here because we want to quit
                I hope you can make it on your first attempt
                I'm hoping I can do it this time as you know its not an easy road to go
                but keep trying don't give up


                  Ready to Quit!!

                  :welcome: Split!

                  Great place this is so make yourself comfy and read, read read. That's what I did when I first came here. Like those before me have said, one of the most comforting things I found was that there really are people just like me suffering from the same addiction that had me passing out by 9:00, wide awake with my heart pounding at 3 in the morning wondering when I was going to just stop. Guilt was horrible, foggy brain, just functioning - not really living.

                  I'm almost at 3 months and have no desire to go back to where I was. Please believe me - once you've stopped pouring poison down your throat on a daily basis for some substantial time, you will have a whole new perspective on just living every day.

                  Good luck on your journey and a great place to meet others who are just getting started is over the the newbie nest.

                  Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                    Ready to Quit!!

                    Hi! Split how is it going
                    wondering how you are


                      Ready to Quit!!

                      Hi ,I too want to stop drinking. I am a binge drinker have been for many years.
                      I am sick of it.i used to binge drink once a week now it's about two to three times week. I feel scared..
                      Went out drinking last night so of course I am hung over today. I find that I am dragging my husband out with me during the week to go the bar and drink. Then we usually get into a argument , because I don't want to leave and he needs to get up in the morning for work. I don't work so I can sleep in all day if I want. So the next day after drinking can't believe how selfish I can be. It's not something I would do if I was sober.. By the way this he most honest I have ever been. Wow feel like i can never really admit that have a problem well at least out loud..


                        Ready to Quit!!

                        :welcome: in faith. Glad to see you here. If you're ready to quit, you've come to the right place. You'll meet people here from all walks of life, and from varying degrees of addiction, but the ONE thing that unites us all is that we want an AF (alcohol free) life.

                        I am on day 37 today. I celebrated one month last Friday. YAY me!:H Join us, and lets beat this beast together! It's worth it. Claim your life back now.:l


                        "I like people too much or not at all."
                        Sylvia Plath


                          Ready to Quit!!

                          Library girl. Thank you so much for the welcome. Cograts on 37 days that's great..
                          I told my husband that I joined this site and he was very happy and supportive ..


                            Ready to Quit!!

                            Hi InFaith!
                            I wanted to welcome you also, and tell you what a great place this is. I'm glad your husband is being supportive, that will help a lot. Are you planning on quitting today, and if so, what do you have planned for tonight? The first 3 days are the hardest, but definitely do-able. Stick close to us, we'll help you!
                            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                              Ready to Quit!!

                              Hi K9Lover,
                              Thank you for the welcome. Have plans hubbies bringing in an out burgers home tonight and going to watch favorite tv shows. My hardest time is the weekend. We made plans for saturday so far so I won't end up in the bar again. Thank you for the kind words and yes I will stay close .....

