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need help 2

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    need help 2

    Well here I am again - quite tired of doinig this over - can anyone give me any hints about maintaining the momentum......I keep coming back because of the support of this place and my marriage is almost done because of this bloody alcohol thing. I've got to keep the motivation alive = have a bad day and stress out and drink then feel like crap. HHHHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPP PPPPPPP Get so worried about it and not being able to sustain it - woke up this morning and looked like a puffy fish abouot 20 years older than my 35years on this planet.IT is bizarre why I continue to do this to my body.I'm thinking I need to see a counsellor - have lots of thoughts running away from everything but never would - just want to stop drinking alcohol. Just want to stop. :upset:

    need help 2

    Hi nlynch

    I think most moms of preschoolers want to run away at one time or another! It is a hard job!

    My kids are grown now and I have happends fast!

    Don't stop trying....I wish I had gotten control of my drinking when I was your age.

    Do you have a doctor you can talk to? Have you read MWO?

    Keep asking and looking for help.....

    We care about you here. Read and post....

    :l Nancy
    "Be still and know that I am God"

    Psalm 46:10


      need help 2

      Hello nlynch,

      You can't come back if you don't go away.

      Stay here!

      There is a wealth of help here.

      See you soon.



        need help 2

        nlynch;92021 wrote: Well here I am again - quite tired of doinig this over - can anyone give me any hints about maintaining the momentum......I keep coming back because of the support of this place and my marriage is almost done because of this bloody alcohol thing. I've got to keep the motivation alive = have a bad day and stress out and drink then feel like crap. HHHHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPP PPPPPPP Get so worried about it and not being able to sustain it - woke up this morning and looked like a puffy fish abouot 20 years older than my 35years on this planet.IT is bizarre why I continue to do this to my body.I'm thinking I need to see a counsellor - have lots of thoughts running away from everything but never would - just want to stop drinking alcohol. Just want to stop. :upset:
        :welcome: back again nlynch. I'm new here. I currently am dealing with my GP and my psychatrist(for antidepressants) and a psychologist(social worker) for discussing all my issues. If you think you need to find someone to talk to go for it. It can't hurt. I'm am stuggling with money at the moment. One more expensive visit and then my insurance will cover most of the costs. But talking to someone and having her teach me new coping skills helps. I learned a deep breathing exercise on my last visit which helps me through some of my tough times......:h Huggs to you and take care and keep coming back and reading and posting which I find helps immensly.


          need help 2

          Nlynch, does your spouse know that you are on this forum? it may be helpful if they knew. it has helped me and my dear wife in many way just to have a place to come and understand more about why I am the way I am and so many avenues of hope. I'll be 37 this year and just have been feeling like I have some degree of control in the last 4 months of MWO (not perfect but making true progress). Do take care and ask any questions you like as you are with family here.
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            need help 2

            Keep trying, don't know how many times I've stopped and started! (Drinking) Stay on this Web Site for great support. Take Care......IAD
            ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
            those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
            Dr. Seuss


              need help 2

              Hello, I have felt just like you and believe you me it does suck. I just got to the point where I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. You will have lots of help here if you take it, I did and it has changed my life. Keep posting as let us know how you are doing.


