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    Hi all

    after stopping drinking for a while iv found myself back in time,drinking everynight,hiding it,secret drinking,all of my old tricks.
    And iv just realised iv not been on here since 2008.
    I have a new son and a new job,this drinking has too end,come teatime and the drinking starts all of my good plans to do things stop and i wake up the next day thinking ill do the jobs iv put off tonight,but then come night ill have a drink and do nothing,days pass,weeks and months.
    the time just goes and i never seem to get round to doing anything.
    there is one reason.Alcohol.
    this stops and my life begins.i remenber stopping before and the evening seem so much longer,i got things done and spent more quality time with friends and family.
    i want this back so i thought id come back on here,not just for people to say,you can do it etc.
    but more so i can write it,read it and make it real and sink in what i want.
    Day1 april 2nd 2012 DONE
    Day 7 - April 8
    Day 14 - April 15
    Day 21 - April 22
    Day 28 - April 29
    Day 35 - May 6
    Day 42 - May 13
    Day 49 - May 20
    Day 56 - May 27


    Just wanted to say "Welcome back!" Glad you made the right decision. Hope to see more of you around here!
    "One day at a time."



      Welcome back Notts!

      I too found that AL consumed so much of my time and left me with nothing except nursing a hangover. My weekends were a blurr and most of my weeknights.

      I'm going on day 3 again! Join me in the journey to freedom! Rememeber how good being AF really is and that one drink you think you can have is one big lie!

      Wishing you well!



        Welcome back. Let's do this. :-)
        That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
        Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
        AF - August 20, 2012



          hi prairie fairy

          hope you dont mind but i like the look of your signiture and going to copy it if you dont mind,keep me reminded of the track.
          Day1 april 2nd 2012 DONE
          Day 7 - April 8
          Day 14 - April 15
          Day 21 - April 22
          Day 28 - April 29
          Day 35 - May 6
          Day 42 - May 13
          Day 49 - May 20
          Day 56 - May 27



            I don't mind - I'll drop off things when I pass the next thing I think - but when I stop celebrating or working toward a goal - I fail. So swipe away!
            That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
            Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
            AF - August 20, 2012



              I want to have an A/F April too and have swiped your signature as well. Day 2 today.

              I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

              "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
              ? Lao-Tzu

