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    :new: hi

    hiya,jut found this site,my drinking getting out of hand,has caused me so many problems over the years,police,broken leg,the lists endless,im now actually drinking as soon as i can after work at 2.30,my little girls even looking where im hiding it!!a freind has given me some campral but im on citalopram so bit scared to take them,my docs useless just told me to go to cais but the waiting list huge,my littlns gone swimming and know she will be devasted when she comes home as just been out and bought cider....when will ths cycle ever end??advice ne one please?


    Hi Bimble,

    Welcome to the site! It sounds like you have alot of great reasons to quit.

    You should check out the tool box thread for useful tips:

    You might also want to research "witching hour" and "urge surfing." Those two concepts are really helpful. They can help you wrap your head around why you are going out to buy alcohol when you know that you really don't need/want to. Getting control of that addicted "voice" in your head will give you alot of relief.

    You'll find that posting in the Newbie's Nest thread is a great way to start out.

    I hope you stick around!
    "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
    AF 11/12/11



      thank you,really am beginning to despise myself xx




        Good advice from Pinecone on the two threads, Newbie's and Toolbox.......We've all been there, so just know that you're not alone.

        Sending you peace and strength. :lilheart:



          Hi Bimble,

          Welcome to MWO, glad you found us. This is a good place with lots of support avaialble.
          Please be sure to go to the Heath store here on the site & download the MWO book. It has a lot of useful information to help you get started.

          You've made a good decision to take back control of your life now. Waiting will not make this task any easier. You owe it to yourself & your little girl. We're here to support you.

          Please be sure to visit the Newbies Nest thread. Lots of other people there just getting started as well.
          Wishing you the best!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:



            Hi Bimble and welcome,

            Oh how I can relate to those feelings that you are expressing, the feelings of despising myself. Please know that it's not you, you are not a bad person, it is that alcohol has you in its very clever grip. When you are in its prison, it's too easy to feel that things will never improve, but they can and they will.

            I cannot tell you how it good it feels when you don't have to disappoint your loved ones any more. When I was still drinking I was caught between knowing that I had no life except alcohol, and worrying there would be nothing left when I stopped drinking. When we're in it we look at sober people and think their lives would be boring. But we only think that because the alcohol is telling us that.

            Keep coming here, keep reading the posts, keep posting yourself. It is too hard to do alone, and you don't need to. "Just show up" as they say. Just do one day sober.

            Free since 26th February 2012



              Hi Bim.....I wish I could put a band-aide on it and make it go away. Life is'nt that way, It's hard to over come Alcohol Abuse. You need to fight the urge, use meds/natural potions to help. They work if you want them too. Check the face page of this the natural pills, etc. you can take to curve your abuse. Join us here.....their are plenty of threads you can join where people can help. Good Luck....Tony
              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
              Dr. Seuss



                Hi Bimble,

                I just wanted to welome you to the site. I can totally relate to feeling like you're caught in a cycle...but you CAN break the cycle. I was drinking a 12 pack of beer everyday for many years, and I never thought I could quit, but guess what, I did, and you can too! I hated myself so much at the end. I hated what I had become. I couldn't even look myself in the eye.

                Look around the site and do lots of reading. You'll find that most folks around here can relate and identify with anything you have to say. You are NOT alone.

                Please keep us posted on how you are doing!

                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.



                  Big Welcome !
                  Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read



                    Hi Bimble. I think most of us have felt self-loathing in our early days. Welcome to MWO.



                      Hi again Bimble...
                      Don't hate yourself, hate alcohol! Once you really start to despise it and everything bad thing it has caused in your life, then your thinking will change and you won't want to pour it down your throat. How are you doing today?
                      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

