It's the start of the long weekend here and the bottle shop is calling me. A bottle of wine... though I'd just drink it all on my own and probably feel crap and maudlin. And even though it's a long weekend it'd be better if I got a good night's sleep, got up, went to the gym, and got some writing done tomorrow, which won't happen if I booze it up tonight.
Feeling odd I don't have plans to be out tonight - maybe people haven't invited me out as they know I'm not drinking - as I normally would but they'd all involve boozing anyway. Feeling lonely and restless.
Sorry for the free form rambling. Just reaching out. I'm going to go try and refocus, read some books and magazines on the sofa, drink my ol' soda water and lime. Make some dinner. Maybe watch a DVD.
Was telling myself earlier that I needn't look at it as this big deprivation/struggle. I'm choosing to take a month off for a host of good reasons. If I want it booze will always be there thereafter.
But why does it feel so hard? I find Friday nights always a trigger - that end of work week release - and the long weekend even more so. I guess as it is often an excuse for an extra huge night out for many people, not just us 'problem drinkers'.
How you all doing? Talk to me
L x